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Changing the Administration Portal Password

To change the Administration Portal password:

  1. Click the administrative username that is located at the right side of the Administration Portal banner.

    The drop-down list appears.

  2. Click My Profile. Alternatively, you can access the My Profile page from Administration > My Profile.

    The My Profile page appears.

  3. Click Change Password.
  4. Enter the current password.
  5. In the New Password text box, enter your new password.

    The login password that you set must conform to a particular set of requirements such as minimum length of 6 characters, a maximum length of 21 characters, and that includes at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, an alpha-numeric character, and a numeric character.

  6. In the Confirm Password text box, enter your new password again to confirm it.
  7. Click Save.

    You are logged out of the system. To log in to Administration Portal again, you must use your new password. Other sessions logged in with the same username are unaffected until the next login.