- General Workflow
- play_arrow Apstra GUI
- play_arrow Design
- Logical Devices (Datacenter Design)
- Interface Maps (Datacenter Design)
- Rack Types (Datacenter Design)
- Templates (Datacenter Design)
- Config Templates (Freeform Design)
- play_arrow Configlets (Datacenter Design)
- play_arrow Property Sets (Datacenter Design)
- TCP/UDP Port Aliases (Datacenter Design)
- Tags (Design)
- play_arrow Devices
- Device Configuration Lifecycle
- play_arrow Managed Devices
- play_arrow System Agents
- play_arrow Pristine Configuration
- play_arrow Telemetry
- play_arrow Apstra ZTP
- play_arrow Resources Introduction
- play_arrow Freeform Reference Design
- Create / Delete Freeform Blueprint
- Freeform Blueprint Summary and Dashboard
- Topology (Freeform)
- play_arrow Systems (Freeform)
- Device Context (Freeform)
- play_arrow Links (Freeform)
- play_arrow Resource Management
- play_arrow Config Templates (Freeform Blueprint)
- Import Device Profile (Freeform)
- play_arrow Property Sets (Freeform Blueprints)
- play_arrow Tags (Freeform Blueprint)
- Tasks - Staged (Freeform)
- play_arrow Active
- Commit Blueprint
- Time Voyager
- play_arrow Analytics
- Configure Auto-Enabled Dashboards
- Instantiate Predefined Dashboard
- Create Analytics Dashboard
- Edit / Delete Dashboard
- Anomalies (Analytics)
- Widgets Overview
- Create Anomaly Heat Map Widget
- Create Stage Widget
- Edit / Delete Widget
- Probes
- Instantiate Predefined Probe
- Create Probe
- Import / Export Probe
- Edit / Delete Probe
- play_arrow Providers (External Systems)
- play_arrow Platform
- play_arrow User/Role Management (Platform)
- play_arrow Security (Platform)
- Syslog Configuration (Platform)
- Receivers (Platform)
- Global Statistics (Platform)
- Event Log (Platform)
- play_arrow Apstra VM Clusters
- play_arrow Developers (Platform)
- play_arrow Juniper Technical Support
- Favorites & User
- play_arrow Apstra Server Management
- Monitor Apstra Server via CLI
- Restart Apstra Server
- Reset Apstra Server VM Password
- Reinstall Apstra Server
- Apstra Database Overview
- Back up Apstra Database
- Restore Apstra Database
- Reset Apstra Database
- Migrate Apstra Database
- Replace SSL Certificate on Apstra Server with Signed One
- Replace SSL Certificate on Apstra Server with Self-Signed One
- Change Apstra Server Hostname
- Apstra CLI Utility
- play_arrow Guides
- play_arrow References
- play_arrow Apstra Feature Matrix
- Qualified Devices and NOS Versions
- NOS Upgrade Paths (Devices)
- play_arrow Predefined Dashboards (Analytics)
- Device Environmental Health Summary Dashboard (New in 4.1.2)
- Device Health Summary Dashboard
- Device Telemetry Health Summary Dashboard (New in 4.1.2)
- Drain Validation Dashboard
- Throughput Health MLAG Dashboard
- Traffic Trends Dashboard
- Virtual Infra Fabric Health Check Dashboard
- Virtual Infra Redundancy Check Dashboard
- play_arrow Predefined Probes (Analytics)
- BGP Session Flapping Probe
- Bandwidth Utilization Probe
- Critical Services: Utilization, Trending, Alerting Probe
- Device Environmental Checks Probe (New in 4.1.2)
- Device System Health Probe
- Device Telemetry Health Probe
- Device Traffic Probe
- Drain Traffic Anomaly Probe
- ECMP Imbalance (External Interfaces) Probe
- ECMP Imbalance (Fabric Interfaces) Probe
- ECMP Imbalance (Spine to Superspine Interfaces) Probe
- ESI Imbalance Probe
- EVPN Host Flapping Probe
- EVPN VXLAN Type-3 Route Validation Probe
- EVPN VXLAN Type-5 Route Validation Probe
- External Routes Probe
- Hot/Cold Interface Counters (Fabric Interfaces) Probe
- Hot/Cold Interface Counters (Specific Interfaces) Probe
- Hot/Cold Interface Counters (Spine to Superspine Interfaces) Probe
- Hypervisor and Fabric LAG Config Mismatch Probe (Virtual Infra)
- Hypervisor and Fabric VLAN Config Mismatch Probe (Virtual Infra)
- Hypervisor MTU Mismatch Probe (Virtual Infra NSX-T Only)
- Hypervisor MTU Threshold Check Probe (Virtual Infra)
- Hypervisor Missing LLDP Config Probe (Virtual Infra)
- Hypervisor Redundancy Checks Probe (Virtual Infra)
- Interface Flapping (Fabric Interfaces) Probe
- Interface Flapping (Specific Interfaces) Probe
- Interface Flapping (Specific Interfaces) Probe
- Interface Policy 802.1x Probe
- LAG Imbalance Probe
- Leafs Hosting Critical Services: Utilization, Trending, Alerting Probe
- Link Fault Tolerance in Leaf and Access LAGs Probe
- MLAG Imbalance Probe
- Multiagent Detector Probe
- Optical Transceivers Probe
- Packet Discard Percentage Probe
- Spine Fault Tolerance Probe
- Total East/West Traffic Probe
- VMs without Fabric Configured VLANs Probe (Virtual Infra)
- VXLAN Flood List Validation Probe
- play_arrow Probe Processors (Analytics)
- Processor: Accumulate
- Processor: Average
- Processor: Comparison
- Processor: EVPN Type 3
- Processor: EVPN Type 5
- Processor: Extensible Service Data Collector
- Processor: Generic Graph Collector
- Processor: Generic Service Data Collector
- Processor: Interface Counters
- Processor: Logical Operator
- Processor: Match Count
- Processor: Match Percentage
- Processor: Match String
- Processor: Max
- Processor: Min
- Processor: Periodic Average
- Processor: Range
- Processor: Ratio
- Processor: Service Data Collector
- Processor: Set Comparison
- Processor: Set Count
- Processor: Standard Deviation
- Processor: State
- Processor: Subtract
- Processor: Sum
- Processor: System Utilization
- Processor: Time in State
- Processor: Traffic Monitor
- Processor: Union
- Processor: VXLAN Floodlist
- Configlet Examples (Design)
- Apstra-CLI Commands
- Apstra EVPN Support Addendum
- Apstra Server Configuration File
- Agent Configuration File (Devices)
- Graph
- Juniper Apstra Technology Preview
Routing Zones
A routing zone is an L3 domain, the unit of tenancy in multi-tenant networks. You create routing zones for tenants to isolate their IP traffic from one another, thus enabling tenants to re-use IP subnets. In addition to being in its own VRF, each routing zone can be assigned its own DHCP relay server and external system connections. You can create one or more virtual networks within a routing zone, which means a tenant can stretch its L2 applications across multiple racks within its routing zone. For virtual networks with Layer 3 SVI, the SVI is associated with a Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance for each routing zone isolating the virtual network SVI from other virtual network SVIs in other routing zones. If you're using multiple routing zones, external system connections must be from leaf switches in the fabric. Routing between routing zones must be accomplished with external systems. All SVIs configured for virtual networks in this zone are in the default VRF. This is the same VRF used for the underlay or fabric network routing between network devices. All blueprints include a default routing policy. The number of routing zones is limited only by the network devices being used.
Routing zones include the following details:
Parameter | Description |
VRF Name | 15 characters or fewer. Underscore, dash and alphanumeric characters only |
Type | L3 Fabric or EVPN |
VLAN ID | Used for VLAN tagged Layer 3 links on external connections. Leave this field blank to have it automatically assigned from a static pool in the range of 2-4094), or enter a specific value. |
VNI | VxLAN VNI associated with the routing zone. Leave this field blank to have it automatically assigned from a resource pool, or enter a specific value. |
Route Target | Only EVPN routing zones use route targets. The rendered EVPN L3-VNI route target represents the built-in, automatic route target that is associated with the EVPN routing zone VRF. When using EVPN remote gateway features for Data Center Interconnect, this route target must be imported by the EVPN fabric external to this fabric. This route target is composed of "<VNI_ID>:1" where "1" is hard-coded. If route target is not assigned, then a VNI must be assigned. |
DHCP Servers | |
Routing Policies | Non-EVPN blueprints must use the default policy. EVPN blueprints can use non-default policies. For more information, see Routing Policies. |
Route Target Policies |
Resources | |
Virtual Networks | |
Interfaces |
From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Virtual > Routing Zones
to go to the routing zones table view. You can create, edit and delete routing zones and
assign DHCP servers to them. As of Apstra version 4.1.2 you can also import and export routing