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Create a Commit Script Macro to Read the Custom Syntax and Generate Related Configuration Statements

  1. At the start of the script, include the appropriate commit script boilerplate from Required Boilerplate for Commit Scripts. It is reproduced here for convenience:
    XSLT Boilerplate SLAX Boilerplate Python Boilerplate
  2. At the position indicated by the comment “insert your code here,” include programming instructions that inspect the configuration for the apply-macro statement at a specified hierarchy level and change the configuration to include standard Junos OS syntax.

    For an example that uses both types of instructions and includes a line-by-line analysis of the XSLT syntax, see Example: Creating Custom Configuration Syntax with Commit Script Macros.

  3. Save the script with a meaningful name.
  4. Copy the script to either the /var/db/scripts/commit directory on the hard disk or the /config/scripts/commit directory on the flash drive.

    For information about setting the storage location for commit scripts, see Store and Enable Junos Automation Scripts and Store Scripts in Flash Memory.

  5. Enable the script by configuring the file filename statement at the [edit system scripts commit] hierarchy level.
  6. If the script generates transient changes, configure the allow-transients statement.

    Configure the statement at the [edit system scripts commit] hierarchy level to enable all commit scripts to make transient changes.

    Alternatively, on supported devices and releases, configure the statement at the [edit system scripts commit file filename] hierarchy level to enable only the individual script to make transient changes.

  7. If the script is written in Python, enable the execution of unsigned Python scripts.
  8. Commit the configuration.