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SRX5800 Firewall Hardware Guide
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SRX5800 Line Cards and Modules

date_range 26-Sep-24

SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewall Card Overview

The cards described in this guide let you upgrade and customize your SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall to suit the needs of your network. The following types of cards are available for the SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewalls:

  • I/O cards (IOCs) provide additional physical network connections to the firewall. Their primary function is to deliver data packets arriving on the physical ports to the Services Processing Cards (SPCs) and to forward data packets out the physical ports after services processing.

  • Flex IOCs have two slots for port modules that add additional physical network connections to the firewall. Like IOCs, their primary function is to deliver data packets arriving on the physical ports to the SPCs and to forward data packets out the physical ports after services processing.

  • Modular Port Concentrators (MPCs) have slots on the front panel that accept smaller cards called Modular Interface Cards (MICs). Each MIC has one or more physical interfaces on it. An MPC with MICs installed functions in the same way as a regular I/O card (IOC), but allows greater flexibility in adding different types of Ethernet ports to your firewall. MPCs and MICs are similar in form and function to Flex IOCs and port modules. However, the two use different form-factors, so you cannot install port modules in an MPC, nor can you install MICs in a Flex IOC.

  • Services Processing Cards (SPCs) provide the processing power to run integrated services such as firewall, IPsec and IDP. All traffic traversing the firewall is passed to an SPC to have services processing applied to it.

  • Switch Control Boards (SCBs) power on and power off IOCs and SPCs; control clocking and system resets; and control booting, monitor, and system functions. Each SCB has a slot in the front panel for a Routing Engine.

Although the following modules are not cards in the sense of having a form-factor that fits the card cage of the SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewall, this guide also addresses the following modules that fit into certain SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewall cards:

  • Routing Engines fit into slots in SCBs and maintain the routing tables, manage the routing protocols used on the device, control the device interfaces and some chassis components, and provide the interface for system management and user access to the device.

  • Port modules fit into slots in Flex IOCs and add additional physical network interface ports to the firewall.

  • Modular Interface Cards (MICs) fit into slots in MPCs and add additional physical network interface ports to the firewall. MPCs and MICs are similar in form and function to Flex IOCs and port modules. However, the two use different form-factors, so you cannot install port modules in an MPC, nor can you install MICs in a Flex IOC.

Cards Supported on SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewalls

Table 1 describes the cards and other modules supported on the SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewalls.

Table 1: Supported Cards for SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewalls

Card Name and Model Number

Earliest Supported Junos OS Release

Last Supported Junos OS Release


SRX5600 and SRX5800

SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800


Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC-2-10-40 Specifications

Not supported



Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 Specifications




Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC3 Specifications



Interface Cards

I/O Card SRX5K-40GE-SFP Specifications

Not supported



I/O Card SRX5K-4XGE-XFP Specifications

Not supported



Flex I/O Card (SRX5K-FPC-IOC) Specifications

Not supported



Modular Port Concentrator (SRX5K-MPC) Specifications




SRX5K-MPC3-40G10G Specifications




SRX5K-MPC3-100G10G Specifications




SRX5K-IOC4-10G Specifications




SRX5K-IOC4-MRAT Specifications




Switch Control Board SRX5K-SCB Specifications




Switch Control Board SRX5K-SCBE Specifications




Switch Control Board SRX5K-SCB3 Specifications




Switch Control Board SRX5K-SCB4 Specifications

Not supported


Other modules

Flex I/O Card Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-SFP Specifications

Not supported



Flex I/O Card Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-TX Specifications

Not supported



Flex I/O Card Port Module SRX-IOC-4XGE-XFP Specifications

Not supported



MIC with 1x100GE CFP Interface (SRX-MIC-1X100G-CFP)




MIC with 2x40GE QSFP+ Interfaces (SRX-MIC-2X40G-QSFP)




MIC with 10x10GE SFP+ Interfaces (SRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP)




MIC with 20x1GE SFP Interfaces (SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP)




Routing Engine SRX5K-RE-13-20 Specifications




Routing Engine SRX5K-RE-1800X4 Specifications




Routing Engine SRX5K-RE3-128G Specifications




Figure 1 is an interoperability matrix that describes the compatibility between various interface cards for the SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewalls.

Figure 1: Interoperability Matrix for SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 FirewallsInteroperability Matrix for SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewalls

SRX5800 Firewall Card Cage and Slots

The card cage is the set of 14 vertical slots in the front of the chassis where you install cards. The slots are numbered from left to right. Table 2 describes the types of cards that you can install into each slot.

Table 2: SRX5800 Firewall Card Cage Slots

Card Cage Slot

Eligible Cards



IOC, Flex IOC, or MPC



0 (leftmost)









































































11 (rightmost)





For operational and cooling efficiency in SRX5800 Firewalls, we recommend that slot 0 and 11 be filled last.

SRX5800 Firewall SPC Description

The Services Processing Card (SPC) has Services Processing Units (SPUs), which provide the processing power to run integrated services such as firewall, IPsec, and IDP (see Figure 2). All traffic traversing the firewall is passed to an SPU to have services processing applied to it. Traffic is intelligently distributed by interface cards to SPUs for services processing.

The firewall must have one SPC installed.

You can install an SPC in any of the slots that are not reserved for Switch Control Board (SCB). If a slot is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the device.

Figure 2 shows a typical SPC supported on the firewall.

Figure 2: Typical SPC Typical SPC

For detailed information about SPCs supported by the firewall, see the SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewall Card Reference at

Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC-2-10-40 Specifications

The SRX5K-SPC-2-10-40 Services Processing Card (SPC) contains two Services Processing Units (SPUs), which provide the processing power to run integrated services such as firewall, IPsec, and IDP (see Figure 3). All traffic traversing the firewall is passed to an SPU to have services processing applied to it. Traffic is intelligently distributed by I/O cards (IOCs) to SPUs for services processing.

The firewall must have at least one SPC installed. You can install additional SPCs to increase services processing capacity.

You can install SPCs in any of the slots that are not reserved for Switch Control Boards (SCBs). If a slot is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the device.

Figure 3 shows a typical SPC supported on the firewall.

Figure 3: Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC-2-10-40Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC-2-10-40

Each SPC consists of the following components:

  • SPC cover, which functions as a ground plane and a stiffener.

  • Two small form-factor pluggable (SFP) chassis cluster control ports for connecting multiple devices into a redundant chassis cluster. See Chassis Cluster User Guide for SRX Series Devices for more information about connecting and configuring redundant chassis clusters.


    The Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) provides complete support for Juniper-supplied optical modules and cables. However, JTAC does not provide support for third-party optical modules and cables that are not qualified or supplied by Juniper Networks. If you face a problem running a Juniper device that uses third-party optical modules or cables, JTAC may help you diagnose host-related issues if the observed issue is not, in the opinion of JTAC, related to the use of the third-party optical modules or cables. Your JTAC engineer will likely request that you check the third-party optical module or cable and, if required, replace it with an equivalent Juniper-qualified component.

    Use of third-party optical modules with high-power consumption (for example, coherent ZR or ZR+) can potentially cause thermal damage to or reduce the lifespan of the host equipment. Any damage to the host equipment due to the use of third-party optical modules or cables is the users’ responsibility. Juniper Networks will accept no liability for any damage caused due to such use.

  • Fabric interfaces.

  • Two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces that allow control information, route information, and statistics to be sent between the Routing Engine and the CPU on the SPCs.

  • Two interfaces from the SCBs that enable the boards to be powered on and controlled.

  • Physical SPC connectors.

  • Midplane connectors and power circuitry.

  • Processor subsystem, which includes a 1.2-GHz CPU, system controller, and 1 GB of SDRAM.

  • LEDs on the faceplate that indicate the SPC and SPU status.


SPC with two SPUs

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 9.2 and later

Cables and connectors

CHASSIS CLUSTER CONTROL 0 and CHASSIS CLUSTER CONTROL 1–SFP ports for control links in chassis cluster configurations.

Supported SFP transceivers:

1000BASE-LH (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-LH, SRX-SFP-1GE-LH-ET)

1000BASE-LX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-LX, SRX-SFP-1GE-LX-ET)

1000BASE-SX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-SX, SRX-SFP-1GE-SX-ET)



Supported Slots

  • SRX5600–Any slot, except the bottom slots 0 or 1 which are reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5800–Any slot, except the centre or middle slots 0 or 1 which are reserved for SCB/RE.

Power Requirement

Maximum 265 W


Approximately 13 lb (5.9 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green–The SPC is operating normally.

  • Red–The SPC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The SPC is powered down.

STATUS LED, one tricolor for each of the two SPUs SPU 0 and SPU 1:

  • Green–The SPU is operating normally.

  • Amber–The SPU is initializing.

  • Red–The SPU has encountered an error or a failure.

  • Off–The SPU is offline. If all four SPUs are offline, it is safe to remove the SPC from the chassis.

SERVICE LED, one bicolor for each of the two SPUs, SPU 0 and SPU 1:

  • Green–Service is running on the SPU under acceptable load.

  • Amber–Service on the SPU is overloaded.

  • Off–Service is not running on the SPU.

HA LED, one tricolor:


The HA LED is lit only if the SPC has a control link, otherwise it is off.

Sometimes even after the control link is removed from the SPC, the HA LED would lit. Power cycle both the nodes to turn off the LED,

  • Green (bold)–Clustering is operating normally. All cluster members and monitored links are available, and no error conditions are detected.

  • Green (blinking)–Data transfer between the nodes.

  • Red–A critical alarm is present on clustering. A cluster member is missing or unreachable, or the other node is no longer part of a cluster because it has been disabled by the dual membership and detection recovery process in reaction to a control link or fabric link failure.

  • Amber–All cluster members are present, but an error condition has compromised the performance and resiliency of the cluster. The reduced bandwidth could cause packets to be dropped or could result in reduced resiliency because a single point of failure might exist. The error condition might be caused by:

    • The loss of chassis cluster links which causes an interface monitoring failure.

    • An error in an SPU or NPU.

    • Failure of the spu-monitoring or cold-sync-monitoring processes.

    • A chassis cluster IP monitoring failure.


  • Green (flickering)–Chassis cluster control port link is active.

  • Off–No link.


  • Green–The chassis cluster control port is enabled.

  • Off–The chassis cluster control port is disabled.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Serial Number Label (IOC Shown, Other Cards Similar)Serial Number Label (IOC Shown, Other Cards Similar)

Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 Specifications

The SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 Services Processing Card (SPC) contains four Services Processing Units (SPUs), which provide the processing power to run integrated services such as firewall, IPsec, and IDP (see Figure 5). All traffic traversing the firewall is passed to an SPU to have services processing applied to it. Traffic is intelligently distributed by I/O cards (IOCs) to SPUs for services processing.

The firewall must have at least one SPC installed. You can install additional SPCs to increase services processing capacity.

You can install SPCs in any of the slots that are not reserved for Switch Control Boards (SCBs). If a slot is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the device.

If your firewall contains a mix of SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 SPCs and earlier SRX5K-SPC-2-10-40 SPCs, an SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 SPC must occupy the lowest-numbered slot of any SPC in the chassis. This configuration ensures that the center point (CP) function is performed by the faster and higher-performance SPC type.

Figure 5: Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320

Each SPC consists of the following components:

  • SPC cover, which functions as a ground plane and a stiffener.

  • Two small form-factor pluggable (SFP) chassis cluster control ports for connecting multiple devices into a redundant chassis cluster. See Chassis Cluster User Guide for SRX Series Devices for more information about connecting and configuring redundant chassis clusters.


    The Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) provides complete support for Juniper-supplied optical modules and cables. However, JTAC does not provide support for third-party optical modules and cables that are not qualified or supplied by Juniper Networks. If you face a problem running a Juniper device that uses third-party optical modules or cables, JTAC may help you diagnose host-related issues if the observed issue is not, in the opinion of JTAC, related to the use of the third-party optical modules or cables. Your JTAC engineer will likely request that you check the third-party optical module or cable and, if required, replace it with an equivalent Juniper-qualified component.

    Use of third-party optical modules with high-power consumption (for example, coherent ZR or ZR+) can potentially cause thermal damage to or reduce the lifespan of the host equipment. Any damage to the host equipment due to the use of third-party optical modules or cables is the users’ responsibility. Juniper Networks will accept no liability for any damage caused due to such use.

  • Fabric interfaces.

  • Two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces that allow control information, route information, and statistics to be sent between the Routing Engine and the CPU on the SPCs.

  • Two interfaces from the SCBs that enable the boards to be powered on and controlled.

  • Physical SPC connectors.

  • Midplane connectors and power circuitry.

  • Processor subsystem, which includes a 1.2-GHz CPU, system controller, and 1 GB of SDRAM.

  • LEDs on the faceplate that indicate the SPC and SPU status.


SPC with four SPUs

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10 and later

Cables and connectors

CHASSIS CLUSTER CONTROL 0 and CHASSIS CLUSTER CONTROL 1–SFP ports for control links in chassis cluster configurations.

Supported SFP transceivers:

1000BASE-LH (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-LH, SRX-SFP-1GE-LH-ET)

1000BASE-LX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-LX, SRX-SFP-1GE-LX-ET)

1000BASE-SX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-SX, SRX-SFP-1GE-SX-ET)



Supported Slots

  • SRX5400–Any slot, except the bottom slot 0 which is reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5600–Any slot, except the bottom slots 0 or 1 which are reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5800–Any slot, except the centre or middle slots 0 or 1 which are reserved for SCB/RE.

Power Requirement

475 W typical, 585 W maximum

  • In the SRX5600 and SRX5800 Firewalls, you must have high-capacity power supplies (either AC or DC) and high-capacity fan trays installed in the firewall in order to install and use SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 SPCs. If you do not have high-capacity power supplies and fan trays installed, the firewall will log an alarm condition when it recognizes the SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 SPCs.

  • On SRX5600 Firewalls with AC power supplies, we recommend that you use high-line (220v) input power to ensure the device has adequate power to support SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 SPCs.


Approximately 18 lb (8.3 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green–The SPC is operating normally.

  • Red–The SPC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The SPC is powered down.

STATUS LED, one tricolor for each of the four SPUs SPU 0 through SPU 3:

  • Green–The SPU is operating normally.

  • Amber–The SPU is initializing.

  • Red–The SPU has encountered an error or a failure.

  • Off–The SPU is offline. If all four SPUs are offline, it is safe to remove the SPC from the chassis.

SERVICE LED, one bicolor for each of the four SPUs SPU 0 through SPU 3:

  • Green–Service is running on the SPU under acceptable load.

  • Amber–Service on the SPU is overloaded.

  • Off–Service is not running on the SPU.

HA LED, one tricolor:

  • Green–Clustering is operating normally. All cluster members and monitored links are available, and no error conditions are detected.

  • Red–A critical alarm is present on clustering. A cluster member is missing or unreachable, or the other node is no longer part of a cluster because it has been disabled by the dual membership and detection recovery process in reaction to a control-link or fabric-link failure.

  • Amber–All cluster members are present, but an error condition has compromised the performance and resiliency of the cluster. The reduced bandwidth could cause packets to be dropped or could result in reduced resiliency because a single point of failure might exist. The error condition might be caused by:

    • The loss of chassis cluster links which causes an interface monitoring failure.

    • An error in an SPU or NPU.

    • Failure of the spu-monitoring or cold-sync-monitoring processes.

    • A chassis cluster IP monitoring failure.

  • Off–The node is not configured for clustering or it has been disabled by the dual membership and detection recovery process in reaction to a control link or fabric link failure.


  • Green–Chassis cluster control port link is active.

  • Off–No link.


  • Green–The chassis cluster control port is enabled.

  • Off–The chassis cluster control port is disabled.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Serial Number Label (IOC Shown, Other Cards Similar)Serial Number Label (IOC Shown, Other Cards Similar)

Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC3 Specifications

The SRX5K-SPC3 Services Processing Card (SPC) contains two Services Processing Units (SPUs) with 128GB of memory per SPU, that provide the processing power to run integrated services such as firewall, IPsec, and IDP (see Figure 7). All traffic traversing the firewall is passed to an SPU to have services processing applied to it. Traffic is intelligently distributed by I/O cards (IOCs) to SPUs for services processing.

The firewall must have at least one SPC installed. You can install additional SPCs to increase services processing capacity.

SPCs cannot be installed in slots that are reserved for Switch Control Boards (SCBs) or in slot 11 on the SRX5800. If a slot is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the device.


Your firewall cannot have a mix of SRX5K-SPC-2-10-40 SPCs and SRX5K-SPC3 SPCs. Starting with Junos OS release 18.2R2 and then 18.4R1 but not 18.3R1, you can have a mix of SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 SPCs and SRX5K-SPC3 SPCs.

Figure 7: Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC3Services Processing Card SRX5K-SPC3

Each SPC consists of the following components:

  • SPC cover, which functions as a ground plane and a stiffener.

  • Two 10–Gigabit Ethernet small form-factor pluggable plus (SFP+) chassis cluster control ports for connecting multiple devices into a redundant chassis cluster. See the Chassis Cluster User Guide for SRX Series Devices for more information about connecting and configuring redundant chassis clusters.


    The Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) provides complete support for Juniper-supplied optical modules and cables. However, JTAC does not provide support for third-party optical modules and cables that are not qualified or supplied by Juniper Networks. If you face a problem running a Juniper device that uses third-party optical modules or cables, JTAC may help you diagnose host-related issues if the observed issue is not, in the opinion of JTAC, related to the use of the third-party optical modules or cables. Your JTAC engineer will likely request that you check the third-party optical module or cable and, if required, replace it with an equivalent Juniper-qualified component.

    Use of third-party optical modules with high-power consumption (for example, coherent ZR or ZR+) can potentially cause thermal damage to or reduce the lifespan of the host equipment. Any damage to the host equipment due to the use of third-party optical modules or cables is the users’ responsibility. Juniper Networks will accept no liability for any damage caused due to such use.

  • Fabric interfaces

  • One Gigabit Ethernet switch that provides control connectivity to the Routing Engine.

  • Two interfaces from the SCBs that enable the boards to be powered on and controlled.

  • Physical SPC connectors

  • Midplane connectors and power circuitry.

  • Processor subsystem, which includes a 2.3-GHz CPU, system controller, and two 128 GB solid state-drives (SSDs).

  • LEDs on the faceplate that indicate the SPC and SPU status.


SPC with two SPUs of 256 GB memory.

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 18.2R1-S1

Cables and connectors

HA0 and HA1 SFP+ ports for control links in chassis cluster configurations.

Supported transceivers:

  • 10GBASE–LR: transceiver model number SRX-SFP-10GE-LR

  • 10GBASE–SR: transceiver model number SRX-SFP-10GE-SR



Supported Slots

  • SRX5400–Any slot, except the bottom slot 0 which is reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5600–Any slot, except the bottom slots 0 or 1 which are reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5800–Any slot, except slot 11, and the centre or middle slots 0 or 1 which are reserved for SCB/RE.

Power Requirement

650 W maximum

  • In the SRX5600 and SRX5800 Firewalls, you must have high-capacity power supplies (either AC or DC) and high-capacity fan trays installed in the firewall in order to install and use SRX5K-SPC3 SPCs. If you do not have high-capacity power supplies and fan trays installed, the firewall will log an alarm condition when it recognizes the SRX5K-SPC3 SPCs.

  • On SRX5600 Firewalls with AC power supplies, we recommend that you use high-line (220v) input power to ensure the device has adequate power to support SRX5K-SPC3 SPCs.


Approximately 18 lb (8.3 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green–The SPC is operating normally.

  • Red–The SPC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The SPC is powered down.

STATUS LED, one tricolor for each SPU SPU 0 and SPU 1:

  • Off–The SPU is offline.

  • Blinking Amber–The SPU is initializing.

  • Green–The SPU initialization is done and it is operating normally.

  • Red–The SPU has encountered an error or a failure.

SERVICE LED, one tricolor for each SPU SPU 0 and SPU 1:

  • Off–The SPU is offline.

  • Blinking Red–The SPU initialization is done.

  • Blinking Amber–Service is initializing on the SPU.

  • Green–Service is running on the SPU under acceptable load.

  • Solid Red–Service encountered an error or a failure.

HA LED, one tricolor:

  • Green–Clustering is operating normally. All cluster members and monitored links are available, and no error conditions are detected.

  • Red–A critical alarm is present on clustering. A cluster member is missing or unreachable, or the other node is no longer part of a cluster because it has been disabled by the dual membership and detection recovery process in reaction to a control-link or fabric-link failure.

  • Amber–All cluster members are present, but an error condition has compromised the performance and resiliency of the cluster. The reduced bandwidth could cause packets to be dropped or could result in reduced resiliency because a single point of failure might exist. The error condition might be caused by:

    • The loss of chassis cluster links which causes an interface monitoring failure.

    • An error in an SPU or NPU.

    • Failure of the spu-monitoring or cold-sync-monitoring processes.

    • A chassis cluster IP monitoring failure.

  • Off–The node is not configured for clustering or it has been disabled by the dual membership and detection recovery process in reaction to a control link or fabric link failure.


  • Green–Chassis cluster control port link is active.

  • Off–No link.

Modular Port Concentrator (SRX5K-MPC) Specifications

The SRX5K-MPC (see Figure 8) is an interface card with two slots that accept MICs. These MICs add Ethernet ports to your firewall. An MPC with MICs installed functions in the same way as a regular IOC but allows you to add different types of Ethernet ports to your firewall. MPCs and MICs are similar in form and function to Flex IOCs and port modules. However, the two use different form-factors, so you cannot install port modules in an MPC, nor can you install MICs in a Flex IOC.

You must install at least one interface card in the firewall. The interface card can be of any of the available IOC, Flex IOC, or MPC types. You can add just one MIC; or you can add two MICs of the same or different types.

You can install MPCs in any of the slots that are not reserved for Switch Control Boards (SCBs).

If a slot in the SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall card cage is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the firewall. If a slot in an MPC is not occupied by a MIC, you must install a blank panel in the empty MIC slot to shield it and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the MPC.


When installing an SRX5K-MPC in an SRX5600 or SRX5800 Firewall:

  • If the session-distribution-mode has not been explicitly configured using the CLI command:

    user@host set security forwarding-process application-services session-distribution-mode

    The SRX5K-MPC defaults to hash-based mode automatically even if existing SRX5K-MPC or non-MPCs are installed. You cannot set the session-distribution-mode to normal.

