- play_arrow Fast Track: Initial Installation
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Site Planning, Preparation, and Specifications
- play_arrow Initial Installation and Configuration
- ACX7509 Router Installation Overview
- Unpack an ACX7509 Router
- Install the ACX7509 in a Rack
- Connect an ACX7509 Router to External Devices
- Register Products—Mandatory to Validate SLAs
- Connect Earth Ground to ACX7509 Routers
- Connect Power to the ACX7509 Router
- Perform Initial Software Configuration of the ACX7509 Router
- play_arrow Maintaining Components
- play_arrow Troubleshooting Hardware
- play_arrow Contacting Customer Support and Returning the Chassis or Components
Laser and LED Safety Guidelines and Warnings
Juniper Networks devices are equipped with laser transmitters, which are considered a Class 1 Laser Product by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are evaluated as a Class 1 Laser Product per IEC/EN 60825-1 requirements.
Observe the following guidelines and warnings:
General Laser Safety Guidelines
When working around ports that support optical transceivers, observe the following safety guidelines to prevent eye injury:
Do not look into unterminated ports or at fibers that connect to unknown sources.
Do not examine unterminated optical ports with optical instruments.
Avoid direct exposure to the beam.
Laser Warning:Unterminated optical connectors can emit invisible laser radiation. The lens in the human eye focuses all the laser power on the retina, so focusing the eye directly on a laser source—even a low-power laser—could permanently damage the eye.
Avertissement Les connecteurs à fibre optique sans terminaison peuvent émettre un rayonnement laser invisible. Le cristallin de l’œil humain faisant converger toute la puissance du laser sur la rétine, toute focalisation directe de l’œil sur une source laser, —même de faible puissance—, peut entraîner des lésions oculaires irréversibles.
Class 1 Laser Product Warning
Class 1 laser product.
Waarschuwing Klasse-1 laser produkt.
Varoitus Luokan 1 lasertuote.
Avertissement Produit laser de classe I.
Warnung Laserprodukt der Klasse 1.
Avvertenza Prodotto laser di Classe 1.
Advarsel Laserprodukt av klasse 1.
Aviso Produto laser de classe 1.
¡Atención! Producto láser Clase I.
Varning! Laserprodukt av klass 1.
Class 1 LED Product Warning
Class 1 LED product.
Waarschuwing Klasse 1 LED-product.
Varoitus Luokan 1 valodiodituote.
Avertissement Alarme de produit LED Class I.
Warnung Class 1 LED-Produktwarnung.
Avvertenza Avvertenza prodotto LED di Classe 1.
Advarsel LED-produkt i klasse 1.
Aviso Produto de classe 1 com LED.
¡Atención! Aviso sobre producto LED de Clase 1.
Varning! Lysdiodprodukt av klass 1.
Laser Beam Warning
Do not stare into the laser beam or view it directly with optical instruments.
Waarschuwing Niet in de straal staren of hem rechtstreeks bekijken met optische instrumenten.
Varoitus Älä katso säteeseen äläkä tarkastele sitä suoraan optisen laitteen avulla.
Avertissement Ne pas fixer le faisceau des yeux, ni l'observer directement à l'aide d'instruments optiques.
Warnung Nicht direkt in den Strahl blicken und ihn nicht direkt mit optischen Geräten prüfen.
Avvertenza Non fissare il raggio con gli occhi né usare strumenti ottici per osservarlo direttamente.
Advarsel Stirr eller se ikke direkte p strlen med optiske instrumenter.
Aviso Não olhe fixamente para o raio, nem olhe para ele directamente com instrumentos ópticos.
¡Atención! No mirar fijamente el haz ni observarlo directamente con instrumentos ópticos.
Varning! Rikta inte blicken in mot strålen och titta inte direkt på den genom optiska instrument.