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XSLT Recursion Overview

XSLT depends on recursion as a looping mechanism. Recursion occurs when a section of code calls itself, either directly or indirectly. Both named and unnamed templates can use recursion, and different templates can use mutual recursion, one calling another that in turn calls the first.

To avoid infinite recursion and excessive consumption of system resources, the Junos OS management process (mgd) limits the maximum recursion to 5000 levels. If this limit is reached, the script fails.

In the following example, an unnamed template matches on a <count> element. It then calls the <count-to-max> template, passing the value of the count element as max. The <count-to-max> template starts by declaring both the max and cur parameters and setting the default value of each to 1 (one). Although the optional default value for max is one, the template will use the value passed in from the count template. Then the current value of cur is emitted in an <out> element. Finally, if cur is less than max, the <count-to-max> template recursively invokes itself, passing cur + 1 as cur. This recursive pass then outputs the next number and repeats the recursion until cur equals max.

Given a max value of 10, the values contained in the <out> tag are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.