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Deploying Device Images

Junos Space Network Management Platform enables you to deploy device images and Junos Continuity software packages (JAM packages) onto a device or multiple devices of the same device family simultaneously. During deployment, a device image is installed on the device. Using an image that is already staged on a device eliminates the time taken to load the device image on a device and directly jumps to the installation process. Junos Space Network Management Platform also enables you to schedule a time when you want the image to be deployed.


Junos Space Platform enables you to deploy Junos Continuity software packages (JAM packages) on the MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2010, and MX2020 platforms. The filenames for Junos Continuity software packages are prefixed with jam- and are referred to as JAM packages in Junos Space Platform.

From Junos Space Platform Release 18.2R1 onward, you can deploy VM host images on devices.

On dual Routing Engine platforms, you can also perform a unified in-service software upgrade (ISSU) between two different Junos OS software releases with no disruption on the control plane and with minimal disruption of traffic. This provides the following benefits:

  • Eliminates network downtime during software image upgrades

  • Reduces operating costs, while delivering higher service levels

  • Allows fast implementation of new features

During the unified ISSU, the backup Routing Engine is rebooted with the new software package and switched over to make it the new primary Routing Engine. The former primary Routing Engine can also be upgraded to the new software and rebooted.

Table 1 describes the devices and software releases that support unified ISSU.

Table 1: Routing Platforms and Software Releases Supporting ISSU

Routing Platform

Software Release

M120 router

Junos 9.2 or later

M320 router

Junos 9.0 or later

MX Series Ethernet Services router


Unified ISSU for MX Series does not support IEEE 802.1ag OAM, IEEE 802.3ah, and LACP protocols.

Junos 9.3 or later

SRX Series Gateways

Junos 12.1 or later

T320 router

Junos 9.0 or later

T640 routing node

Junos 9.0 or later

T1600 routing node

Junos 9.1 or later

TX Matrix platform

Junos 9.3 or later


EX Series switches do not support unified ISSU.


You cannot downgrade a software to support the unified ISSU.

Additionally, you must note the following in connection with performing a unified ISSU:

  • You can upgrade to a software version that supports unified ISSU from a software version that does not support unified ISSU only by means of a conventional upgrade. During the conventional upgrade, all line modules are reloaded, all subscribers are dropped, and traffic forwarding is interrupted until the upgrade is completed.

  • The armed (upgrade) release must be capable of being upgraded to from the currently running release.

  • All applications that are configured on the router must support unified ISSU and stateful SRP switchover.

  • If one or more applications that do not support unified ISSU are configured, and you proceed with a unified ISSU, the unified ISSU process fails. To deploy the image on the device, you must choose a conventional upgrade on the router.

  • To perform unified ISSU on an MX Series device, you must manually configure the device to enable Nonstop Bridging, in addition to GRES and NSR that Junos Space enables on the dual Routing Engine device for unified ISSU.


We strongly recommend that you configure the primary-only IP on the dual Routing Engine device. Dual Routing Engine devices without the primary-only configuration are not yet fully supported on Junos Space Platform. If the primary-only IP is not configured, physical inventory does not get listed after upgrading the dual Routing Engine device.

For more details about protocols, features, and PICs supported by unified ISSU, see the Unified ISSU System Requirements sections in the Junos OS High Availability Configuration Guide.

You can deploy a device image only onto devices or platforms supported by that device image. When you select an image for deployment, only those devices that are supported by the selected device image are displayed in the list of devices.


In Junos Space Platform, an SRX Series cluster is represented as two individual devices with cluster peer information. When you deploy a device image on an SRX Series cluster, the image is installed on both cluster nodes.


If you want to select Check compatibility with current configuration from the Conventional Deploy Options for an image on a dual Routing Engine device, make sure that GRES and NSR are disabled on the device.

Devices in an SRX Chassis Cluster can be upgraded by deploying device images from Junos Space Platform with a minimal service disruption of approximately 30 seconds using the In-band Cluster Upgrade (ICU) feature with the no-sync option. The ICU feature allows both devices in an SRX Chassis Cluster to be upgraded from the supported Junos OS versions. ICU is supported on SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX550, and SRX650 Services Gateways if they run on Junos OS Releases 11.2R2 and later.


