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Working with Topology

On the Topology page in the Network Monitoring workspace, you can view nodes and node links, information about nodes and node status, and perform actions on nodes.


On the Topology page, the term node refers to Junos Space nodes, FMPM nodes, or devices discovered by Junos Space Network Management Platform. The term node link refers to the link between the nodes.

Clicking a node or a node link highlights the node or node link. You can view the management IP address, name, and status for any node in the topology by hovering over the node, and the type of link, the name, the link bandwidth, and the endpoints by hovering over a node link. When you select a node or node link on the topology, the node or node link is highlighted. You can select multiple nodes by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting the nodes. You can use the zoom slider to zoom in and zoom out of the selected topology view. You can also use the semantic zoom-level functionality on the topology to display nodes one or more hops away from the selected nodes.

This topic contains the following sections:

Using the Search Option to View Nodes

You can use the Search option to search for and add nodes that you want to view in the topology. By default, no nodes are displayed in the topology and a warning message is displayed explaining how to add nodes to the topology.

Do one or more of the following:

  • Enter Nodes in the Search field to select nodes from the list of all available nodes in the network topology.

  • Enter Category in the Search field to select nodes by device category (Routers, Switches, Security Devices, and so forth).

    • Categories can be collapsed and expanded.

    • To display all nodes in the topology, select the Monitor_SNMP category.

  • Enter the name of a specific device in the Search field to display a specific device.

Working with Topology Views

You can use the GUI controls, shown in Figure 1 and described in Table 1 to control the display of the nodes on the Topology page.

Figure 1: Topology View GUI ControlsTopology View GUI Controls

Click to go back button


Zoom out


Click to go forward button


Pan button


Center on selection button


Selection button


Show entire map button


Expand semantic zoom button


Toggle highlight focus nodes button


Collapse semantic zoom button


Zoom in button


Number of connected hops from the node in focus


Zoom slider button

Table 1: Topology Options
Option Description

Click to go back button

View the previous topology view history.

Click to go forward button

View the more recent topology view history, after viewing the past history.

Center on selection button

Display the selected nodes in the center of the topology view.

Show entire map button

Display all the (filtered) nodes in the topology view.

Toggle highlight focus nodes button

When you add a node to focus, nodes connected to the focus node might also be displayed. When you click the Toggle highlight focus nodes button, only focus node icons are highlighted, and icons are dimmed for non-focus nodes that are connected to the focus nodes.

Zoom in button

Click to zoom in to the topology

Zoom slider

Move the slider up to zoom in or down to zoom out.

Zoom out button

Click to zoom out to the topology

Pan Tool button

Select on a node to reposition in topology view, or select between nodes (in white space) to pan all nodes in the topology view (up, down, left, or right) as a single image. To disable the Pan Tool function, click the Selection Tool button.

Selection Tool button

Perform operations on individual nodes (add node to focus, ping node, view node information, view events/alarms, and so forth). To disable the Selection Tool function, click the Pan Tool button.

Expand Semantic Zoom Level/Collapse Semantic Zoom Level

Expand or collapse the semantic zoom level by using the Up arrow key to increase the hop count or the Down arrow key to decrease the hop count. For example, select a hop count of 2 to display the network nodes two hops away from the focus nodes.


The topology view displays a line to show connections to nodes that are one or more hops away from a focus node.

Viewing the Events and Alarms Associated with a Node

In the Topology page, you can view the events and alarms associated with a node.

Do the following

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Topology.
  2. Right-click the node whose alarm associations you want to view and select Events/Alarms. Alternatively, you can also select the node and from the Device menu select Events/Alarms to view the events and alarms associated with the node.

    The events associated with the node are displayed in the Events tab in the Events & Alarms page (popup). For more information, see the Viewing and Managing Events topic.

  3. (Optional) To view the alarms associated with the node, select the Alarms tab in the Events & Alarms page.

    To view a specified number of events or alarms per page, select the required number from the list next to the Results field.

    By default, the number of items listed per page is 20. You can select the number of events or alarms you want to view per page from the Show list. You can choose to view 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, or 1000 events or alarms.


    The number of events or alarms selected is set as user preference and the selected number of events or alarms are listed beginning from the next login.

    For more information, see the Viewing and Managing Alarms topic.

Viewing Alarms and Node Details

To view details for a category of nodes or selected nodes:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Topology.
  2. From the topology view, select a category of nodes or click the nodes you want to view.
    • To view alarm details for a category of nodes or selected nodes, select the Alarms tab towards the bottom of the page.

      The following alarm details are displayed:

      • ID—Alarm ID.

      • Severity—Severity of the alarm (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Normal, or Cleared).

      • Node—Name of the node.

      • UEI—The Unique Event Identifier (UEI), which is assigned to each event, including those generated by traps.

      • Count—Shows the number of events that were reduced to a single alarm row.

      • Last Event Time—The most recent date and time when the alarm occurred.

      • Log Message—The log message associated with the alarm.

    • To view node details for the category of nodes or the selected nodes, select the Nodes tab.

      The following details are displayed for each node:

      • ID—Unique network monitoring ID associated with the node

      • Label—Name of the node

      • Creation Time—Date and time at which the node was added for network monitoring

      • Last Capabilities Scan—Date and time at which the capability scan was last performed

      • Primary Interface—Primary interface for the node in network monitoring

      • sysContact—Contact information, obtained by querying the node

      • sysDescription—Description of the node, obtained by querying the node

      • sysLocation—Location of the node

      • Foreign Source—Indicates that the node is a device managed by Junos Space Platform (Space) or that the node is a Junos Space or FMPM node (Fabric)

      • Foreign ID—Indicates the device ID in Junos Space Platform. The node ID from network monitoring is mapped to the device ID from Junos Space Platform

  3. To view in-depth information about a node, right-click on the node and select Node Info.

    The Node Info page is displayed with the following information about the events and alarms associated with the node:

    • Availability

    • General Status

    • Node interfaces (IP interfaces and physical interfaces)

    • Surveillance Category Memberships

    • Notification (Outstanding/Acknowledged)

    • Recent events

    • Recent outages


    The Node Info page provides an option to manually rediscover links on demand. Click the Rescan hyperlink and on the subsequent page click Rescan. You are taken back to the Node Info page; the topology is updated after approximately 1 minute.

Viewing Nodes with Active Alarms

To view nodes with active alarms:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Topology.
  2. Use the Search option to select the nodes you want to check for active alarms.

    In the topology view, the color of the node icon indicates the highest severity alarm associated with the node. In addition, the node icon displays a number that indicates the count of outstanding alarms and notices associated with that node.


    A node with an active alarm of "Major" severity displays a red icon.

Managing Alarms Associated with Nodes

To acknowledge, unacknowledge, escalate, or clear the alarms associated with a node:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Topology.
  2. From the topology page, select the nodes for which you want to manage alarms.
  3. Select the Alarms tab.
  4. Select the check box to the left of the alarm ID for each alarm listing you want to manage, or click Select All to manage all the listed alarms.
  5. Select the action (Acknowledge, Unacknowledge, Escalate, or Clear) that you want to perform on the selected alarms.
  6. Select Submit to complete the action.

Viewing the Topology with Different Layouts

To view the topology with different layouts:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Topology.
  2. Select the View menu and then select the appropriate layout.

    By default, the topology is displayed in the FR layout.

    You can view the topology using the following layouts:

    • Circle Layout

    • D3 Layout

    • FR Layout

    • Manual Layout

    • Real Ultimate Layout

Automatic Refresh of the Topology

By default, the topology is not automatically refreshed.

To initiate an automatic refresh of the topology:

On the View menu of the Topology page (Network Monitoring > Topology), select the Automatic Refresh check box.

The View menu is closed and you are taken back to the Topology page. The topology is automatically refreshed every 60 seconds.

If there are changes to the status of nodes, node links, and logical entities, these changes are displayed in the topology automatically.

Pinging a Node

To ping a node:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Topology.
  2. Right-click the node you want to ping and select Ping from the menu. Alternatively, you can also select the node and from the Device menu select Resource Graphs to view the resource graphs associated with the node.

    The Ping dialog box is displayed

  3. In the Number of Requests field, enter the number of ECHO requests to be sent.
  4. In the Time-Out (seconds) field, enter the number of seconds after which the ping request should time out.
  5. From the Packet Size drop-down menu, select the size (in bytes) of the ping packet.
  6. (Optional) Select the Use Numerical Node Names check box if you want the IP address to be displayed and not the hostname.
  7. Click Ping.

    The node is pinged with the specified values and the results of the ping request is displayed on the lower part of the Ping page.

Viewing the Resource Graphs Associated with the Node

On the Topology page, you can view the resource graphs associated with a node.

Do the following:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Topology.
  2. Right-click the node whose resource graphs you want to view and select Resource Graphs. Alternatively, you can also select the node and from the Device menu select Resource Graphs to view the resource graphs associated with the node.

    The node resources for which you can view graphs are displayed in the Resource Graphs page.

  3. Select the resources for which you want to view the graphs and click Graph Selection.

    You can also use the Select All and Graph All options to view the resource graphs for all node resources.

    The resource graphs that you selected are displayed on the subsequent page. For more information, see the Viewing Resource Graphs section in the Viewing Reports topic.

Connecting to a Device by Using SSH

On the Topology page (Network Monitoring > Topology), you can connect to one or more devices using SSH. You can also connect to the same device one or more times; a new SSH window is created for each connection.


The following is applicable irrespective of the type of authentication configured (credential-based or key-based) in Junos Space Platform:

  • If the option to allow users to automatically log in is configured, then users can automatically log in without providing a username and password. (You can configure the option to allow users to automatically log in to devices on the Device page (Administration > Applications > Modify Application Settings > Device). For more information, see the Modifying Junos Space Network Management Platform Settings topic.)

  • If the option to allow users to automatically log in is not configured, then, you are prompted to enter a username and password.

  • When you connect to a device by using SSH, Junos Space Platform validates the device fingerprint against the fingerprint stored in the database. If the fingerprints are the same, then Junos Space Platform allows you to connect to the device. If the fingerprints are not the same, then the behavior depends on the state of the Manually Resolve Fingerprint Conflict check box on the Modify Application Settings (Modify Network Management Platform Settings) page in the Administration workspace (Administration > Applications > Network Management Platform > Modify Application Setting).

    • If the check box is selected, an error message is displayed indicating that there is a device fingerprint mismatch and the connection is dropped. The conflicted fingerprint value is updated in the database and the device’s authentication status is marked Fingerprint Conflict. You must resolve the fingerprint conflict manually in order to connect to the device by using SSH. For more information, see Acknowledging SSH Fingerprints from Devices.

    • If the check box is cleared, Junos Space Platform updates the new fingerprint in the database and allows a connection to the device; the device’s authentication status is changed to Credential Based – Unverified or Key Based – Unverified.

To connect to a device by using SSH:

  1. Select the device to which you want to connect.

    You can connect only to devices and not to Junos Space nodes.

  2. Right-click the device and select SSH to Device.
    • If the authentication is successful, the shell (CLI) for the device is displayed on a new page. The shell prompt is in the root@identifier% format, where identifier is a hostname of the node.


      Some browser plug-ins can cause undesirable behavior in open SSH windows; disabling such plug-ins might resolve the issue. For example, if the Firebug plug-in is activated within an SSH window opened in Firefox, the window cannot be restored, resized, or maximized and the console area remains fixed; disabling the Firebug plug-in resolves this issue.

    • If the authentication is not successful, the shell displays a message that the authentication has failed.

  3. (Optional) After you have finished, type exit at the CLI prompt to close the session.

    A message is displayed indicating that the session is closed.

  4. (Optional) Click the Close button on the browser page or tab to close the page.

If you do not disconnect the session, the session is automatically disconnected by Junos Space in the following cases:

  • When the user logs out

  • When the user is logged out due to inactivity

  • When the authentication is changed to certificate mode

  • When the user is disabled or deleted

  • When the user’s session is terminated