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Ethernet Interface Operational Mode Commands

Table 1 summarizes the command-line interface (CLI) commands that you can use to monitor and troubleshoot aggregated Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. Commands are listed in alphabetical order.

Table 1: Ethernet Interface Operational Mode Commands



Clear dynamic VLAN interfaces.

clear auto-configuration interfaces

Clear a specified dynamic agent circuit identifier (ACI) interface set configured on the router. You can clear only those ACI interface sets that have no subscriber interface members.

clear auto-configuration interfaces interface-set

Clear Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) statistics.

clear lacp statistics

Clear Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) timeout entries.

clear lacp timeouts

Clear learned MAC addresses from the hardware and MAC database. Static MAC addresses are not cleared.

clear interfaces mac-database

Clear statistics that are collected for every MAC address, including policer statistics, on a given physical or logical interface.

clear interfaces mac-database statistics

Clear statistics that are collected for interface sets.

clear interfaces interface-set statistics

Clear the existing continuity measurement and restart counting the operational uptime.

clear oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management continuity-measurement

Clear ITU-T Y.1731 Ethernet frame delay measurement (ETH-DM) delay statistics and ETH-DM frame counts. (MX Series routers)

clear oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics

Clear Operation, Administration, and Management (OAM) and connectivity fault management (CFM) linktrace database information.

clear oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management linktrace path-database

Clear all loss statistics maintained by CFM for a given maintenance domain and maintenance association.

clear oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management loss-statistics

Clear connectivity-fault-management policer statistics.

clear oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management policer

Clear the Ethernet OAM service-level agreement (SLA) iterator statistics.

clear oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics

Clear all statistics maintained by CFM. (Routers that support IEEE 802.1ag OAM CFM)

In addition, for interfaces that support ITU-T Y.1731 Ethernet frame delay measurement (ETH-DM), also clear any ETH-DM statistics and frame counts for CFM maintenance association end points (MEPs).

clear oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management statistics

Clear ITU-T Y.1731 Ethernet synthetic loss measurement (ETH-SLM) delay statistics and ETH-SLM frame counts. (MX Series routers, Modular Port Concentrators only)

clear oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management synthetic-loss-measurement

Clear Operation, Administration, and Management (OAM) link fault management state information and restart the link discovery process on Ethernet interfaces.

clear oam ethernet link-fault-management state

Clear Operation, Administration, and Management (OAM) statistics link fault management statistics for Ethernet interfaces.

clear oam ethernet link-fault-management statistics

Clear the statistics for all Ethernet ring protection groups or a specific Ethernet ring protection group.

clear protection-group ethernet-ring statistics

Check the reachability of a remote IEEE 802.1ag OAM maintenance association end point (MEP) or maintenance association intermediate point (MIP).

ping ethernet

Manually rebalance the subscribers on an aggregated Ethernet bundle with targeted distribution enabled.

request interface rebalance (Aggregated Ethernet for Subscriber Management)

Manually revert egress traffic from the designated backup link to the designated primary link of an aggregated Ethernet interface for which link protection is enabled, or manually switch egress traffic from the primary link to the backup link.

request interface (revert | switchover) (Aggregated Ethernet Link Protection)

Force LACP link switchover.

request lacp link-switchover

Clear the lockout, force switch, manual switch, exercise, and wait-to-restore states.

request protection-group ethernet-aps clear

Test if APS is operating correctly.

request protection-group ethernet-aps exercise

Force traffic to switch from the active path to the alternate path.

request protection-group ethernet-aps force-switch

Lock the protection path, forcing the use of the working path.

request protection-group ethernet-aps lockout

Force traffic to switch from the active path to the alternate path.

request protection-group ethernet-aps manual-switch

Display status information about aggregated Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet router interfaces.

show interfaces (Aggregated Ethernet)

show interfaces (far-end-interval)

Display status information about Fast Ethernet interfaces.

show interfaces (Fast Ethernet)

Display status information about the specified Gigabit Ethernet interface.

show interfaces (Gigabit Ethernet)

Display status information about 10-Gigabit Ethernet router interfaces.

show interfaces (10-Gigabit Ethernet)

Display IPv6 interface statistics for IPv6 traffic traversing through the IQ2 and IQ2E PICs on standalone T640 routers and on T640 routers in a TX Matrix or in a TXP Matrix.