You cannot upgrade the devices in an SRX Chassis Cluster using the ICU feature if Junos Space Platform cannot connect to one of the devices in the SRX Chassis Cluster. To ensure that you upgrade both devices on the SRX Chassis Cluster successfully:

  • Select the Remove the package after successful installation check box in the Common Deployment Options, Reboot device after successful installation check box in the Conventional Deployment Options, and the check box next to ISSU Deployment Options during device image deployment.

  • You can deploy Junos Continuity software packages on devices by following the procedure for deploying device images. Deployment options that are not relevant to Junos Continuity software do not appear when you select a Junos Continuity software package for deployment.

  • You must ensure that the Modular Port Concentrators (MPCs) supported by the Junos Continuity software package are offline before you deploy the Junos Continuity software package to the devices from Junos Space Platform.

To deploy device images:

  1. On the Junos Space Platform UI, select Images and Scripts>Images.

    The Images page appears.

  2. Select the image that you want to deploy.

    The selected image is highlighted.

  3. Select Deploy Device Image from the Actions menu.

    The Deploy Image on Devices dialog box appears. The Select Devices table in the Deploy Image on Devices dialog box displays the devices that are supported by the selected device image. For a description of the fields in this table, see Table 2.

    Table 2: Select Devices Table Fields



    Image name

    Name of the device image. (This field is above the devices table.)

    MD5 Value

    32-character hexadecimal number that is computed on the selected device image file, which is stored on the Junos Space server

    Device Name

    Identifier used for network communication between Junos Space Platform and the device running Junos OS.

    Device Alias

    Value of the Device Alias custom label for the device. This field is empty if the Device Alias custom label is not added or no value is assigned to the Device Alias custom label for the device.

    IP Address

    IP address of the device.


    Model number of the device.

    Software Version

    Operating system firmware version running on the device.

    Staged Status

    Indicates whether the selected image is staged on the discovered device. This column displays either Staged (if the image is staged) or Not Staged (if the image is not yet staged).

    Deployed Status

    Indicates whether the Junos Continuity software package is deployed on the device. This field appears only if you have selected a Junos Continuity software package to be deployed. The column displays either Deployed (if the Junos Continuity software package is deployed) or Undeployed (if the Junos Continuity software package is not deployed).

    Checksum Status

    Indicates whether the device image on the Junos Space server and the device are the same:

    • Valid means that the checksum values of the device image on the Junos Space server and the device match.

    • Invalid means that the checksum values of the device image on the Junos Space server and the device do not match.

    • NA means that the selected image is not staged on the device yet.

    Last Checksum Time

    Time when the checksum was last verified. For a device in which the selected image is not staged yet, this column displays NA.


    Domain to which the device belongs

  4. Select the devices on which you want to deploy the device image by using one of the following selection modes—manually, based on tags, or by using a comma-separated values (CSV) file. These options are mutually exclusive. If you select one, the others are disabled.

    Some points to consider when you select devices for deploying an image:

    • Using a device in which the selected device image is already staged eliminates the time taken to load the device image on a device. However, if you select a device in which the image is not previously staged, then the deployment action stages the image first and then installs the image on the device. Use the Staged and Not Staged statuses on the Staged Status column to identify the devices in which the images are staged and not staged, respectively.

    • If the Last Checksum Time value is way past the current time, it is better to verify the checksum before deploying the image so as to ensure that the image is valid. The deployment fails if the checksum values of the device image file on the Junos Space server and the device do not match. For more information about verifying the checksum, see Verifying the Checksum.


    By default the Select Device Manually option is selected and the complete list of devices is displayed.

    To select devices manually:

    1. Click the Select Device Manually option, if it is not selected previously.
    2. Select the devices on which you want to deploy the device image.

      The Select Devices status bar shows the total number of devices that you selected. The status bar is dynamically updated as you select the devices.

    3. To select all devices, select the check box in the column header next to Device Name.

    To select devices on the basis of tags:

    1. Click the Select by Tags option. The Select by tags list is activated.
    2. Click the arrow on the Select by Tags list. A list of tags defined for devices in Junos Space Platform appears, categorized into two—Public and Private.

