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Class of Service

  • Support for configuring multiple queues as strict-high priority (EX4400-24MP, EX4400-24P, EX4400-24T, EX4400-48F, EX4400-48MP, EX4400-48P, EX4400-48T, EX4650, EX4650-48Y-VC, QFX5120-32C, QFX5120-48T, QFX5120-48T-VC, QFX5120-48Y, QFX5120-48Y-VC, and QFX5120-48YM)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.1R1, you can configure multiple strict-high priority queues in which the queue with the highest priority value gets precedence.

    [See Traffic Management User Guide.]

  • Forwarding classes and loss priority enhancement (QFX10002, QFX10008, and QFX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.1R1, we’ve increased the number of supported forwarding classes from 8 to 16 and the number of supported loss priorities from 3 to 4. This enhancement enables you to classify all available 64 Differentiated Services code point (DSCP) values.

    You can also configure the loss priority as medium-low at the following hierarchy levels:

    • [edit class-of-service classifiers cls-type classifier-name forwarding-class class-name loss-priority]
    • [edit class-of-service rewrite-rules rw-type rewrite-name forwarding-class class-name loss-priority]

    [See loss-priority (Classifiers) and loss-priority (Rewrite Rules).]