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- play_arrow Connectivity Templates
- play_arrow Primitives
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- Virtual Network (Multiple) Primitive
- IP Link Primitive
- Static Route Primitive
- Custom Static Route Primitive
- BGP Peering (IP Endpoint) Primitive
- BGP Peering (Generic System) Primitive
- Dynamic BGP Peering Primitive
- Routing Policy Primitive
- Routing Zone Constraint Primitive
- User-defined
- Pre-defined
- Create Connectivity Template for Multiple VNs on Same Interface (Example)
- Create Connectivity Template for Layer 2 Connected External Router (Example)
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- Delete Connectivity Template
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- BGP Route Tagging
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- Probes
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- Reset Apstra Database
- Migrate Apstra Database
- Replace SSL Certificate on Apstra Server with Signed One
- Replace SSL Certificate on Apstra Server with Self-Signed One
- Change Apstra Server Hostname
- Apstra CLI Utility
- play_arrow Guides
Processor: Extensible Service Data Collector
The Extensible Service Data Collector processor collects data supplied by a custom service that is not 'lldp', 'bgp' or 'interface'.
Parameter | Description |
Input Types | No inputs. This is a source processor. |
Output Types | NSTS, DSSTS |
Data Type | Type of data the service collects: numbers (ns) (such as device temperature), discrete states (dss) (such as device status), text or tables |
Graph Query (graph_query) | One or more queries on graph specified as strings, or a list of such queries. (String will be deprecated in a future release.) Multiple queries should provide all the named nodes referenced by the expression fields (including additional_properties). Graph query is executed on the "operation" graph. Results of the queries can be accessed using the "query_result" variable with the appropriate index. For example, if querying property set nodes under name "ps", the result will be available as "query_result[0]["ps"]". In collector processors ( In other processors it is used for general parameterization and it is only supported as a list of queries. graph_query: "node("system", role="leaf", name="system"). out("hosted_interfaces"). node("interface", name="iface").out("link"). node("link", role="spine_leaf")" graph_query: ["node("system", role="leaf", name="system")", "node("system", role="spine", name="system")"] graph_query: [node("property_set", label="probe_propset", name="ps")] duration: int(query_result[0]["ps"].values["accumulate_duration"]) |
Ingestion filter (ingestion_filter) | New (reserved) key. Ingestion filter determines what metrics from the collector make it into the probe. We support a degenerate case of ingestion filter, that is, probe specifies full identities of all metrics that need to be ingested. With this feature, you can ingest metrics that satisfy a criterion that is expressed using an ingestion filter. Ingestion filter is authored by probe authors, evaluated by the controller component that is responsible for ingesting raw telemetry into stage outputs within the probes. It is also propagated as a collection filter to the telemetry collector plugins. Keys available to express in the filter are same as the metric identity keys.
Keys (keys) | List of keys that are significant for specifying data elements for this service |
Query Expansion | For every path, originally returned by graph queries, passed to each generator the latter one produces a set of items and for each item it produces a new path extended by a corresponding property name which value is set of a value of the produced item. |
Query Group by (query_group_by) | List (of strings) of node and relationship names used in the graph
query to group query results by. Each element in this list
represents a named node or relationship matcher in the
When grouping is active ( The following list describes the behavior for various values of this field:
Query Tag Filter (query_tag_filter) | Filters named nodes in the graph queries by assigned tags. |
Value Map | A mapping of discrete-state values to human readable strings. A dictionary with all possible Discrete-State-Set states mapped to human-readable representation; applicable for Discrete-State-Set data (that is, when data_type is 'dss') only. { "0": "unknown", "1": "down", "2": "up", "3": "missing" } |
Service name (service_name) | Name of the custom collector service. |
System ID | Expression mapping from graph query to a system_id, e.g. "system.system_id" if "system" is a name in the graph query. |
Execution count | Number of times the data is collected. |
Service input (service_input) | Data to pass to telemetry collectors, if any. Can be an expression. |
Service interval (service_interval) | Telemetry collection interval in seconds. Can be an expression. |
Additional Keys | Each additional key/value pair is used to extend properties of output stages where value is considered as an expression executed in context of the graph query and its result is used as a property value with respective key. The value of this property is evaluated for each item to associate items with metrics provided by a corresponding collector service. The association is done by keys because each collector reports a set of metrics where each metric is identified by a key in a format that is specific for each collector. |
Enable Streaming (enable_streaming) | Makes samples of output stages streamed if enabled. An optional boolean that defaults to False. If set to True, all output stages of this processor are streamed in the generic protobuf schema. |