      If no tags are displayed, then it means that none of the devices is associated with any tag. You must tag the devices on the Device Management page before you can use the Select by Tags option.

    3. To select tags, perform one of the following actions :
      • Select the check boxes next to the tag names to select the desired tags and click OK.

      • To search for a specific tag, enter the first few letters of the tag name in the Select by Tags field to the left of the OK button. If a match is found, a suggestion is made. Select the suggested match and click OK.

      As you select the tags, the total number of devices associated with the selected tags appears just above the device display table. For example, if there are six devices associated with the selected tags, then 6 items selected is displayed.

      The selected tags appear next to the Tags Selected label. An [X] icon appears after each tag name. You can click the [X] icon to clear any tag from the list. The device count decrements accordingly.

    From Release 17.2R1 onward, when you select devices by CSV, you can choose to select all managed devices. Select the Include All Managed Devices check box to list all managed devices for selection.

    To select devices by using a CSV file:

    1. Select the Select by CSV option.
    2. Click Browse and upload the file in CSV format containing the list of devices on which you want to deploy the device image.

      For a sample CSV file, click the Sample CSV link. You are prompted to save the file. Save the file to your local system and open it by using an application, such as Microsoft Excel.

      From Release 16.1R2 onward, when you upload a CSV file to select devices from, Junos Space Platform verifies the devices in the CSV file. If the CSV file contains devices to which the changes do not apply, a warning message appears which says "Few devices are not selected due to precondition failure. Please click "View inapplicable devices" for more details.” You can click the View inapplicable devices link to review the list of devices that are excluded from the update. The reason for exclusion is listed as an error message against each device.

  5. (Optional) Select the Show ISSU/ICU capable devices only check box to display only those devices in which you can perform unified ISSU and ICU.

    If you are deploying a Junos Continuity software package to the devices, the Show ISSU/ICU capable devices only check box is not available for selection.

  6. To specify different deployment options, select one or more of the check boxes in the Common Deployment Options, Conventional Deployment Options, ISSU Deployment Options, and Advanced Options sections.

    See Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6 for a description of the deployment options.


    When you perform a conventional upgrade of the device image on dual Routing Engines, the image is first deployed on the backup Routing Engine followed by the primary Routing Engine. If deployment fails on the backup Routing Engine, the device image is not deployed on the primary Routing Engine.

  7. (Optional) To specify common deployment options, expand the Common Deployment Options section and select one or more check boxes. See Table 3 for a description of the common deployment options.

    If you are deploying a Junos Continuity software package to the devices, only the Use image already downloaded to device option is displayed in the Common Deployment Options section for selection.

    Table 3: Common Deployment Options Descriptions

    Common Deployment Options


    Use image already downloaded to device

    Use the device image that is staged on the device for deployment.

    Archive data (Snapshot)

    Collect and save device data and executable areas.


    If you are deploying a VM host image, this option is renamed as Snapshot.

    Remove the package after successful installation

    Delete the device image from the device after successful installation of the device image.


    If you are deploying a VM host image, this option is disabled.

    Delete any existing image before download

    Delete all device images with the same filename from the device before deploying the selected device image.

  8. (Optional) To specify conventional deployment options, expand the Conventional Deployment Options section and select one or more check boxes. See Table 4 for a description of the conventional deployment options.

    If you are deploying a Junos Continuity software package to the devices, the Conventional Deployment Options section is not available for selection.

    Table 4: Conventional Deployment Options Descriptions

    Conventional Deployment Options


    Check compatibility with current configuration

    Verifies device image compatibility with the current configuration of the device

    Upgrade Dual-Root Partition

    Ensures that the device image is deployed to both the primary and the backup root partitions of devices with dual-root partitions. This option is available for EX, ACX, and SRX Series (SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX550, and SRX650 Services Gateway) devices only.

    By default, the device image is deployed only to the primary root partition. You must select the check box to deploy the device image to both the primary and the backup root partitions.

    The Upgrade Dual-Root Partition is available from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1 onward.


