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document() Function (SLAX)


SLAX Syntax


Read data from a file or URL. Optional arguments specify the character encoding scheme and the encoding format and define the replacement string for non-XML control characters.

The slax:document() function reads text from the specified file and returns a string containing that text. The data can be encoded in any character set and can be BASE64 encoded. The default character set is "utf‑8". You can set the format option to "base64" to decode base64-encoded files.

After you read the data, you can convert the data in the string into a more useful format. For example, you can use the xutil:string-to-xml() or xutil:json-to-xml() libslax function to convert the data in the string into the native representation of that data in XML. For more information about the libslax xutil library, see libslax Default Extension Libraries: bit, curl, db, os, and xutil.

XML cannot represent control characters. If a file contains control characters, the slax:document() function removes the control characters by default. Automatically removing the control characters enables you to convert the data in the string to XML. Alternatively, instead of removing the control characters, you can include the non-xml option to replace the characters with a single string.


Calling the slax:document() function to read the same file multiple times within a script does not reflect any changes made to that file in the interim, because the file is cached when first read, and the original contents are returned every time the slax:document() function retrieves the same file.



(Optional) Specify the character encoding scheme and format of the data, and define the replacement string for non-XML control characters.



<encoding> string

Character encoding scheme. For example "ascii" or "utf-8".

<format> string

"base64" for BASE64-encoded data.

<non-xml> string

String used to replace non-XML control characters. If the value is an empty string, non-XML characters are removed.


File or URL from which to read data.

Return Value


String representing the data.

Usage Examples

Release Information

Function introduced in version 1.1 of the SLAX language, which is supported in Junos OS Release 12.2 and later releases.