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Pushing a License to Devices

You can push licenses on to devices from the Licenses page of the Administration portal. If a license is associated with a tenant, you can push that license only to devices associated with that tenant. However, if no tenant is associated with a license, you can apply the license to any device that belongs to any tenant.

Starting in CSO Release 6.2.0, tenants can use a single license (golden license) to push the device licenses to all the physical SRX devices in its network.

When a license is applied to a device, the license information is added to the device object. When the same license is pushed to the device again, the a device-level error message is created. Similarly, if a pushed license does not match a device, the device generates an error message.

To push a license to a device:

  1. Click Administration > Licenses > Device Licenses.

    The License Files page appears.

  2. Select the license that you want to push to a device.

    The Push License button is enabled.

  3. Click the Push License button.

    The Push License page appears.

  4. From the Tenants list, select the tenant associated with the site and devices to which you want to apply the license.

    If the license has already been associated with a tenant, you cannot select a different tenant. You can apply the license only to the sites and devices associated with the tenant.

    Sites and devices associated with the selected tenant appear.

  5. Select the sites and devices to which you want to apply the license and click Push Licenses.

    CSO applies the license to the selected devices.