    If you are deploying a VM host image, this option is disabled.

    Load succeeds if at least one statement is valid

    Ensures that the device image is loaded successfully even if only one of the selected deployment options is valid


    If you are deploying a VM host image, this option is disabled.

    Reboot device after successful installation

    Reboots the device after deployment is successful. If the device is down, Junos Space Platform waits for the device to come up before initiating the reboot. If the device is not up within 30 minutes, the Image Deployment Job is marked as failed.

    After rebooting the device, the status of the device is checked every five minutes to check whether the device is up.


    This check box is automatically selected when you select the Upgrade Dual-Root Partition option. You must not clear this check box if the Upgrade Dual-Root Partition option is selected.

    Force Host Upgrade

    Upgrades the host OS and Junos OS of the device.


    This option is enabled only for ACX, QFX, and EX Series devices and the image being deployed must contain host OS packages.

    If you enable this option, the ISSU Deployment Options cannot be enabled.

    If you are deploying a VM host image, this option is disabled.

    Upgrade Backup Routing Engine only

    Deploys the image to only the backup Routing Engine

    Dual-Root Partitioning for SRX

    Supports dual partition for SRX Series devices

    This check box is disabled for non-SRX Series devices.


    If you are deploying a VM host image, this option is disabled.

  9. (Optional) To perform unified ISSU on a dual Routing Engine device, expand the ISSU Deployment Options section and select one or more of the check boxes. The ISSU option is enabled only if the selected device has a dual Routing Engine. For devices with dual Routing Engines the term Dual RE is displayed in the Platform column of the Select Devices table on the Deploy Images on Devices page.

    If you are deploying a Junos Continuity software package to the devices, the ISSU Deployment Options section is not available for selection.


    Software download is not allowed.

    SeeTable 5 for a description of the unified ISSU deployment options.

    Table 5: Unified ISSU Deployment Options Descriptions

    Unified ISSU Deployment Options


    Upgrade the former Primary with new image

    After the backup Routing Engine is rebooted with the new software package and a switchover occurs to make it the new primary Routing Engine; the former primary (new backup) Routing Engine is automatically upgraded. If you do not select this option, the former primary Routing Engine must be manually upgraded.

    Reboot the former Primary after a successful installation

    The former primary (new backup) Routing Engine is rebooted automatically after being upgraded to the new software. If this option is not selected, you must manually reboot the former primary (new backup) Routing Engine.

    Save copies of the package files on the device

    Copies of the package files are retained on the device.


    If you are deploying a VM host image, this option is disabled.

  10. (Optional) To specify advanced deployment options, expand the Advanced Options and select one or more check boxes. See Table 6 for a description of the advanced deployment options. From this section, you can execute script bundles before and after image deployment.

    If you are assigned a user role that does not have the permissions required for executing script bundles on devices, then all the options in the Advanced Options section are unavailable.

    Table 6: Advanced Options Descriptions

    Advanced Options


    Execute script bundle before image deployment (pre scripts)

    Execute the script bundle that you have selected before deploying the device image. This ensures that the scripts in the selected script bundle are executed before the device image is installed on the device.

    After selecting a script bundle, you can configure the script parameters of the scripts within the script bundle (for instructions, see the following procedure starting with Step 10.a).

    Select same pre script bundle for post script bundle

    Execute the same script bundle on the device before and after device image deployment.

    This check box is unavailable if you have not selected a script bundle on the Execute script bundle before image deployment (pre scripts) list.

    Execute script bundle after image deployment (post scripts)

    Execute the selected script bundle after deploying the device image. This ensures that the scripts in the selected script bundle are executed after the device image is installed on the device.

    After selecting a script bundle, you can configure the script parameters of the scripts within the script bundle (for instructions, see the following procedure starting with Step 10.a).

    If you selected the Select same pre script bundle for post script bundle check box, then the Execute script bundle after image deployment (postscripts) check box is unavailable because the postscript bundle is the same as the prescript bundle.

    Deploy and Enable script bundle before execution

    Deploy the selected script bundle, enable the scripts included in the script bundle, and then execute the script bundle on the device.

