- play_arrow Login Classes and Login Settings
- play_arrow User Accounts
- play_arrow Passwords for User Access
- play_arrow Trusted Platform Module
- play_arrow User Authentication
- play_arrow Remote Access Management
- play_arrow Access Control
- Access Control Authentication Methods
- Preventing Unauthorized Access to EX Series Switches Using Unattended Mode for U-Boot
- Preventing Unauthorized Access to EX Series Switches Using Unattended Mode for U-Boot
- RADIUS Server Configuration for Authentication
- 802.1X Authentication
- MAC RADIUS Authentication
- Service-Type Attribute and Jumbo Frame Handling Overview
- 802.1X and RADIUS Accounting
- Example: Setting Up 802.1X for Single-Supplicant or Multiple-Supplicant Configurations on an EX Series Switch
- Example: Setting Up 802.1X in Conference Rooms to Provide Internet Access to Corporate Visitors on an EX Series Switch
- Interfaces Enabled for 802.1X or MAC RADIUS Authentication
- Static MAC Bypass of 802.1X and MAC RADIUS Authentication
- Configuring PEAP for MAC RADIUS Authentication
- Captive Portal Authentication
- Flexible Authentication Order on EX Series Switches
- Server Fail Fallback and Authentication
- Authentication Session Timeout
- Central Web Authentication
- Dynamic VLAN Assignment for Colorless Ports
- VoIP on EX Series Switches
- play_arrow Configuring IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Network Access Control
- play_arrow Device Discovery
- play_arrow Domain Name Security
- play_arrow Permission Flags
- access
- access-control
- admin
- admin-control
- all
- clear
- configure
- control
- field
- firewall
- firewall-control
- floppy
- flow-tap
- flow-tap-control
- flow-tap-operation
- idp-profiler-operation
- interface
- interface-control
- maintenance
- network
- pgcp-session-mirroring
- pgcp-session-mirroring-control
- reset
- rollback
- routing
- routing-control
- secret
- secret-control
- security
- security-control
- shell
- snmp
- snmp-control
- system
- system-control
- trace
- trace-control
- view
- view-configuration
- play_arrow Configuration Statements and Operational Commands
Understanding Dynamic VLANs for 802.1X on MX Series Routers in Enhanced LAN Mode
Starting with Junos OS Release 14.2, dynamic VLANs, in conjunction with the 802.1X authentication process, provide secure access to the LAN for end devices belonging to different VLANs on a single port.
When this feature is configured on the RADIUS server, an end device or user authenticating on the RADIUS server is assigned to the VLAN configured for it. The end device or user becomes a member of a VLAN dynamically after successful 802.1X authentication. For information on configuring dynamic VLANs on your RADIUS server, see the documentation for your RADIUS server.
Successful authentication requires that the VLAN ID or VLAN name exist on the router and match the VLAN ID or VLAN name sent by the RADIUS server during authentication. If neither exists, the end device is unauthenticated. If a guest VLAN is established, the unauthenticated end device is automatically moved to the guest VLAN.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.