Acquire and View the Network Topology
Paragon Pathfinder acquires the network topology by gathering data from the network by using Border Gateway Protocol Link-State (BGP-LS) and Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP). You can view the acquired topology on the Topology page (Network > Topology) of the Paragon Automation GUI. For more information about viewing and working with the network topology, see About the Topology Page.
Before you configure Paragon Pathfinder to acquire the network topology, you must do the following for the devices to be added to the topology;
Configure MPLS, RSVP, the interior gateway protocol (IGP) (IS-IS or OSPF) traffic engineering, and NETCONF.
To view telemetry on the topology, configure:
Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI) and Junos Real-time performance monitoring (RPM) service on Juniper devices.
OpenConfig or SNMP on Cisco IOS-XR devices.
For details, see the steps to configure the Juniper Networks devices and Cisco devices in the Workflow to Collect Device Statistics section in Collect Analytics Data Overview.
To acquire and view the network topology with metrics on the Paragon Automation GUI: