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Authenticate User (API)

Let's get you authenticated so you can make API calls.
  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Platform > Developers, then click Rest API Documentation.

    The Swagger API developer tool for the Apstra environment appears.

  2. Click aaa, click POST / api/aaa/login, then click Try it out.

    The parameters become editable.

  3. Enter a username and password, then click Execute.

    The response body appears containing a token.

  4. Copy the token from the response body, scroll to the top, then click Authorize (top-right, shown in the first step).

    The Authorize dialog appears.

  5. Paste the token and click Authorize.

    The dialog shows that you've been authorized.

  6. Click the X in the dialog (top-right) to close the dialog.
    The lock in the Authorize button changes to a closed lock, indicating that you're authenticated.
You're ready to make API calls.