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Store Scripts in Flash Memory

By default, Junos OS automation scripts are stored in and executed from the /var/db/scripts directory on the device's hard disk under the subdirectory appropriate to the script type. Optionally, you can store automation scripts in and execute them from the device’s flash memory. In the unlikely event of a hard disk failure, storing scripts in flash memory reduces the impact of the failure, because you can still access and execute the scripts. The flash memory partition is typically small and also stores the device’s active configuration, the last three committed configurations, and the rescue configuration, if it exists. Before storing scripts in flash memory, ensure that there is sufficient space to do so.

To instruct a device running Junos OS to load scripts from flash storage, configure the load-scripts-from-flash statement at the [edit system scripts] hierarchy level:

When you configure the load-scripts-from-flash statement, all commit, event, op, SNMP, and script library scripts are loaded from the /config/scripts directory in flash memory under the subdirectory appropriate to the script type. You must manually move scripts from the hard disk to flash memory. They are not moved automatically. Similarly, if you delete the load-scripts-from-flash statement from the configuration, you must manually copy the scripts from the flash memory to the hard disk to ensure that the current versions of the scripts are executed. Changing the scripts’ physical location has no effect on their operation.

The system uses the /var/run/scripts directory as a means of finding the current set of scripts. This path uses a symbolic link to reference either the /var/db/scripts directory on the hard disk or the /config/scripts directory in flash memory according to the current setting of the load-scripts-from-flash statement. If you do not configure the load-scripts-from-flash statement, /var/run/scripts references the /var/db/scripts directory on the device’s hard disk. If you configure the load-scripts-from-flash statement, /var/run/scripts references the /config/scripts directory in flash memory.

To view the scripts on the device, list the contents of /var/run/scripts/type, where type is the subdirectory appropriate to the script type. In the following example, the load-scripts-from-flash statement is not configured. In this case, listing the files for /var/run/scripts/commit returns the files in the /var/db/scripts/commit directory.