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Configuring 802.1X RADIUS Accounting on MX Series Routers in Enhanced LAN Mode

Starting with Junos OS Release 14.2, RADIUS accounting permits statistical data about users logging onto or off a LAN to be collected and sent to a RADIUS accounting server.The statistical data gathered can be used for general network monitoring, to analyze and track usage patterns, or to bill a user based upon the amount of time or type of services accessed.

To configure basic RADIUS accounting using the CLI:

  1. Specify the accounting servers to which the switch will forward accounting statistics:
  2. Define the RADIUS accounting servers:
  3. Enable accounting for an access profile:
  4. Configure the RADIUS servers to use while sending accounting messages and updates:
  5. Configure the statistics to be collected on the router and forwarded to the accounting server:
  6. Display accounting statistics collected on the router:
  7. Open an accounting log on the RADIUS accounting server using the server's address, and view accounting statistics:

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Starting with Junos OS Release 14.2, RADIUS accounting permits statistical data about users logging onto or off a LAN to be collected and sent to a RADIUS accounting server.