    If you are assigned a user role that does not have permissions for staging or enabling script bundles on devices, this check box is unavailable for selection.

    This check box is also unavailable if you have not selected a script bundle on the Execute script bundle before image deployment (pre scripts) list or the Execute script bundle after image deployment (post scripts) list.

    Disable scripts after execution

    Execute the scripts in the script bundle on the device and then disable the scripts in the script bundle.

    You can enable the scripts at a later point of time (for instructions, see Enabling Scripts on Devices).

    If you are assigned a user role that does not have permissions for disabling script bundles on devices, this check box is unavailable for selection.

    To configure the script parameters of scripts included in the script bundle:

    1. Select the prescript or postscript bundle that you want to configure, from the respective lists.

      If there are no script bundles listed, you can create script bundles using the Scripts workspace (see Creating a Script Bundle) and then select the script bundle during image deployment.

    2. Click the Configure Scripts Parameters link.

      The Configure Script Bundle Parameters page appears. You can hover over the script parameters to view short descriptions about them.

    3. You can edit the value of script parameters by clicking the icon before deploying the script bundle on the devices. The changes made to script parameters are saved only on the devices on which the script bundle is executed. The script parameters in the script bundle in Junos Space Platform continue to reflect the original values.
    4. Click Configure.

      Your changes are saved and the Deploy Image on Devices page appears.

  11. (Optional) To schedule a time for deployment, select the Schedule at a later time check box and use the calendar icon and drop-down list to specify the date and time respectively.
  12. Click Deploy.

    The selected image is deployed on the specified devices with the deployment options that you specified and an alert appears, displaying the job ID.


    You can monitor the progress of completion from the Percent column of the particular job on the Job Management page. If Junos Space Platform detects an SSH fingerprint mismatch between that on the device and that in the Junos Space Platform database, the connection is dropped. The Connection Status displays Down and Authentication Status displays Fingerprint Conflict on the Device Management page. The View Job Details page displays an error message.


    After you deploy Junos Continuity software packages from Junos Space Platform to devices, you must ensure that the Modular Port Concentrators (MPCs) supported by the Junos Continuity software package are in the online state.

    To verify whether the image is deployed successfully, click the job ID link or navigate to the Job Management page and view the status of the job. If the job is a failure, you can double-click the row corresponding to the job to view the reason for failure. If there is an error, the View Job Details page displays an error message. For more information about the error messages, see Common Error Messages in Device-Related Operations.

    The Device Image Action Details page displays the reason for failure in the Description column. However, if the image is deployed successfully, then this column displays information that is similar to the following text depending on the image and the device to which the image is deployed:Image [12.3R1.7] to be deployed :jinstall-12.3R1.7-domestic-signed.tgz. Gathered Routing Engine Information. Package installed on backup RE. Backup RE rebooted. Gathered software version information from backup RE. Package installed on primary RE. Primary RE rebooted. Gathered software version information.


    If you choose to deploy the device image only on the primary root partition of a device with dual-root partitions, the detailed job summary of the corresponding job displays a warning that you must use the request system snapshot slice alternate command on the device to copy the device image to the alternative root partition.

    Also, you can export information from the Device Image Action Details page as a comma-separated values (CSV) file to your local file system.

    To export data from the Device Image Action Details page to your local file system:

    1. Click Export as CSV.

      You are prompted to save the file.

    2. Click OK on the File Save dialog box to save the file to your local file system.
    3. After you save the file, to return to the Job Management page, click OK on the Exporting Device Image Job dialog box.

    Use an application such as Microsoft Excel to open the downloaded file from your local system. If you are using Microsoft Excel, you can filter data in the Status column to identify the devices on which the image deployment failed. See the associated Description column to understand the reasons for failure.

You can also view the result of deployment from the View Deploy Results page. See Viewing Device Image Deployment Results.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

From Junos Space Platform Release 18.2R1 onward, you can deploy VM host images on devices.
From Release 17.2R1 onward, when you select devices by CSV, you can choose to select all managed devices. Select the Include All Managed Devices check box to list all managed devices for selection.
The Upgrade Dual-Root Partition is available from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1 onward.