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ACX7509 Cloud Metro Router Hardware Guide
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ACX7509 Power Planning

date_range 11-Apr-22

Power planning includes calculating power requirements and thermal output.

Calculating Power Requirements for the ACX7509 Router

Use the information in this topic to determine the power requirement for your router and plan the amount of power you need to provide to the router.

Power Requirements for ACX7509 Components

Table 1 lists the power requirements of the Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) of the ACX7509 router.

Table 1: Power Requirements of the ACX7509 Router Field Replaceable Units


Typical Power Requirement (Without Optics)

Worst Case Power Requirements (With Optics)


80 W

336 W


60 W

70 W


356 W

468 W


122 W

133 W


102 W

114 W


70 W

74 W

Power Specifications of AC or DC PSMs

Table 2 shows how much power is available with AC and DC power supplies. The ACX7509 DC power supply module (PSM) can operate with an input current of 80 A or 60 A. You select the input rating by moving the DC input current selector (DIP switch) to the desired setting.

Table 2: Power Specifications of AC or DC PSMs

Number of Power Supplies



60 A (DIP switch)

80 A (DIP switch)

40 VDC - 72 VDC

Input voltage 40V - 48V

Input voltage 48V - 72V


3000 W

2200 W

2700 W

3000 W


6000 W

4400 W

5400 W

6000 W


9000 W

6600 W

8100 W

9000 W


12000 W

8800 W

10800 W

12000 W

Power Requirement Calculation for an ACX7509-BASE Router

The following sample configuration shows the power requirement of a fully loaded ACX7509-BASE router.

  • One Routing and Control Board (RCB)

  • One Forwarding Engine Board (FEB)

  • Eight Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPCs), as follows:

    • Six ACX-FPC-20Y

    • One ACX-FPC-16C

    • One ACX-FPC-4CD

  • Two JNP5700-FAN fan trays

  • Two JNP-3000W-AC-AFO or JNP-3000W-DC-AFO power supplies

The preceding sample configuration uses generalized values.

Table 3: Power Requirements of a Fully Loaded ACX7509-BASE Router


Chassis Slot Number

Typical Power Requirement (Without Optics)

Worst Case Power Requirements (With Optics)



60 W

70 W



356 W

468 W


FPC 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7

70 W * 6 = 420 W

74 W * 6 = 444 W



122 W

133 W



102 W

114 W


Fan Tray 0 and Fan Tray 1

80 W * 2 = 160 W

336 W * 2 = 672 W

PSM power loss with 92% efficiency

160.16 W

187.68 W

Total power requirement

1380.16 W

2088.68 W

Total power requirement (in Watts) with 92% efficiency

Power requirement in watts / power supply efficiency @92% = power consumption in watts:

1380.16 / 0.92 = 1500

Power requirement in watts / power supply efficiency @92% = power consumption in watts:

2088.68 / 0.92 = 2270

Table 4 lists the power requirements for the fully configured ACX7509-BASE router with AC or DC PSMs.

Table 4: ACX7509-BASE Router Power Requirements with AC or DC PSMs

ACX7509-BASE Configuration

Typical Power Requirement (Without Optics)

Worst Case Power Requirements (With Optics)

Fully configured ACX7509-BASE chassis running at high activity, with SFP28, QSFP28, QSFP56-DD optics, and AC PSMs

1500 W

2270 W

Fully configured ACX7509-BASE chassis running at high activity, with SFP28, QSFP28, QSFP56-DD optics, and DC PSMs

1500 W

2270 W

Power Requirement Calculation for an ACX7509-PREMIUM Router

The following sample configuration shows the power requirement of a fully loaded ACX7509-PREMIUM router.

  • Two Routing and Control Boards (RCBs)

  • Two Forwarding Engine Boards (FEBs)

  • Eight Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPCs), as follows:

    • Six ACX-FPC-20Y

    • One ACX-FPC-16C

    • One ACX-FPC-4CD

  • Two JNP5700-FAN fan trays

  • Four JNP-3000W-AC-AFO or JNP-3000W-DC-AFO power supplies

The preceding sample configuration uses generalized values.

Table 5: Power Requirements of a Fully Loaded ACX7509-PREMIUM Router


Chassis Slot Number

Typical Power Requirement (Without Optics)

Worst Case Power Requirements (With Optics)


RCB 0 and RCB 1

60*2 = 120 W

70*2 = 140 W


FEB 0 and FEB 1

356*2 = 712 W

468*2 = 936 W


FPC 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7

70 W * 6 = 420 W

74 W * 6 = 444 W



122 W

133 W



102 W

114 W


Fan Tray 0 and Fan Tray 1

80 W * 2 = 160 W

336 W * 2 = 672 W

PSU Power loss with 92% efficiency

215.68 W

243.2 W

Total power requirement

1851.68 W

2682.2 W

Total power requirement (in Watts) with 92% efficiency

Power requirement in watts / power supply efficiency @92% = power consumption in watts:

1851.68 / 0.92 = 2012 W

Power requirement in watts / power supply efficiency @92% = power consumption in watts:

2682.2 / 0.92 = 2915 W

Table 4 lists the power requirements for the fully configured ACX7509-PREMIUM router with AC or DC PSUs.

Table 6: ACX7509-PREMIUM Router Power Requirements with AC or DC PSMs

ACX7509-PREMIUM Configuration

Typical Power Requirement

Power Requirement with Optics

Fully configured ACX7509-PREMIUM chassis running at high activity, with SFP28, QSFP28, QSFP56-DD optics, and AC PSMs

2012 W

2915 W

Fully configured ACX7509-PREMIUM chassis running at high activity, with SFP28, QSFP28, QSFP56-DD optics, and DC PSMs

2012 W

2915 W

System Thermal Output Calculation

After you have calculated the power consumption for your configuration, you can use that information to determine the system thermal output in Basic Transmission Units (BTUs) per hour. To do so, multiply the power consumption in watts by 3.41.

For example, in Power Requirement Calculation for an ACX7509-BASE Router, we calculated the power consumption for a fully configured ACX7509-BASE chassis running at high activity, with SFP28, QSFP28, QSFP56-DD optics, and AC PSMs, to be 1500 W. Using that information we can calculate the system thermal output for the configuration as follows:

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Power consumption in watts * 3.41 = system thermal output in BTU/hr
1500 W * 3.41 = 5115 BTU/hr 