Resolved Issues: 22.1R1
General Routing
IS-IS over Layer 2 circuit does not come up if the encapsulation is translation cross-connect. PR1590387
On PTX10001-36MR platforms, inconsistency occurs in the platform name used in multiple places, version, and snmp mibs. PR1597999
FPC does not become fully offline after the FPC BAD_VOLTAGE fault gets reported. PR1602556
MACsec session might be dropped due to one way congestion. PR1611091
The FPC 0 Major Errors alarm might be generated on PTX10002-60C device due to a rare timing issue. PR1613229
VCCV for LDP signaled pseudowire goes down periodically on PTX10008 and PTX10004 devices with Junos OS. PR1615419
The rasdaemon processes memory leak gets triggered by hardware memory errors on the VMHost platforms. PR1615488
On PTX10008 and PTX10016 devices, 90 percent traffic gets dropped when the number of Switch Interface Board (SIB) plane gets reduced from 4 to 3. PR1615942
Slow memory leak (32 bytes each time) of rpd might occur. PR1616065
Memory leak might be seen when you configure LLDP. PR1617151
Unexpected Routing Engine switchover might be observed. PR1617720
Performance of Jflow service might be impacted on PTX platforms. PR1617932
Traffic loss might be observed with some MPLS labels in the multipath BGP scenarios. PR1618507
The /interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/counters not exported during initial sync for on-change. PR1620160
ZTP does not work properly on PTX platforms if an EX device is used as a DHCP server. PR1621987
The mcontrol might frequently miss keepalives from backup routing engine. PR1624623
Tunnel interface statistics displays incorrect values when jflow sampling is enabled. PR1627713
EAPol packets over l2circuit might get dropped at the tunnel start. PR1628196
On PTX platforms, the ddos-protection protocols group ARP counters does not show correct values. PR1629097
[interface] [snmp-trap] ptx10002-60c : :: SNMP Trap message for fpc restart, shows as FRU removal instead of Fru Offline/Fru Power off. PR1629738
Multiple link flaps and traffic might be lost on the links. PR1630006
The rpd process might generate core files with warm-standby configurations due to reference counting issues. PR1631871
SPMB might crash immediately after a switchover. PR1637950
Traffic over conditional metric enabled LSP might get blackholed. PR1643587
Interfaces and Chassis
[VALE] [USB-Upgrade] JDI_REG_TPTX_REGRESSIONS::The FPCs are not online with USB upgrade from 21.3R1.9 to 21.4R1.11. PR1637636
Layer 2 Ethernet Services
IPv4 prefixes might be associated into both IPv4 and IPv6 LDP database after Routing Engine switchovers. PR1611338
The RPD might crash due to reference count leak in routing table metrics. PR1615001
Unexpected traffic loss on LSP headend might be observed when downstream IGP metric changes. PR1625438
Routing Policy and Firewall Filters
Filters in openconfig acl execute terms in the order of their definition and not based on sequence-ids. PR1621620
Routing Protocols
Delay occurs in adding or removing static routes from the router. PR1612173
Undesired protection path might get selected for some destination prefixes. PR1614683
The rpd might crash and restart when you enable NSR. PR1620463
Aggregated Ethernet interface might send or receive traffic through child link even though the BFD status is client in the hold down state. PR1624085
The rpd dump file might be seen while processing the BGP updates. PR1626717
The rpd might crash after clearing IS-IS database. PR1631738
The BGP route might still be present in the multi-path route after increased IGP cost. PR1643665
User Interface and Configuration
Not able to delete Linux core using CLI
file delete /var/core/*/vmcore*
. PR1624562