Example: Prepend a Global Policy
This commit script example ensures that a BGP global import policy is applied to all your BGP imports before any other import policies are applied.
This example uses a device running Junos OS.
Overview and Commit Script
For most configuration objects, the order in which the object or its children is created is not significant, because the Junos OS configuration management software stores and displays configuration objects in predetermined positions in the configuration hierarchy. However, some configuration objects—such as routing policies and firewall filters—consist of elements that must be processed and analyzed sequentially in order to produce the intended routing behavior.
This example commit script ensures that a BGP global import policy is applied to all your BGP imports before any other import policies are applied.
This example automatically prepends the bgp_global_import
policy in front of any other BGP import policies. If the bgp_global_import
policy statement is not included in the configuration, an error
message is generated, and the commit operation fails.
Otherwise, the commit script uses the insert="before"
Junos XML protocol attribute and the position()
XSLT function to control the position of the global BGP policy in
relation to any other applied policies. The insert="before"
attribute inserts the bgp_global_import
policy in front
of the first preexisting BGP import policy.
If there is no preexisting default BGP import policy, the global policy is included in the configuration.
The example script is shown in both XSLT and SLAX syntax:
XSLT Syntax
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:junos="http://xml.juniper.net/junos/*/junos" xmlns:xnm="http://xml.juniper.net/xnm/1.1/xnm" xmlns:jcs="http://xml.juniper.net/junos/commit-scripts/1.0"> <xsl:import href="../import/junos.xsl"/> <xsl:template match="configuration"> <xsl:if test="not(policy-options/policy-statement[name='bgp_global_import'])"> <xnm:error> <message>Policy error: Policy bgp_global_import required</message> </xnm:error> </xsl:if> <xsl:for-each select="protocols/bgp | protocols/bgp/group | protocols/bgp/group/neighbor"> <xsl:variable name="first" select="import[position() = 1]"/> <xsl:if test="$first"> <xsl:call-template name="jcs:emit-change"> <xsl:with-param name="tag" select="'transient-change'"/> <xsl:with-param name="content"> <import insert="before" name="{$first}">bgp_global_import</import> </xsl:with-param> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:if> </xsl:for-each> <xsl:for-each select="protocols/bgp"> <xsl:if test="not(import)"> <xsl:call-template name="jcs:emit-change"> <xsl:with-param name="tag" select="'transient-change'"/> <xsl:with-param name="content"> <import>bgp_global_import</import> </xsl:with-param> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:if> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
SLAX Syntax
version 1.0; ns junos = "http://xml.juniper.net/junos/*/junos"; ns xnm = "http://xml.juniper.net/xnm/1.1/xnm"; ns jcs = "http://xml.juniper.net/junos/commit-scripts/1.0"; import "../import/junos.xsl"; match configuration { if (not(policy-options/policy-statement[name='bgp_global_import'])) { <xnm:error> { <message> "Policy error: Policy bgp_global_import required"; } } for-each (protocols/bgp | protocols/bgp/group | protocols/bgp/group/neighbor) { var $first = import[position() = 1]; if ($first) { call jcs:emit-change($tag = 'transient-change') { with $content = { <import insert="before" name="{$first}"> "bgp_global_import"; } } } } for-each (protocols/bgp) { if (not(import)) { call jcs:emit-change($tag = 'transient-change') { with $content = { <import> "bgp_global_import"; } } } } }
Step-by-Step Procedure
To download, enable, and test the script:
Copy the script into a text file, name the file bgp-global-import.xsl or bgp-global-import.slax as appropriate, and copy it to the /var/db/scripts/commit/ directory on the device.
Select the following test configuration stanzas, and press Ctrl+c to copy them to the clipboard.
If you are using the SLAX version of the script, change the filename at the
[edit system scripts commit file]
hierarchy level to bgp-global-import.slax.system { scripts { commit { allow-transients; file bgp-global-import.xsl; } } } interfaces { fe-0/0/0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } family inet6 { address 2002:18a5:e996:beef::2/64; } } } } routing-options { autonomous-system 64500; } protocols { bgp { group fish { neighbor { import [ blue green ]; peer-as 64501; } neighbor { peer-as 64502; } } } } policy-options { policy-statement blue { from protocol bgp; then accept; } policy-statement green { then accept; } policy-statement bgp_global_import { then accept; } }
In configuration mode, issue the
load merge terminal
command to merge the stanzas into your device configuration.[edit] user@host# load merge terminal [Type ^D at a new line to end input] ... Paste the contents of the clipboard here ...
At the prompt, paste the contents of the clipboard by using the mouse and the paste icon.
Press Enter.
Press Ctrl+d.
Commit the configuration.
user@host# commit
Verifying the Configuration
Verify that the script behaves as expected.
When you issue the show protocols
mode command, the bgp_global_import
import policy is not
displayed, because it is added as a transient change.
[edit] user@host# show protocols bgp { group fish { neighbor { import [ blue green ]; peer-as 64501; } neighbor { peer-as 64502; } } }
The commit script adds the import bgp_global_import
statement at the [edit protocols bgp]
hierarchy level
and prepends the bgp_global_import
policy to the
neighbor policy chain. Issue the show protocols | display commit-scripts
to view all configuration statements including transient changes.
[edit] user@host# show protocols | display commit-scripts bgp { import bgp_global_import; group fish { neighbor { import [ bgp_global_import blue green ]; peer-as 64501; } neighbor { peer-as 64502; } } }
After you add a policy to the neighbor,
which previously had no policies applied, the bgp_global_import
policy is prepended. Issue the show protocols | display commit-scripts
command to view all configuration statements including transient
[edit] user@host# set protocols bgp group fish neighbor import green [edit] user@host# show protocols | display commit-scripts bgp { import bgp_global_import; group fish { neighbor { import [ bgp_global_import blue green ]; peer-as 64501; } neighbor { import [ bgp_global_import green ]; peer-as 64502; } } }