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Grant Return Material Authorization (RMA) for a Provider Hub Device

As a Service Provider (SP) Administrator or Operating Company (OpCo) Administrator with the RMA privilege, you can grant RMA for a device that is in the RMA state.

When you grant RMA, the device-related configuration is backed up to the CSO database, the existing device is recalled, and the new device is added to the network.

Before you grant RMA for a device, ensure that:

  • You have received a new device to replace the faulty device.

  • You have the serial number and activation code for the new device.

To grant RMA for a provider hub device:

  1. Select Resources > Provider Hub Devices.

    The Provider Hub Devices page appears.

  2. Select the faulty device for which you initiated RMA and click More > Grant RMA.

    The Grant RMA for Device page appears.


    The Grant RMA option is enabled only for a device with the Management Status RMA.

  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  4. Click OK to perform the grant RMA process.

    You are returned to the Provider Hub Devices page where a confirmation message appears indicating that a Grant RMA job is created.

  5. (Optional) Click the job link in the message to view the progress of the job. Alternatively, view the progress of this job on the Jobs (Monitor > Jobs) page.

    This job might take around 15 minutes to complete.

After the job is completed successfully, the management status of the device on the Devices page changes to Expected. In addition, the status of the site on the Sites page (Resources > Site Management), where the device for which you performed Grant RMA is installed, changes to Expected.

To complete the RMA process and start using the new device, the device must be activated. See step 6 in Perform Return Material Authorization (RMA) for a Provider Hub Device for details.

Table 1 provides information about the fields on the Grant RMA for Device page.

Table 1: Fields on the Grant RMA for Device Page



Customer Name

Displays the name of the tenant whose sites are connected to the provider hub.

Site Name

Displays the name of site in which the faulty device is present.

Device Name

Displays the name of the faulty device that will be replaced with a new device through the Grant RMA process.

Auto Activate

Click the toggle button to enable (default) or disable automatic activation of the new device.

Activation Code

If you disabled automatic activation, enter the activation code for the new device. You receive the activation code (Example: 545454) from the service provider, outside of CSO.

Serial Number

Enter the serial number of the new device. The serial number is case-sensitive. Example: DD2316AF0177

Boot Image

From the list, select the same boot image as the faulty device. If you select a different boot image for the new device, the grant RMA process may not complete successfully.