- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail Controller
- play_arrow Configuring Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Virtual Networks
- Creating Projects in OpenStack for Configuring Tenants in Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with Juniper Networks Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with OpenStack Contrail
- Creating an Image for a Project in OpenStack Contrail
- Creating a Floating IP Address Pool
- Using Security Groups with Virtual Machines (Instances)
- Support for IPv6 Networks in Contrail
- Configuring EVPN and VXLAN
- Support for EVPN Route Type 5
- play_arrow Example of Deploying a Multi-Tier Web Application Using Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Services
- play_arrow Configuring Service Chaining
- play_arrow Examples: Configuring Service Chaining
- play_arrow Adding Physical Network Functions in Service Chains
- play_arrow QoS Support in Contrail
- play_arrow BGP as a Service
- play_arrow Load Balancers
- play_arrow Optimizing Contrail
- play_arrow Contrail Security
- play_arrow Contrail Security
- play_arrow Monitoring and Troubleshooting Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Traffic Mirroring to Monitor Network Traffic
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Configuring Contrail Analytics
- Analytics Scalability
- High Availability for Analytics
- System Log Receiver in Contrail Analytics
- Sending Flow Messages to the Contrail System Log
- Ceilometer Support in a Contrail Cloud
- User Configuration for Analytics Alarms and Log Statistics
- Alarms History
- Node Memory and CPU Information
- Role- and Resource-Based Access Control for the Contrail Analytics API
- Configuring Analytics as a Standalone Solution
- Configuring Secure Sandesh and Introspect for Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Using Contrail Analytics to Monitor and Troubleshoot the Network
- Monitoring the System
- Debugging Processes Using the Contrail Introspect Feature
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Dashboard
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Control Nodes
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Virtual Routers
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Analytics Nodes
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Config Nodes
- Monitor > Networking
- Query > Flows
- Query > Logs
- Understanding Flow Sampling
- Example: Debugging Connectivity Using Monitoring for Troubleshooting
- play_arrow Common Support Answers
- play_arrow Contrail Commands and APIs
- play_arrow Contrail Commands
- play_arrow Contrail Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Deploying Contrail Cluster using Contrail-Command and instances.yml
Contrail Release 5.0.1 supports deploying a Contrail cluster using Contrail Command and the instances.yml file.
System Requirements
A VM or physical server with:
8 vCPUs
300 GB disk out of which 256 GB is allocated to /root directory.
Internet access to and from the physical server, hereafter referred to as the Contrail Command server
(Recommended) x86 server with CentOS 7.5 (Minimal ISO) as the base OS to install Contrail Command
is obsolete in Contrail Release 5.0.2.
You must remove docker-py
and docker
packages from all the nodes where you want to install the Contrail
Command UI.
pip uninstall docker-py docker
Perform the following steps to deploy a Contrail cluster using Contrail Command and the instances.yml file.
Sample instances.yml File
global_configuration: CONTAINER_REGISTRY: hub.juniper.net/contrail CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME: < container_registry_username > CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: < container_registry_password > provider_config: bms: ssh_pwd: <Pwd> ssh_user: root ntpserver: <NTP Server> domainsuffix: local instances: bms1: provider: bms ip: <BMS IP> roles: config_database: config: control: analytics_database: analytics: webui: vrouter: openstack: openstack_compute: bms2: provider: bms ip: <BMS2 IP> roles: openstack: bms3: provider: bms ip: <BMS3 IP> roles: openstack: bms4: provider: bms ip: <BMS4 IP> roles: config_database: config: control: analytics_database: analytics: webui: bms5: provider: bms ip: <BMS5 IP> roles: config_database: config: control: analytics_database: analytics: webui: bms6: provider: bms ip: <BMS6 IP> roles: config_database: config: control: analytics_database: analytics: webui: bms7: provider: bms ip: <BMS7 IP> roles: vrouter: PHYSICAL_INTERFACE: <Interface name> VROUTER_GATEWAY: <Gateway IP> openstack_compute: bms8: provider: bms ip: <BMS8 IP> roles: vrouter: # Add following line for TSN Compute Node TSN_EVPN_MODE: True openstack_compute: contrail_configuration: CLOUD_ORCHESTRATOR: openstack CONTRAIL_VERSION: latest or <contrail_container_tag> CONTRAIL_CONTAINER_TAG: <contrail_container_tag>-queens RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT: 5673 VROUTER_GATEWAY: <Gateway IP> ENCAP_PRIORITY: VXLAN,MPLSoUDP,MPLSoGRE AUTH_MODE: keystone KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST: <Internal VIP> KEYSTONE_AUTH_URL_VERSION: /v3 CONTROLLER_NODES: < list of mgmt. ip of control nodes > CONTROL_NODES: <list of control-data ip of control nodes> OPENSTACK_VERSION: queens kolla_config: kolla_globals: openstack_release: queens kolla_internal_vip_address: <Internal VIP> kolla_external_vip_address: <External VIP> openstack_release: queens enable_haproxy: "no" ("no" by default, set "yes" to enable) enable_ironic: "no" ("no" by default, set "yes" to enable) enable_swift: "no" ("no" by default, set "yes" to enable) keepalived_virtual_router_id: <Value between 0-255> kolla_passwords: keystone_admin_password: <Keystone Admin Password>
The following Table 1 defines the function of each variable present in the instances.yml file.
Instances | Description |
| Enter the management interface IP address of the controller node. The default value is either populated from the IP address in the instances.yml file or the IP address provided while adding the server from contrail command UI.
| Enter the data interface IP address of the controller node. The default value is populated from the The |
| Enter the ctrl-data-network IP address.
| Enter the management network IP address.
| Enter the IP address of the host, which has The default value is populated automatically. |
| Enter the name of orchestrator you are using. Default value: none. A |
| Enter the Contrail version number. Default value: |
| Enter the port number assigned to RabbitMQ node. Default value: RabbitMQ is a software that provides message queuing service, which is an efficient method of exchanging data between applications and servers. |
| Enter the gateway IP address of the virtual router. The default gateway assigned to the virtual router is known as virtual router gateway. The default value is the default gateway IP address of management subnet in case of single interface setup. The |
Default value: |
| Enter the desired keystone authentication mode. Default value: |
| Enter the URL of the Keystone authentication server. Default value: Keystone is a Opentack identity service. All Openstack operations are authenticated via the keystone server. |
| Enter the software version number of the Openstack platform. Default value: |
| Enter Enter Default value: High Availability Proxy (Haproxy) provides high availability load balancing and proxy servers in cloud networking. |
| Enter Default value: Deploy Ironic if you want to perform Life Cycle Management in Contrail Command. |
| Enter Default value: Deploy Swift if you want to perform Image management in Contrail Command. |
| Enter value between 0-255. Default value:
| Enter keystone admin password. Default value: