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Generate a Persistent or Transient Configuration Change in SLAX and XSLT Commit Scripts

Junos OS commit scripts enforce custom configuration rules and can automatically change the configuration when it does not comply with your custom configuration rules. To generate a persistent change or transient change in Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) or Stylesheet Language Alternative syntaX (SLAX) commit scripts:

  1. At the start of the script, include the XSLT or SLAX commit script boilerplate from Required Boilerplate for Commit Scripts.

    XSLT Boilerplate SLAX Boilerplate
  2. At the position indicated by the comment “insert your code here,” include one or more XSLT programming instructions or their SLAX equivalents. Commonly used XSLT constructs include the following:

    • <xsl:choose> <xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise>—Conditional construct that causes different instructions to be processed in different circumstances. The <xsl:choose> instruction contains one or more <xsl:when> elements, each of which tests an XPath expression. If the test evaluates as true, the XSLT processor executes the instructions in the <xsl:when> element. The XSLT processor processes only the instructions contained in the first <xsl:when> element whose test attribute evaluates as true. If none of the <xsl:when> elements’ test attributes evaluate as true, the content of the <xsl:otherwise> element, if present, is processed.

    • <xsl:for-each select="xpath-expression">—Programming instruction that tells the XSLT processor to gather together a set of nodes and process them one by one. The nodes are selected by the XPath expression in the select attribute. Each of the nodes is then processed according to the instructions contained in the <xsl:for-each> instruction. Code inside an <xsl:for-each> instruction is evaluated recursively for each node that matches the XPath expression. The context is moved to the node during each pass.

    • <xsl:if test="xpath-expression">—Conditional construct that causes instructions to be processed if the XPath expression in the test attribute evaluates to true.

    For example, the following XSLT programming instructions select each SONET/SDH interface that does not have the MPLS protocol family enabled:

    In SLAX, the equivalent for-each and if constructs are:

    For more information about how to use programming instructions, including examples and pseudocode, see XSLT Programming Instructions Overview. For information about writing scripts in SLAX instead of XSLT, see SLAX Overview.

  3. Include instructions for changing the configuration.

    There are two ways to generate a persistent change and two ways to generate a transient change:

    • To generate a persistent change, you can either reference the jcs:emit-change template or include a <change> element.

    • To generate a transient change, you can either reference the jcs:emit-change template and pass in the tag parameter with 'transient-change' selected or include a <transient-change> element.

    The jcs:emit-change template allows for more efficient, less error-prone scripting because you can define the content of the change without specifying the complete XML hierarchy for the affected statement. Instead, the XML hierarchy is defined in the XPath expression contained in the script’s programming instruction.

    Consider the following examples. Both of the persistent change examples have the same result, even though they place the unit statement in different locations in the <xsl:for-each> and <xsl:if> programming instructions. In both cases, the script searches for SONET/SDH interfaces that do not have the MPLS protocol family enabled, adds the family mpls statement at the [edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port unit logical-unit-number] hierarchy level, and emits a warning message stating that the configuration has been changed. Likewise, both of the transient change examples have the same result. They both set Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) encapsulation on all SONET/SDH interface that have IP version 4 (IPv4) enabled.

    Persistent Change Generated with the jcs:emit-change Template

    In this example, the content of the persistent change (contained in the content parameter) is specified without including the complete XML hierarchy. Instead, the XPath expression in the <xsl:for-each> programming instruction sets the context for the change.

    The message parameter is also included. This parameter causes the jcs:emit-change template to call the <xnm:warning> template, which sends a warning notification to the CLI. The message parameter automatically includes the current hierarchy information in the warning message.

    Persistent Change Generated with the <change> Element

    In this example, the complete XML hierarchy leading to the affected statement must be included as child elements of the <change> element.

    This example includes the current hierarchy information in the warning message by referencing the jcs:edit-path and jcs:statement templates.

    Transient Change Generated with the jcs:emit-change Template

    In this example, the content of the transient change (contained in the content parameter) is specified without including the complete XML hierarchy. Instead, the XPath expression in the <xsl:for-each> programming instruction sets the context of the change. The and operator in the XPath expression means both operands must be true when converted to Booleans; the second operand is not evaluated if the first operand is false.

    The tag parameter is included with 'transient-change' selected. Without the tag parameter, the jcs:emit-change template generates a persistent change by default.

    Transient Change Generated with the <transient-change> Element

    In this example, the complete XML hierarchy leading to the affected statement must be included as child elements of the <transient-change> element.

  4. Save the script with a meaningful name.

  5. Copy the script to either the /var/db/scripts/commit directory on the device hard disk or the /config/scripts/commit directory on the flash drive. For information about setting the storage location for commit scripts, see Store Scripts in Flash Memory.

    If the device has dual Routing Engines and you want the script to take effect on both of them, you must copy the script to both Routing Engines. The commit synchronize command does not copy scripts between Routing Engines.

  6. Enable the script by including the file filename statement at the [edit system scripts commit] hierarchy level.

  7. If the script generates transient changes, configure the allow-transients statement.

    Configure the statement at the [edit system scripts commit] hierarchy level to enable all commit scripts to make transient changes.

    Alternatively, on supported devices and releases, configure the statement at the [edit system scripts commit file filename] hierarchy level to enable only the individual script to make transient changes.

  8. Commit the configuration.

If all the commit scripts run without errors, any persistent changes are loaded into the candidate configuration. Any transient changes are loaded into the checkout configuration, but not to the candidate configuration. The commit process then continues by validating the configuration and propagating changes to the affected processes on the device.

To display the configuration with both persistent and transient changes applied, issue the show | display commit-scripts configuration mode command.

To display the configuration with only persistent changes applied, issue the show | display commit-scripts no-transients configuration mode command.

Persistent and transient changes are loaded into the configuration in the same manner that the load replace configuration mode command loads an incoming configuration. When generating a persistent or transient change, adding the replace="replace" attribute to a configuration element produces the same behavior as a replace: tag in a load replace operation. Both persistent and transient changes are loaded into the configuration with the load replace behavior. However, persistent changes are loaded into the candidate configuration, and transient changes are loaded into the checkout configuration.