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Juniper BNG CUPS User Guide
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Use Juniper BNG CUPS Multicast

date_range 13-Mar-25

This document presents conceptual information and sample configurations that you can use to help you set up multicast in your Juniper BNG CUPS environment.

Multicast Overview

Juniper BNG CUPS supports multicast functionality as it is defined in the The TR-459.3: Multi-Service Disaggregated BNG with CUPS: IPTV Multicast function — Reference Architecture, Deployment Models, Interface, and Protocol Specifications (TR-459) document.

Multicast provides an efficient method for delivering traffic flows that can be characterized as one-to-many or many-to-many. Routing devices in IP multicast networks use multicast routing protocol to build a distribution tree that connects multicast receivers to sources.

The root of the distribution tree lies at the multicast source. Each subnetwork with hosts on the routing device that has at least one interested receiver is a leaf on the distribution tree.

When a new leaf subnetwork is added to the tree, a new branch is built, a leaf is added to the tree, and replicated packets are sent out on the outgoing interface. When a branch contains no leaves, because there are no interested hosts on the routing device interface leading to that IP subnetwork, the branch is removed from the distribution tree, and no multicast packets are sent out to that interface.

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a host to router signaling protocol used to support IPv4 multicasting. Similarly, Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Protocol manages membership of hosts and routers in IPv6 multicast groups.

Figure 1 displays what BNG CUPS multicast in subscriber management scenario looks like.

Multicast goes through the following process:

  • During subscriber login or change of authorization (CoA), the BNG CUPS Controller sends a multicast service activation or deactivation request to the BNG User Plane.
  • Subscribers (multicast receivers) send either IGMP or MLD group membership reports to the BNG User Plane. This report indicates their interest in joining a multicast group. Similarly, when a subscriber wants to leave a group, it sends an IGMP or MLD leave group message to the BNG User Plane.
  • Using the information contained in the IGMP or MLD join (leave) protocol messages, the BNG User Plane programs multicast on the subscriber flows in the forwarding plane and sources the multicast traffic from the core.
Figure 1: BNG CUPS Multicast Subscriber Management BNG CUPS Multicast Subscriber Management

BNG CUPS Controller Multicast Configuration

You enable IGMP and MLD through dynamic profiles.

Configure IGMP for multicasting on the BNG CUPS Controller, as follows:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit groups bbe-common-|0 - 4| dynamic-profiles profile-name protocols]
    IGMP { 
        interface interface-name { 
            (accounting | no-accounting);
            group-limit limit;
            group-policy policy-name;
            group-threshold value;
            log-interval seconds;    
            oif-map map-name;
            ssm-map-policy map-policy-name;
            static {        
                 group multicast-group-address {
                      group-count number;    
                      group-increment increment;
                      source ip-address {
                           source-count number;
                           source-increment increment;
             version version;

Configure MLD for multicasting on the BNG CUPS Controller, as follows:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit groups bbe-common-|0 - 4| dynamic-profiles profile-name protocols]
    mld { 
        interface interface-name { 
            (accounting | no-accounting);
            group-limit limit;
            group-policy policy-name;
            group-threshold value;
            log-interval seconds;    
            oif-map map-name;
            ssm-map-policy map-policy-name;
            static {        
                 group multicast-group-address {
                      group-count number;    
                      group-increment increment;
                      source ip-address {
                           source-count number;
                           source-increment increment;
             version version;

BNG User Plane Multicast Configuration

Optional features are supported for multicast through policies. The policy is configured on the BNG User Plane and the name of the policy is specified in the BNG Controller’s dynamic profile for a subscriber. Separate policies are required for IGMP and MLD.

You can use the group policy configuration to limit subscribers that can join a certain multicast group. The igmp-group-policy statement enables you to filter unwanted IGMP reports at the subscriber interface level.

Configure the IGMP and MLD group policy for multicasting on a BNG User Plane, as follows:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit policy-options]
policy-statement igmp-group-policy {
     term A1 {
           from {
                route-filter ip-address orlonger;
           then accept;
     then reject;
policy-statement mld-group-policy {
     term A1 {
           from {
                route-filter ip-address orlonger;
           then accept;
      then reject;

In outgoing interface (OIF) mapping, the subscriber interface is used for unicast data and for IGMP and MLD to join and leave requests. A separate multicast VLAN is used only for multicast streams and is shared across subscribers. The policy is configured in the BNG User Plane and the name of the policy is specified in the BNG Controller’s dynamic profile.

Configure the OIF mapping policy for multicasting on the BNG User Plane, as follows:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit policy-options]
    policy-statement igmp-oif-map-policy {
     term A {
           from {
                route-filter ip-address orlonger;
                route-filter ip-address exact;
           then {
                map-to-interfce interface-name;
     then reject;
policy-statement mld-oif-map-policy {
     term A {
           from {
                route-filter ip-address orlonger;
                route-filter ip-address exact;
           then {
                map-to-interfce interface-name;
      then reject;

Source-specific multicast (SSM) mapping does not require that all hosts support IGMPv3. SSM mapping translates IGMPv1 or IGMPv2 membership reports to an IGMPv3 report. This enables hosts running IGMPv1 or IGMPv2 to participate in SSM until the hosts transition to IGMPv3.

Configure the SSM mapping policy for multicasting on the BNG User Plane, as follows:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit policy-options]
    policy-statement igmp-ssm-map-policy {
     term A1 {
           from {
                route-filter ip-address orlonger;
           then {
                ssm-source ip-address;
policy-statement mld-ssm-map-policy {
     term A1 {
           from {
                route-filter ip-address orlonger;
           then {
                ssm-source ip-address;

BNG CUPS Controller Operational Commands for Multicast

You can view the subscribers that are enabled for IGMP and MLD by using the following commands on the BNG CUPS Controller:

BNG User Plane Operational Commands for Multicast

You can view details about current membership and membership statistics by using the following commands on BNG User Planes:
