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Delete a Tenant

Users with the SP (Service Provider) Administrator or OpCo (Operating Company) Administrator role can delete a tenant and its associated sites.


Before triggering the deletion of a tenant, ensure that you delete the allocated network services and deployed policies for all the associated sites.

To delete a tenant:

  1. Select Tenants.

    The Tenants page appears.

  2. Select the tenant that you want to delete.
    • You can delete only one tenant at a time.

    • When a tenant is deleted, the sites, users, devices, and all other data associated with the tenant are deleted.

  3. Click the delete (trash can) icon.

    The Confirm Delete dialog box appears.

  4. Click Yes.

    The Confirm dialog box appears indicating that the sites associated with the tenant will also be deleted.

  5. Click Yes.

    A job to delete the tenant is triggered and you are returned to the Tenants page.

    A confirmation message appears (with the job link) at the top of the page indicating that the job was created. You can click the job link to view the status of the job. Alternatively, you can check the status of the job on the Jobs (Monitor > Jobs) page.

    After the job completes successfully, the tenant is removed on the Tenants page.