Display IPv6 interface statistics for IPv6 traffic traversing through the IQ2 PICs on M10i and M120 routers.

Display IPv6 interface statistics for IPv6 traffic traversing through the IQ2E PICs on M10i, M120, and M320 routers.

show interfaces extensive

Display information about Gigabit Ethernet or 10-Gigabit Ethernet router interface sets.

show interfaces interface-set (Ethernet Interface Set)

Display information about Gigabit Ethernet or 10-Gigabit Ethernet router interface set queues.

show interfaces interface-set queue

Display the transceiver temperature, laser bias current, laser output power, receive optical power, and related alarms for 10-Gigabit Ethernet dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) interfaces.

show interfaces diagnostics optics (Gigabit Ethernet, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, 40-Gigabit Ethernet, and 100-Gigabit Ethernet)

Display information about integrated routing and bridging interfaces.

show interfaces irb

Display status information about the distribution of subscribers on different links in an aggregated Ethernet bundle.

show interfaces targeting (Aggregated Ethernet for Subscriber Management)

Display Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) information for aggregated, Fast Ethernet, or Gigabit Ethernet router interfaces.

show lacp interfaces

Display Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) statistics.

show lacp statistics

Display Link Aggregation Control Protocol timeout entries.

show lacp timeouts

Display MAC address information for Gigabit Ethernet router interfaces.

show interfaces mac-database (Gigabit Ethernet)

Display information on a specified interface that is part of a multichassis link aggregation configuration.

show interfaces mc-ae

Display ETH-DM statistics for CFM MEPs. (MX Series routers, Ethernet DPCs).

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics

Display IEEE 802.1ag OAM connectivity fault management forwarding state information for Ethernet interfaces.

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management forwarding-state

Display OAM connectivity fault management information for Ethernet interfaces.

For interfaces that support ETH-DM, also display any ETH-DM frame counts when the detail or extensive option is included. In all other cases, ETH-DM frame counts are zero.

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces

Display OAM connectivity fault management linktrace path database information.

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management linktrace path-database

Display OAM connectivity fault management maintenance association end point (MEP) database information.

For interfaces that support ETH-DM, also display any ETH-DM frame counts. In all other cases, ETH-DM frame counts are zero.

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database

Display ETH-DM statistics and frame counts for CFM MEPs. (MX Series routers, Ethernet DPCs)

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-statistics

Display ETH-LM statistics for on-demand mode only.

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management loss-statistics

Display information about maintenance intermediate points (MIPs) for the Ethernet OAM 802.1ag standard for connectivity fault management (CFM).

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mip

Display OAM connectivity fault management path database information for hosts configured with MEP.

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management path-database

Displays connectivity-fault-management policer statistics.

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management policer

Display the Ethernet OAM service-level agreement (SLA) iterator statistics.

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics

Display ETH-SLM statistics for CFM MEPs (on-demand mode only). (MX Series routers, Ethernet MPCs)."

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management synthetic-loss-statistics

Display OAM Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) information for hosts configured with Ethernet Local Management Interface (E-LMI). (MX series only)

show oam ethernet evc

Display OAM fault management statistics for Ethernet interfaces.

show oam ethernet link-fault-management

Display OAM Ethernet Local Management Interface status information for an LMI configured interface. (MX series only)

show oam ethernet lmi

Display OAM Ethernet Local Management Interface statistics for an LMI configured interface. (MX series only)

show oam ethernet lmi statistics

Display protection group Ethernet ring Automatic Protection Switching (APS).

show protection-group ethernet-ring aps

Display data channel information for all Ethernet ring protection groups or for a specific Ethernet ring protection group.

show protection-group ethernet-ring data-channel

Display protection group Ethernet ring interfaces.

show protection-group ethernet-ring interface

Display protection group Ethernet ring nodes.

show protection-group ethernet-ring node-state

Display protection group Ethernet ring statistics.

show protection-group ethernet-ring statistics

Display all data channel logical interfaces and the VLAN IDs controlled by a ring instance data channel.

show protection-group ethernet-ring vlan

Trace the path between two Ethernet OAM end points.

traceroute ethernet

Published: 2013-08-29

Published: 2013-08-29