Launching a Bare Metal Server
The tenant user must follow these steps to launch a new bare metal server (BMS) from the Contrail Command UI:
- Click Workloads>Instances.
The Instances page is displayed.
- Click Create to create a new instance.
The Create Instance page is displayed.
- Select New Baremetal Server as the Server Type.
- Enter the following information in the Create Instance page:
Table 1: Add Existing Bare Metal Server Information Field
Instance Name
Enter a name for the BMS instance.
Select Boot Source
Select a Image or Instance Snapshot from the list.
Select Image
Select the BMS Image you created for the BMS from the list.
Select Flavor
Select the Flavor for the BMS from the list.
Select SSH Key
Select the SSH key for the BMS from the list, to login into SSH without password.
Availability Zone
Assign Availability Zone as nova-baremetal for BMS lifecycle management.
Count (1-10)
Assign values from 1 to 10, to spin the number of BMS instances.
- Click Create to launch a new baremetal server.