  • If the session-distribution-mode has been explicitly configured to normal, and the MIC is installed in the device, then the SRX5K-MPC will remain offline, and the firewall generates a major alarm and logs the event for troubleshooting. You must explicitly configure the session-distribution-mode using the CLI command:

    user@host set security forwarding-process application-services session-distribution-mode hash-based

When installing an SRX5K-MPC in an SRX5400 Firewall, the session-distribution-mode will only function when hash-based mode is configured or set as the default. The normal mode is not supported.

A 9% drop is observed for PPS (throughput) when moving from session mode to hash mode (for SRX5K-MPC or non-MPCs), whereas no drop in performance is observed on CPS (connection per second) and session capacity numbers.

For more information about the CLI command, see the Junos OS documentation at


  • MPC with slots for two MICs

  • Maximum throughput:

    75 Gbps per slot from Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D10 and later

    120 Gbps per slot from Junos OS Release 12.1x47-D15 and later

Software release

Junos OS Release 12.1x46-D10

Cables and connectors

Slots for two MICs


One ejector knob each for MIC slots 0 and 1. Pull the ejector knob to unseat and partially eject the adjacent MIC.

Supported slots

  • SRX5400–Any slot except bottom slot 0

  • SRX5600–Any slot except bottom slots 0 or 1

  • SRX5800–Any slot except center slots 0 or 1

Power requirement

Maximum of 570 W for the MPC with two MICs, including applicable transceivers.

  • To install and use SRX5K-MPCs in the SRX5600 and SRX5800 Firewalls, you must have high-capacity power supplies (either AC or DC) and high-capacity fan trays installed in the firewalls. All models of SRX5400 Firewalls already include high-capacity supplies. If you do not have high-capacity power supplies and fan trays installed, the firewall will log an alarm condition when it recognizes the SRX5K-MPCs.

  • On SRX5400 and SRX5600 Firewalls with AC power supplies, we recommend that you use high-line (220 V) input power to ensure that the devices have adequate power to support SRX5K-MPCs.


Approximately 10 lb (4.5 kg) without MICs


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Green–The MPC is operating normally.

  • Blinking green–The MPC is transitioning to online or offline.

  • Red–The MPC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The MPC is powered down.

Serial number location

The serial number label is yellow and is located on the opposite side of the card.

MIC with 20x1GE SFP Interfaces (SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP)

You use Modular Interface Cards (MICs) and Modular Port Concentrators (MPCs) to add different combinations of Ethernet interfaces to your firewall to suit the specific needs of your network.

The SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP MIC (see Figure 9) can be installed in the SRX-5K MPC to add twenty 1-Gigabit Ethernet small form-factor pluggable (SFP) Ethernet ports.



  • MIC with twenty 1-Gigabit Ethernet SFP Ethernet ports

  • Fits into either of the two slots of SRX-5K-MPC

  • Supports up to 20 Gbps of full-duplex traffic

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

  • Maximum throughput: 20 Gbps

Software release

Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10

Cables and connectors

Sockets for 20 SFP Gigabit Ethernet transceivers.

Supported SFP transceivers:

1000BASE-LX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-LX, SRX-SFP-1GE-LX-ET)

1000BASE-SX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-SX, SRX-SFP-1GE-SX-ET)

1000BASE-T (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-T, SRX-SFP-1GE-T-ET)


Approximately 1.2 lb (0.54 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Green–MIC is operating normally.

  • Red–MIC has failed.

  • Off–MIC is powered down.

LINK LED, single color, one per SFP port:

  • Green–Link is active.

  • Off–Link is inactive.

Port and Interface Numbering

Each MPC accepts up to two MICs. SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP is a 20-port Gigabit Ethernet MIC with SFP.

Each port on a MIC corresponds to a unique interface name in the CLI.

In the syntax of an interface name, a hyphen (-) separates the media type from the MPC number (represented as an FPC in the CLI). The MPC slot number corresponds to the first number in the interface. The second number in the interface corresponds to the logical PIC number. The last number in the interface matches the port number on the MIC. Slashes (/) separate the MPC number from the logical PIC number and port number:


  • type—Media type, which identifies the network device. For example:

    • ge—Gigabit Ethernet interface

    • so—SONET/SDH interface

    • xe—10-Gigabit Ethernet interface

    For a complete list of media types, see Interface Naming Overview.

  • fpc—Slot in which the MPC is installed in an SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall.

  • pic—Two Logical PICs on the MIC, numbered 0 or 1 when installed in the first slot, and 2 or 3 when installed in the second slot.

  • port—Port number.

Figure 10 shows the SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP MIC installed in slot 0 of an MPC in slot 2 of an SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall.

Figure 10: SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP Interface Port MappingSRX-MIC-20GE-SFP Interface Port Mapping

The SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP MIC contains two logical PICs, numbered PIC 0 through PIC 1 in the CLI. Each logical PIC contains 10 ports numbered 0 through 9.

The sample output of the show chassis fpc pic-status command output displays two 20-port Gigabit Ethernet MICs with SFP — inserted into the slots of an MPC in slot 2.

The logical PICs of the two MICs— 10x 1GE(LAN) SFP — are shown as PIC 0, PIC 1, PIC 2, and PIC 3.

user@host> show chassis hardware
Slot 1   Online       SRX5k SPC II
  PIC 0  Online       SPU Cp
  PIC 1  Online       SPU Flow
  PIC 2  Online       SPU Flow
  PIC 3  Online       SPU Flow
Slot 2   Online       SRX5k IOC II
  PIC 0  Online       10x 1GE(LAN) SFP
  PIC 1  Online       10x 1GE(LAN) SFP
  PIC 2  Online       10x 1GE(LAN) SFP
  PIC 3  Online       10x 1GE(LAN) SFP


The show interfaces terse command output displays the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces that correspond to all the ports located on the two MICs.

user@host> show interfaces terse

Interface               Admin Link Proto    Local                 Remote
gr-0/0/0                up    up
ip-0/0/0                up    up
lt-0/0/0                up    up
ge-2/0/0                up    up
ge-2/0/1                up    down
ge-2/0/2                up    down
ge-2/0/3                up    down
ge-2/0/4                up    down
ge-2/0/5                up    up
ge-2/0/6                up    down
ge-2/0/7                up    down
ge-2/0/8                up    up
ge-2/0/9                up    up
ge-2/1/0                up    down
ge-2/1/1                up    up
ge-2/1/2                up    down
ge-2/1/3                up    down
ge-2/1/4                up    up
ge-2/1/5                up    down
ge-2/1/6                up    down
ge-2/1/7                up    down
ge-2/1/8                up    up
ge-2/1/9                up    up
ge-2/2/0                up    down
ge-2/2/1                up    down
ge-2/2/2                up    down
ge-2/2/3                up    down
ge-2/2/4                up    down
ge-2/2/5                up    down
ge-2/2/6                up    down
ge-2/2/7                up    down
ge-2/2/8                up    down
ge-2/2/9                up    down
ge-2/3/0                up    down
ge-2/3/1                up    down
ge-2/3/2                up    down
ge-2/3/3                up    down
ge-2/3/4                up    down
ge-2/3/5                up    down
ge-2/3/6                up    down
ge-2/3/7                up    down
ge-2/3/8                up    down
ge-2/3/9                up    down

Serial number location

The serial number label is yellow and is located as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP Serial Number Label SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP Serial Number Label

The serial number for the mezzanine card is shown only for reference and is never used for any purpose.

MIC with 10x10GE SFP+ Interfaces (SRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP)

You use MICs and MPCs to add different combinations of Ethernet interfaces to your firewall to suit the specific needs of your network. The SRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP (see Figure 12) can be installed in an MPC to add ten 10-Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ ports.



  • MIC with ten SFP+ 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports

  • Fits into MPC

  • Supports up to 100 Gbps of full-duplex traffic

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

  • Maximum throughput: 100 Gbps

Software release

Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D10

Cables and connectors

Sockets for ten 10-Gbps SFP+ transceivers

See Hardware Compatibility Tool for the transceivers supported.

Supported slots

Either slot in SRX5K-MPC


Approximately 1.6 lb (0.7 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Green–The MIC is operating normally.

  • Red–The MIC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The MIC is powered down.

LINK LED, single color:

  • Green–The link is active.

  • Off–No link.

Port and Interface Numbering

Each port on a MIC corresponds to a unique interface name in the CLI.

In the syntax of an interface name, a hyphen (-) separates the media type from the MPC number (represented as an FPC in the CLI). The MPC slot number corresponds to the first number in the interface. The second number in the interface corresponds to the logical PIC number. The last number in the interface matches the port number on the MIC. Slashes (/) separate the MPC number from the logical PIC number and port number:


  • type—Media type, which identifies the network device. For example:

    • ge—Gigabit Ethernet interface

    • so—SONET/SDH interface

    • xe—10-Gigabit Ethernet interface

    For a complete list of media types, see Interface Naming Overview.

  • fpc—Slot in which the MPC is installed in an SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall.

  • pic—Logical PIC on the MIC, numbered 0 when installed in the first slot or 2 when installed in the second slot.

  • port—Port number.

Figure 13 shows the port and interface numbering of an SRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP MIC when it is installed in slot 0 of an MPC in slot 2 of an SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall.

Figure 13: SRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP Port and Interface NumberingSRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP Port and Interface Numbering

The SRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP MIC contains one logical PIC, numbered PIC 0 in the CLI when inserted in the first slot of the MPC or PIC 2 when inserted in the second slot of the MPC. Each logical PIC contains 10 ports numbered 0 through 9.

The sample output of the show chassis fpc pic-status command displays two 10-port 10-Gigabit Ethernet MICs with SFP+ — inserted into the slots of an MPC in slot 2.

The logical PICs of the two MICs— 10x 10GE SFP+ — are shown as PIC 0 and PIC 2.

user@host> show chassis fpc pic-status

Slot 1   Online       SRX5k SPC II
  PIC 0  Online       SPU Cp
  PIC 1  Online       SPU Flow
  PIC 2  Online       SPU Flow
  PIC 3  Online       SPU Flow
Slot 2   Online       SRX5k IOC II
  PIC 0  Online       10x 10GE SFP+
  PIC 2  Online       10x 10GE SFP+

The show interfaces terse command output displays the 10–Gigabit Ethernet interfaces that correspond to the 10 ports located on each MIC.

user@host> show interfaces terse

Interface               Admin Link Proto    Local                 Remote
gr-0/0/0                up    up
ip-0/0/0                up    up
lt-0/0/0                up    up
xe-2/0/0                up    up
xe-2/0/1                up    up
xe-2/0/2                up    up
xe-2/0/2.0              up    up   inet
                                   inet6    1300::2/64
xe-2/0/3                up    up
xe-2/0/4                up    up
xe-2/0/5                up    up
xe-2/0/6                up    up
xe-2/0/6.0              up    up   inet
                                   inet6    1400::1/64
xe-2/0/7                up    down
xe-2/0/8                up    down
xe-2/0/9                up    down
xe-2/2/0                up    down
xe-2/2/1                up    down
xe-2/2/2                up    down
xe-2/2/3                up    down
xe-2/2/4                up    down
xe-2/2/5                up    down
xe-2/2/6                up    down
xe-2/2/7                up    down
xe-2/2/8                up    down
xe-2/2/9                up    down

Serial number location

The serial number label is yellow and located as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: SRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP Serial Number LabelSRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP Serial Number Label

MIC with 1x100GE CFP Interface (SRX-MIC-1X100G-CFP)

You use MICs and MPCs to add different combinations of Ethernet interfaces to your firewall to suit the specific needs of your network. The SRX-MIC-1X100G-CFP (see Figure 15) can be installed in an MPC to add one 100-Gigabit Ethernet CFP port.

Figure 15: SRX-MIC-1X100G-CFPSRX-MIC-1X100G-CFP


  • MIC with one CFP 100-Gigabit Ethernet port

  • Fits into MPC

  • Supports up to 100 Gbps of full-duplex traffic

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

  • Maximum throughput: 100 Gbps

Software release

Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D10

Cables and connectors

One socket for a 100-Gigabit CFP transceiver.

Supported CFP transceivers:

  • 100GBASE-LR4 (model number: SRX-CFP-100G-LR4)

  • 100GBASE-SR10 (model number: SRX-CFP-100G-SR10)

Supported slots

Either slot in SRX5K-MPC


Approximately 1.6 lb (0.7 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Green–The MIC is operating normally.

  • Red–The MIC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The MIC is powered down.

LINK LED, single color:

  • Green–The link is active.

  • Off–No link.

Serial number location

The serial number label is yellow and located as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: SRX-MIC-1X100G-CFP Serial Number Label SRX-MIC-1X100G-CFP Serial Number Label

MIC with 2x40GE QSFP+ Interfaces (SRX-MIC-2X40G-QSFP)

You use MICs and MPCs to add different combinations of Ethernet interfaces to your firewall to suit the specific needs of your network. The SRX-MIC-2X40G-QSFP (see Figure 17) can be installed in an MPC to add two 40-Gigabit quad small form-factor pluggable (QSFP+) Ethernet ports.



  • MIC with two QSFP+ Ethernet ports

  • Fits into MPC

  • Supports up to 80 Gbps of full-duplex traffic

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

  • Maximum throughput: 80 Gbps

Software release

Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D10

Cables and connectors

Sockets for two QSFP+ 40-Gigabit Ethernet fiber-optic transceivers.

Supported QSFP+ transceiver:

40GBASE-SR4 (model number SRX-QSFP-40G-SR4)

40GBASE-LR4 (model number SRX-QSFP-40G-LR4)

Supported slots

Either slot in SRX5K-MPC


Approximately 1.6 lb (0.7 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Green–The MIC is operating normally.

  • Red–The MIC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The MIC is powered down.

LINK LED, single color, one per QSFP+ port:

  • Green–The link is active.

  • Off–No link.

Serial number location

The serial number label is yellow and typically located as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: SRX-MIC-2X40G-QSFP Serial Number LabelSRX-MIC-2X40G-QSFP Serial Number Label

SRX5K-MPC3-40G10G Specifications

The SRX5K-MPC3-40G10G (IOC3) is an interface card that provides 10 Gigabit Ethernet and 40 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, with a Packet Forwarding Engine that provides a 240 Gbps line rate. This interface card is supported on SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewalls. See Figure 19.


These cards do not support plug-in Modular Interface Cards (MICs).

All ports on the interface card have dual-color LEDs for reporting link status.

The interface card also supports hot-pluggable optical modules.

Figure 19: SRX5K-MPC3-40G10GSRX5K-MPC3-40G10G

If a slot in the SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall card cage is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the firewall.


  • Fixed-configuration MPC with six 40-Gigabit Ethernet ports and twenty-four 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports

  • Maximum throughput: 240 Gbps

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

Software release

Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D10 and later

Supported Slots

  • SRX5400 – Any slot, except the bottom slot 0 which is reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5600 – Any slot, except the bottom slots 0 or 1 which are reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5800 – Any slot, except the middle slots 0, 1, and 2/6 which are reserved for SCB/RE and slots 0 (left most) and 11 (right most).


    You can use the 2/6 slot to install an interface card if an SCB is not already installed in it.

Cables and connectors

Sockets for 40-Gbps and 10-Gbps SFP+ transceivers

See Hardware Compatibility Tool for the transceivers supported.

Power requirements

Typical: 9.68 A @ 48 V (460 W)

At different temperatures:

  • 55° C: 607 W

  • 40° C: 541 W

  • 25° C: 511 W


21 lb (9.52 kg)

Hardware features

  • Line-rate throughput of up to 240 Gbps

  • Supports up to 32,000 queues per-slot

  • LAN-PHY mode at 10.3125 Gbps on a per-port basis

  • The ports are labeled as:

    • 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports: 0/0 through 0/11 and 1/0 through 1/11

    • 40-Gigabit Ethernet ports: 2/0 through 2/2 and 3/0 through 3/2

Software features

  • Optical diagnostics and related alarms

  • Two packet-forwarding engines, PFE0 and PFE1. PFE0 hosts PIC0 and PIC2. PFE1 hosts PIC1 and PIC3.

  • Configurable LAN-PHY mode options per 10-Gigabit Ethernet port

  • Intelligent oversubscription services


At any one time you can have only one of the following PIC combinations powered on:

  • PIC0 & PIC1

  • PIC0 & PIC3

  • PIC2 & PIC1

  • PIC2 & PIC3

If you configure any of the following invalid PIC combinations, the chassis will set PIC0 & PIC1 combination online.

  • PIC0 & PIC2

  • PIC1 & PIC3


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Solid green—MPC is functioning normally.

  • Blinking green—MPC is transitioning online or offline.

  • Red—MPC has failed.

10-Gigabit Ethernet LINK LED, one green per port:

  • Green—Link is up.

  • Off—Link is down or disabled.

40-Gigabit Ethernet LINK LED, one bicolor per port:

  • Green—Link is up.

  • Amber—Link is disabled.

  • Off—Link is down.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20: SRX5K-MPC3-40G10G Serial Number LabelSRX5K-MPC3-40G10G Serial Number Label

SRX5K-MPC3-100G10G Specifications

The SRX5K-MPC3-100G10G (IOC3) is an interface card that provides 100 Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, with a Packet Forwarding Engine that provides a 240 Gbps line rate. This interface card is supported on SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewalls. See Figure 21.


These cards do not support plug-in Modular Interface Cards (MICs).

All ports on the interface card have dual-color LEDs for reporting link status.

The interface card also supports hot-pluggable optical modules.

Figure 21: SRX5K-MPC3-100G10GSRX5K-MPC3-100G10G

If a slot in the SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall card cage is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the firewall.


  • Fixed-configuration MPC with two 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports and four 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports

  • Maximum throughput: 240 Gbps

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

Software release

Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D10 and later

Supported Slots

  • SRX5400 – Any slot, except the bottom slot 0 which is reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5600 – Any slot, except the bottom slots 0 or 1 which are reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5800 – Any slot, except the middle slots 0, 1, and 2/6 which are reserved for SCB/RE and slots 0 (left most) and 11 (right most).


    You can use the 2/6 slot to install an interface card if an SCB is not already installed in it.

Cables and connectors

Sockets for 100-Gbps and 10-Gbps SFP+ transceivers

See Hardware Compatibility Tool for the transceivers supported.

Power requirements

  • Typical: 10.52 A @ 48 V (505 W)

At different temperatures:

  • 55° C: 607 W

  • 40° C: 541 W

  • 25° C: 511 W


21 lb (9.52 kg)

Hardware features

  • Line-rate throughput of up to 240 Gbps

  • Supports up to 32,000 queues per-slot

  • LAN-PHY mode at 10.3125 Gbps on a per-port basis

The ports are labeled as:

  • 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports: 0/0, 0/1, 2/0, and 2/1

  • 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports: 1/0 and 3/0

Software features

  • Configurable LAN-PHY mode options per 10-Gigabit Ethernet port

  • Optical diagnostics and related alarms

  • Intelligent oversubscription services


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Solid green—MPC is functioning normally.

  • Blinking green—MPC is transitioning online or offline.

  • Red—MPC has failed.

10-Gigabit Ethernet LINK LED, one bicolor per port:

  • Green—Link is up.

  • Amber—Link is disabled.

  • Off—Link is down or disabled.

100-Gigabit Ethernet LINK LED, one bicolor per port:

  • Green—Link is up.

  • Amber—Link is disabled.

  • Off—Link is down.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22: SRX5K-MPC3-100G10G Serial Number LabelSRX5K-MPC3-100G10G Serial Number Label

SRX5K-IOC4-10G Specifications

SRX5K-IOC4-10G is a fixed-configuration interface card with a Packet Forwarding Engine that provides 400-Gbps line rate. This interface card provides scalability in bandwidth and services to the SRX5400, SRX5600 and SRX5800 Firewalls. See Figure 23.


SRX5K-IOC4-10G cards do not support plug-in Modular Interface Cards (MICs).

Figure 23: SRX5K-IOC4-10GSRX5K-IOC4-10G

If a slot in the SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall card cage is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the firewall.


  • Fixed-configuration IOC with forty 10-Gbps port speeds

  • Maximum throughput: 400-Gbps

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

Software release

Junos OS Release 19.3R1 and later

Supported slots

  • SRX5400—Any slot, except the bottom slots 0 and 1/0, which are reserved for SCB/RE.


    Slot 1/0 is a dual purpose slot. You can install SRX5K-IOC4-10G in slot 1/0 if an SCB is not already installed in it.

  • SRX5600—Any slot, except the bottom slots 0 and 1, which are reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5800—Any slot, except the middle slots 0, 1, and 2/6, which are reserved for SCB/RE, and slots 0 (most left) and 11 (most right).


    Slot 2/6 is a dual purpose slot. You can install SRX5K-IOC4-10G in slot 2/6 if an SCB is not already installed in it.

Cables and connectors

See Hardware Compatibility Tool for the transceivers supported.

Power requirements

  • Typical: 405 W

At different temperatures:

  • 131° F (55° C): 500 W

  • 104° F (40° C): 465 W

  • 75° F (25° C): 430 W


17 lb (7.7 kg)

Hardware features

  • Junos Trio chipsets for increased scaling for bandwidth, subscribers, and services

  • Forty 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports. The ports support SFP+ transceivers.

  • Requires high-capacity power supplies and high-capacity fan trays.

  • The ports are labeled as (seeFigure 23):

    • 0/0 through 0/9

    • 0/10 through 0/19

    • 1/0 through 1/9

    • 1/10 through 1/19

Software features

  • Application security

  • Application Layer Gateway (ALG)

  • Attack detection and prevention

  • Class of service (CoS)

  • Equal-cost multipath (ECMP) load balancing

  • GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP)

  • High availability (chassis cluster)

  • Intrusion detection and prevention (IDP)

  • IPsec VPN

  • Layer 2 transparent mode

  • Logical systems

  • Network Address Translation (NAT)

  • Routing protocols (BFD, BGP, IGMP, IS-IS, MLD, Multicast, OSPF, PIM, RIP, and SCTP)

  • SSL proxy

  • Tenant systems

  • Content Security


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green—IOC is functioning normally.

  • Yellow—IOC has failed.

LINK LED, one green per port:

  • Steady green—Link is up.

  • Off—Link is down or disabled.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24: SRX5K-IOC4-10G Serial Number LabelSRX5K-IOC4-10G Serial Number Label

SRX5K-IOC4-MRAT Specifications

SRX5K-IOC4-MRAT is a fixed-configuration interface card with a Packet Forwarding Engine that provides up to 480-Gbps (240-Gbps per PIC slot) line rate. This interface card provides scalability in bandwidth and services to the SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewalls. See Figure 25.


SRX5K-IOC4-MRAT cards do not support plug-in Modular Interface Cards (MICs).


If a slot in the SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 Firewall card cage is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the firewall.


  • Fixed-configuration IOC with 10-Gbps, 40-Gbps, and 100-Gbps port speeds

  • Maximum throughput: up to 480 Gbps (240 Gbps per PIC slot)

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

Software release

Junos OS Release 19.3R1 and later

Supported Slots

  • SRX5400—Any slot, except the bottom slots 0 and 1/0, which are reserved for SCB/RE.


    Slot 1/0 is a dual purpose slot. You can install SRX5K-IOC4-MRAT in slot 1/0 if an SCB is not already installed in it.

  • SRX5600—Any slot, except the bottom slots 0 and 1, which are reserved for SCB/RE.

  • SRX5800—Any slot, except the middle slots 0, 1, and 2/6, which are reserved for SCB/RE, and slots 0 (most left) and 11 (most right).


    Slot 2/6 is a dual purpose slot. You can install SRX5K-IOC4-MRAT in slot 2/6 if an SCB is not already installed in it.

Cables and connectors

See Hardware Compatibility Tool for the transceivers supported.

Power requirements

At different temperatures:

  • 131° F (55° C): 545 W

  • 104° F (40° C): 465 W

  • 75° F (25° C): 430 W


15.7 lb (7.12 kg)

Hardware features

  • Junos Trio chipsets for increased scaling for bandwidth, subscribers, and services

  • Twelve Gigabit Ethernet ports that can be configured as 40-Gigabit Ethernet port or as 4X10-Gigabit Ethernet port using a breakout cable. The ports support quad small-form factor pluggable plus (QSFP+) transceivers.

  • Four out of the twelve ports can be configured as 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports. Port numbers 0/2, 0/5, 1/2 and 1/5 are the four 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports.

  • You can configure different combination of port speeds as long as the aggregate capacity per group of six ports labeled 0/0 through 0/5 does not exceed 240 Gbps. Similarly, aggregate capacity per group of the other six ports labeled 1/0 through 1/5 should not exceed 240 Gbps.

  • Requires high-capacity power supplies and high-capacity fan trays.

  • The ports are labeled as (see Figure 25):

    • 10-Gigabit Ethernet or 40-Gigabit Ethernet ports:

      0/0, 0/1, 0/2 100G, 0/3, 0/4, 0/5 100G, 1/0, 1/1, 1/2 100G, 1/3, 1/4, and 1/5 100G

    • 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports:

      0/2 100G, 0/5 100G, 1/2 100G and 1/5 100G


    Only ports marked 100G support 100-Gigabit Ethernet speed using QSFP28 transceivers.

Software features

  • Application security

  • Application Layer Gateway (ALG)

  • Attack detection and prevention

  • Class of service (CoS)

  • Equal-cost multipath (ECMP) load balancing

  • GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP)

  • High availability (chassis cluster)

  • Intrusion detection and prevention (IDP)

  • IPsec VPN

  • Layer 2 transparent mode

  • Logical systems

  • Network Address Translation (NAT)

  • Routing protocols (BFD, BGP, IGMP, IS-IS, MLD, Multicast, OSPF, PIM, RIP, and SCTP)

  • SSL proxy

  • Tenant systems

  • Content Security


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green—IOC is functioning normally.

  • Yellow—IOC has failed.

LINK LED, one green per port (4 per QSFP+ cage):

  • Steady green—Link is up.

  • Off—Link is down or disabled.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26: SRX5K-IOC4-MRAT Serial Number LabelSRX5K-IOC4-MRAT Serial Number Label

SRX5800 Firewall Interface Card Description

Interface cards are cards that support physical interfaces that you use to connect the firewall to your data network. Three different types of interface cards are available:

  • I/O Cards (IOCs) have fixed interface ports on the front panel of the card.

  • Flex I/O Cards (Flex IOCs) have slots on the front panel that accept smaller cards called port modules. Each port module has two or more physical interfaces on it. A Flex IOC with installed port modules functions in the same way as a regular IOC, but allows greater flexibility in adding different types of Ethernet ports to your firewall.

  • Modular Port Concentrators (MPCs) have slots on the front panel that accept smaller cards called Modular Interface Cards (MICs). Each MIC has one or more physical interface on it. An MPC with MICs installed functions in the same way as a regular I/O card (IOC), but allows greater flexibility in adding different types of Ethernet ports to your firewall. MPCs and MICs are similar in form and function to Flex IOCs and port modules. However, the two use different form-factors, so you cannot install port modules in an MPC, nor can you install MICs in a Flex IOC.

For all interface card types, the card assembly combines packet forwarding and Ethernet interfaces on a single board. The interface cards interface with the power supplies and Switch Control Boards (SCBs).

You can install interface cards in any of the slots that are not reserved for SCBs. If a slot is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the firewall.

Figure 27 shows typical IOCs supported on the firewall.

Figure 27: Typical IOCsTypical IOCs

Figure 28 shows a Flex IOC with two typical port modules installed.

Figure 28: Flex IOC with Port ModulesFlex IOC with Port Modules

Figure 29 shows an MPC.


For detailed information about the interface cards, port modules, and MICs supported by the firewall, see the SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 Firewall Card Reference at

I/O Card SRX5K-40GE-SFP Specifications

The SRX5K-40GE-SFP I/O card (IOC) is optimized for Ethernet density and supports 40 Gigabit Ethernet ports (see Figure 30). The IOC assembly combines packet forwarding and Ethernet interfaces on a single board, with four 10-Gbps Packet Forwarding Engines. Each Packet Forwarding Engine consists of one I-chip for Layer 3 processing and one Layer 2 network processor. The IOCs interface with the power supplies and Switch Control Boards (SCBs).

You must install at least one IOC in the firewall. The IOC can be of any of the available IOC or Flex IOC types.

You can install IOCs in any of the slots that are not reserved for Switch Control Boards (SCBs). If a slot is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the firewall.



  • I/O card with 40 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

  • Maximum throughput: 40 Gbps

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 9.2 and later

Cables and connectors

40 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports

Supported SFP transceivers:

1000BASE-LH (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-LH, SRX-SFP-1GE-LH-ET)

1000BASE-LX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-LX, SRX-SFP-1GE-LX-ET)

1000BASE-SX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-SX, SRX-SFP-1GE-SX-ET)

1000BASE-T (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-T, SRX-SFP-1GE-T-ET)



Supported Slots

  • SRX5600–Any slot except bottom slots 0 or 1

  • SRX5800–Any slot except center slots 0, 1, or 2/6

Power Requirement

312 W typical, 365 W maximum


Approximately 13 lb (5.9 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green–The IOC is operating normally.

  • Red–The IOC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The IOC is powered down.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31: Serial Number Label (IOC Shown, Other Cards Similar)Serial Number Label (IOC Shown, Other Cards Similar)

I/O Card SRX5K-4XGE-XFP Specifications

The SRX5K-4XGE-XFP I/O card (IOC) supports four 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports (see Figure 32). The IOC assembly combines packet forwarding and Ethernet interfaces on a single board, with four 10-Gbps Packet Forwarding Engines. Each Packet Forwarding Engine consists of one I-chip for Layer 3 processing and one Layer 2 network processor. The IOCs interface with the power supplies and Switch Control Boards (SCBs).

You must install at least one IOC in the firewall. The IOC can be of any of the available IOC or Flex IOC types.

You can install IOCs in any of the slots that are not reserved for Switch Control Boards (SCBs). If a slot is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the firewall.



  • I/O card with four 10-Gigabit Ethernet XFP ports

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

  • Maximum throughput: 40 Gbps

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 9.2 and later

Cables and connectors

Four 10-Gbps XFP ports

Supported XFP transceivers:

10GBASE-ER (model numbers SRX-XFP-10GE-ER and SRX-XFP-10GE-ER-ET )

10GBASE-LR (model numbers SRX-XFP-10GE-LR and SRX-XFP-10GE-LR-ET

10GBASE-SR (model numbers SRX-XFP-10GE-SR and SRX-XFP-10GE-SR-ET )



Supported Slots

  • SRX5600–Any slot except bottom slots 0 or 1

  • SRX5800–Any slot except center slots 0, 1, or 2

Power Requirement

312 W typical, 365 W maximum


Approximately 13 lb (5.9 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green–The IOC is operating normally.

  • Red–The IOC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The IOC is powered down.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33: SRX5K-4XGE-XFP Serial Number LabelSRX5K-4XGE-XFP Serial Number Label

Flex I/O Card (SRX5K-FPC-IOC) Specifications

The SRX5K-FPC-IOC Flex I/O card (Flex IOC) (Figure 34) is an IOC with two slots that accept port modules that add Ethernet ports to your firewall. A Flex IOC with installed port modules functions in the same way as a regular IOC, but allows greater flexibility in adding different types of Ethernet ports to your firewall.

Each Flex IOC has a processor subsystem, which includes a 1.2-GHz CPU, a system controller, 1 GB SDRAM, and two Packet Forwarding Engines with a maximum throughput of 10 Gbps each.

You must install at least one IOC in the firewall. The IOC can be of any of the available IOC or Flex IOC types.

You can install Flex IOCs in any of the slots that are not reserved for Switch Control Boards (SCBs). If a slot is not occupied by a card, you must install a blank panel to shield the empty slot and to allow cooling air to circulate properly through the firewall.

Figure 34: Flex IOC with Typical Port ModulesFlex IOC with Typical Port Modules


  • Flex IOC with slots for two port modules

  • Maximum throughput: 10 Gbps (per PFE)

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 9.5R1 and later

Cables and connectors

Slots for two port modules



Supported Slots

  • SRX5600–Any slot except bottom slots 0 or 1

  • SRX5800–Any slot except center slots 0, 1, or 2/6

Power Requirement

312 W typical, 365 W maximum (includes port modules)


Approximately 10 lb (4.5 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green–The Flex IOC is operating normally.

  • Red–The Flex IOC has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The Flex IOC is powered down.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35: Serial Number Label (IOC Shown, Other Cards Similar)Serial Number Label (IOC Shown, Other Cards Similar)

Flex I/O Card Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-SFP Specifications

You use port modules and Flex I/O Cards (Flex IOCs) to add different combinations of small form-factor pluggable transceiver (SFP), 10-gigabit SFP transceiver (XFP), and copper ports to your firewall to suit the specific needs of your network. The SRX-IOC-16GE-SFP port module (Figure 36) installs into a Flex IOC to add sixteen 10/100/1000 Ethernet SFP ports.

Figure 36: Flex IOC Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-SFPFlex IOC Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-SFP


  • Port module with 16 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports

  • Maximum throughput: 10 Gbps

  • Oversubscription ratio: 1.6:1

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 9.5R1 and later

Cables and connectors

16 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports

Supported SFP transceivers:

1000BASE-LH (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-LH, SRX-SFP-1GE-LH-ET)

1000BASE-LX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-LX, SRX-SFP-1GE-LX-ET)

1000BASE-SX (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-SX, SRX-SFP-1GE-SX-ET)

1000BASE-T (model numbers SRX-SFP-1GE-T, SRX-SFP-1GE-T-ET)


ONLINE Button–The ONLINE button on the port module front panel toggles the port module online and offline

Supported Slots

Either slot in SRX5K-FPC-IOC Flex IOC


Approximately 1.6 lb (0.7 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green–The port module is operating normally.

  • Red–The port module has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The port module is powered down.

LINK LED, single color, one per port:

  • Steady green–The link is active.

  • Off–No link.

TX/RX LED, single color, one per port:

  • Blinking Green–The port is receiving or transmitting data.

  • Off–No activity.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 37.

Figure 37: Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-SFP Serial Number LabelPort Module SRX-IOC-16GE-SFP Serial Number Label

Flex I/O Card Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-TX Specifications

You use port modules and Flex I/O Cards (Flex IOCs) to add different combinations of small form-factor pluggable transceiver (SFP), 10-gigabit SFP transceiver (XFP), and copper ports to your firewall to suit the specific needs of your network. The SRX-IOC-16GE-TX port module (Figure 38) installs into a Flex IOC to add sixteen 10/100/1000 Ethernet RJ-45 copper ports.

Figure 38: Flex IOC Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-TXFlex IOC Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-TX


  • Port module with sixteen 10/100/1000 Ethernet RJ45 ports

  • Maximum throughput: 10 Gbps

  • Oversubscription ratio: 1.6:1

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 9.5R1 and later

Cables and connectors

Sixteen RJ-45 1-Gbps ports


ONLINE Button–The ONLINE button on the port module front panel toggles the port module online and offline.

Supported Slots

Either slot in SRX5K-FPC-IOC Flex IOC


Approximately 1.6 lb (0.7 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green–The port module is operating normally.

  • Red–The port module has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The port module is powered down.

LINK LED, single color, one per port:

  • Steady green–The link is active.

  • Off–No link.

TX/RX LED, single color, one per port:

  • Blinking green–The port is receiving or transmitting data.

  • Off–No activity.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39: Port Module SRX-IOC-16GE-TX Serial Number LabelPort Module SRX-IOC-16GE-TX Serial Number Label

Flex I/O Card Port Module SRX-IOC-4XGE-XFP Specifications

You use port modules and Flex I/O Cards (Flex IOCs) to add different combinations of small form-factor pluggable transceiver (SFP), 10-gigabit SFP transceiver (XFP), and copper ports to your firewall to suit the specific needs of your network. The SRX-IOC-4XGE-XFP port module (Figure 40) installs into a Flex IOC to add four 10-Gigabit Ethernet XFP ports.

Figure 40: Flex IOC Port Module SRX-IOC-4XGE-XFPFlex IOC Port Module SRX-IOC-4XGE-XFP


  • Port module with four 10-Gigabit Ethernet XFP ports

  • Maximum throughput: 10 Gbps

  • Oversubscription ratio: 4:1

  • Maximum configurable MTU: 9192 bytes

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 9.5R1 and later

Cables and connectors

4 XFP Ethernet ports

Supported XFP transceivers:

10GBASE-ER (model numbers SRX-XFP-10GE-ER and SRX-XFP-10GE-ER-ET )

10GBASE-LR (model numbers SRX-XFP-10GE-LR and SRX-XFP-10GE-LR-ET

10GBASE-SR (model numbers SRX-XFP-10GE-SR and SRX-XFP-10GE-SR-ET )


ONLINE Button–The ONLINE button on the port module front panel toggles the port module online and offline

Supported Slots

Either slot in SRX5K-FPC-IOC Flex IOC


Approximately 1.6 lb (0.7 kg)


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green–The port module is operating normally.

  • Red–The port module has failed and is not operating normally.

  • Off–The port module is powered down.

LINK LED, single color, one per port:

  • Steady green–The link is active.

  • Off–No link.

Serial Number Location

The serial number label is located as shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41: Port Module SRX-IOC-4XGE-XFP Serial Number LabelPort Module SRX-IOC-4XGE-XFP Serial Number Label