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Displaying Network Statistics (CTPView)

The CTPView software periodically retrieves IP performance information from each CTP platform in the network. The data is retrieved at 1-minute intervals and includes the following observation:

  • Minimum, maximum, and average values for the buffer state

  • Calculated IP packet delay variance (jitter)

  • Missing packet counts

  • Round-trip packet delay

The plots display information for the currently connected CTP platform. You can display plots for a single bundle or all configured bundles on the connected CTP platform. Each plot’s Y axis is automatically scaled for convenient viewing. However, for the buffer, packet delay variance, and round-trip delay plots, you can specify different units, minimum values, and maximum values for the Y axis intervals. You can select the period of time for which you want to review the data, from the preceding hour up to the preceding week, or you can set a custom period to review.


The Network Statistics pane requires you to select the circuit of interest based on bundle numbers. An expanding table in the pane displays a summary of the current bundle circuits and their attached ports on the connected platform.

To display a plot of IP statistics for the connected CTP platform:

  1. In the side pane, select Statistics > Plots.

    The Network Statistics pane is displayed.

  2. Click on the time period button for which you want data to be plotted.

    The plots are displayed, and the period plotted is indicated. Click any plot to open a larger version in a new window.

    You can click a button for a single bundle or all configured bundles. To plot data for a single bundle, expand the table, follow the directions in the pane to display and select the bundle. Time period buttons are then displayed for that bundle.

To display a plot with different values for the Y axis:

  1. In the Network Statistics pane, click Custom Y-axis Options.

    The Network Statistics pane is displayed.

  2. Select any combination of minimum value, maximum value, or different units for the Y axis.

    You can select these values for the Buffer, IP packet delay variation, or IP one-way packet loss plots. You can click Reset Custom Y-axis to restore the default values for all plots.

To display a plot for a custom time period:

  1. In the Network Statistics pane, click Custom Y-axis Options.

    The Network Statistics pane is displayed.

  2. Click Custom Time Options.

  3. Select a starting and ending year, month, day, hour and minute.

  4. Click Custom Time for the bundles you want to plot.

    You can click Reset Custom Time to restore the default values for all plots.

    The plots are displayed, and the period plotted is indicated. Click any plot to open a larger version in a new window.