View Job Status
To view the Job Status page, click a job name in the Jobs (Monitoring > Jobs) page. The Job Status page appears displaying information about the job. For information about the fields on the page, see Table 1.
You can also view the status and a list of all tasks and sub-tasks in a job at the bottom of the page. If all the sub-tasks in a task are successful, the task has a check mark in a green circle displayed next to it indicating a Success status. If even one sub-task in a task fails, an exclamation mark with a red circle is displayed next to it, indicating a Failed status.
To view the sub-tasks that are part of a task, click the > on the left of the task to expand the list. You can view the list of sub-tasks with the corresponding status of each sub-task. To collapse the list, click the ⋁ on the left of the task.
Hover over a task or sub-task status to see information about the time elapsed and details on the task. For failed tasks, you can view the reason for failure. Failure reasons include errors on hardware, software, interfaces, licenses, and CA certificates.
Field | Description |
Name | Name of the job. |
State | Status of the job - Success or Failed. |
Job ID | Unique job ID. |
Start Time | Time when the job started. |
End Time | Time when the job ended. |
Tasks Succeeded | Count of the number of tasks that succeeded in the job. . |
Tasks Failed | Count of the number of tasks that failed in the job. |