- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail Controller
- play_arrow Installing and Upgrading Contrail
- play_arrow Supported Platforms and Server Requirements
- play_arrow Installing Contrail and Provisioning Roles
- Introduction to Containerized Contrail Modules
- Introduction to Contrail Microservices Architecture
- Downloading Installation Software
- Overview of contrail-ansible-deployer used in Contrail Command for Installing Contrail with Microservices Architecture
- Installing Contrail with OpenStack and Kolla Ansible
- Configuring the Control Node with BGP
- Contrail Global Controller
- Role and Resource-Based Access Control
- play_arrow Installation and Configuration Scenarios
- Setting Up and Using a Simple Virtual Gateway with Contrail 4.0
- Configuring MD5 Authentication for BGP Sessions
- Configuring the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) Integrated with Contrail vRouter
- Configuring Contrail DPDK vRouter to Run in a Docker Container
- Configuring Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV)
- Configuring Virtual Networks for Hub-and-Spoke Topology
- Configuring Transport Layer Security-Based XMPP in Contrail
- Configuring Graceful Restart and Long-lived Graceful Restart
- Remote Compute
- Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) for vRouter
- play_arrow Upgrading Contrail Software
- play_arrow Backup and Restore Contrail Software
- play_arrow Multicloud Contrail
- play_arrow Using Contrail with Kubernetes
- Contrail Integration with Kubernetes
- Installing and Managing Contrail 5.0 Microservices Architecture Using Helm Charts
- Provisioning of Kubernetes Clusters
- Using Helm Charts to Provision Multinode Contrail OpenStack Ocata with High Availability
- Using Helm Charts to Provision All-in-One Contrail with OpenStack Ocata
- Accessing a Contrail OpenStack Helm Cluster
- Frequently Asked Questions About Contrail and Helm Charts
- Contrail Deployment with Helm
- Verifying Configuration for CNI for Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Updates to IP Fabric
- Implementation of Kubernetes Network Policy with Contrail Firewall Policy
- play_arrow Using VMware vCenter with Containerized Contrail
- vCenter Integration for Contrail Release 5.0
- vCenter Integration for Contrail Release 5.0.1
- vCenter Integration for Contrail Release 5.0.2
- Underlay Network Configuration for ContrailVM
- Using the Contrail and VMware vCenter User Interfaces to Manage the Network For Contrail Releases 5.0 and 5.0.1
- Using the Contrail and VMware vCenter User Interfaces to Manage the Network For Contrail Release 5.0.2
- Integrating Contrail Release 5.0.X with VMware vRealize Orchestrator
- Installing and Provisioning Contrail VMware vRealize Orchestrator Plugin
- play_arrow Using Contrail with Red Hat
- play_arrow Contrail and AppFormix Kolla/Ocata OpenStack Deployment
- Contrail and AppFormix Deployment Requirements
- Preparing for the Installation
- Run the Playbooks
- Accessing Contrail in AppFormix Management Infrastructure in UI
- Notes and Caveats
- Example Instances.yml for Contrail and AppFormix OpenStack Deployment
- Installing AppFormix for OpenStack
- Installing AppFormix for OpenStack in HA
- play_arrow Using Contrail with Juju Charms
- play_arrow Contrail Command
- play_arrow Extending Contrail to Physical Routers, Bare Metal Servers, Switches, and Interfaces
- Understanding Bare Metal Server Management
- Configuring High Availability for the Contrail OVSDB ToR Agent
- Using Device Manager to Manage Physical Routers
- SR-IOV VF as the Physical Interface of vRouter
- Using Gateway Mode to Support Remote Instances
- REST APIs for Extending the Contrail Cluster to Physical Routers, and Physical and Logical Interfaces
- play_arrow Contrail for Data Center Automation and Fabric Management
- play_arrow Configuring Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Virtual Networks
- Creating Projects in OpenStack for Configuring Tenants in Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with Juniper Networks Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with OpenStack Contrail
- Creating an Image for a Project in OpenStack Contrail
- Creating a Floating IP Address Pool
- Using Security Groups with Virtual Machines (Instances)
- Support for IPv6 Networks in Contrail
- Configuring EVPN and VXLAN
- Support for EVPN Route Type 5
- play_arrow Example of Deploying a Multi-Tier Web Application Using Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Services
- play_arrow Configuring Service Chaining
- play_arrow Examples: Configuring Service Chaining
- play_arrow Adding Physical Network Functions in Service Chains
- play_arrow QoS Support in Contrail
- play_arrow BGP as a Service
- play_arrow Load Balancers
- play_arrow Optimizing Contrail
- play_arrow Monitoring and Troubleshooting Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Traffic Mirroring to Monitor Network Traffic
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Configuring Contrail Analytics
- Analytics Scalability
- High Availability for Analytics
- System Log Receiver in Contrail Analytics
- Sending Flow Messages to the Contrail System Log
- Ceilometer Support in a Contrail Cloud
- User Configuration for Analytics Alarms and Log Statistics
- Alarms History
- Node Memory and CPU Information
- Role- and Resource-Based Access Control for the Contrail Analytics API
- Configuring Analytics as a Standalone Solution
- Configuring Secure Sandesh and Introspect for Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Using Contrail Analytics to Monitor and Troubleshoot the Network
- Monitoring the System
- Debugging Processes Using the Contrail Introspect Feature
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Dashboard
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Control Nodes
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Virtual Routers
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Analytics Nodes
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Config Nodes
- Monitor > Networking
- Query > Flows
- Query > Logs
- Understanding Flow Sampling
- Example: Debugging Connectivity Using Monitoring for Troubleshooting
- play_arrow Common Support Answers
- play_arrow Contrail Commands and APIs
- play_arrow Contrail Commands
- play_arrow Contrail Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Security Policy Enhancements
Overview of Existing Network Policy and Security Groups in OpenStack and Contrail
Contrail virtual networks are isolated by default. Workloads in a virtual network cannot communicate with workloads in other virtual networks, by default. A neutron router or a Contrail network policy may be used to connect two virtual networks. In addition, Contrail network policy also provides security between two virtual networks by allowing or denying specified traffic.
OpenStack security groups allow access between workloads and instances for specified traffic types and any other types are denied.
A security policy model for any given customer first needs to map to the OpenStack and Contrail network policy framework and security group constructs.
In modern cloud environments, workloads are moving from one server to another, one rack to another and so on. Therefore, users must rely less on using IP addresses or other network coordinates to identify the endpoints to be protected. Instead users must leverage application attributes to author policies, so that the policies don't need to be updated on account of workload mobility.
A user might want to segregate traffic on different categories, such as the following examples:
Application—The application being protected
Tier—The tier (or component), within the application, being protected
Deployment´—The environment in which the instance of the application is deployed in
Site—The geographical location in which the application is deployed in
Many more possibilities for needing to segregate traffic.
Additionally, a user might need to group workloads based on combinations of tags. These intents are hard to express with existing network policy constructs or Security Group constructs. Besides, existing policy constructs leveraging the network coordinates, must continually be rewritten or updated each time workloads move and their associated network coordinates change.
Security Policy Enhancements
As the Contrail environment has grown and become more complex, it has become harder to achieve desired security results with the existing network policy and security group constructs. The Contrail network policies have been tied to routing, making it difficult to express security policies for environments such as cross sectioning between categories, or having a multi-tier application supporting development and production environment workloads with no cross environment traffic.
Starting with Contrail Release Contrail 4.1 addresses limitations of the current network policy and security group constructs by supporting decoupling of routing from security policies, multidimension segmentation, and policy portability. This release also enhances user visibility and analytics functions for security.
Contrail Release 4.1 introduces new firewall security policy objects, including the following enhancements:
Routing and policy decoupling—introducing new firewall policy objects, which decouples policy from routing.
Multidimension segmentation—segment traffic and add security features, based on multiple dimensions of entities, such as application, tier, deployment, site, usergroup, and so on.
Policy portability—security policies can be ported to different environments, such as ‘from development to production’, ‘from pci-complaint to production’, ‘to bare metal environment’ and ‘to container environment’.
Visibility and analytics
Using Tags and Configuration Objects to Enhance Security Policy
Starting with Contrail Release 4.1, tags and configuration objects are used to create new firewall policy objects that decouple routing and network policies, enabling multidimension segmentation and policy portability.
Multidimension traffic segmentation helps you segment traffic based on dimensions such as application, tier, deployment, site, and usergroup.
You can also port security policies to different environments.
Portability of policies are enabled by providing match conditions
for tags. Match tags must be added to the policy rule to match tag
values of source and destination workloads without mentioning tag
values. For example, in order for the ‘allow protocol
tcp source application-tier=web destination application-tier=application
match application and site’
rule to take effect,
the application and site values must match.
Predefined Tags
You can choose predefined tags based on the environment and deployment requirements.
Predefined tags include:
label (a special tag that allows the user to label objects)
Example Tag Usage
application = HRApp application-tier = Web site
Tagging Objects
A user can tag the objects project, VN, VM, and VMI with tags and values to map their security requirements. Tags follow the hierarchy of project, VN, VM and VMI and are inherited in that order. This gives an option for the user to provide default settings for any tags at any level. Policies can specify their security in terms of tagged endpoints, in addition to expressing in terms of ip prefix, network, and address groups endpoints.
Policy Application
Policy application is a new object, implemented by means of the application tag. The user can create a list of policies per application to be applied during the flow acceptance evaluation. Introducing global scoped policies and project scoped policies. There are global scoped policies, which can be applied globally for all projects, and project scoped policies, which are applied to specific projects.
Configuration Objects
The following are the configuration objects for the new security features.
- Configuration Object Tag Object
- Address-Group Configuration Object
- Service-Group Configuration Object
- Application-policy-set Configuration Object
- Policy-management Configuration Object
- Firewall-policy Configuration Object
- Firewall-rule Configuration Object
Configuration Object Tag Object
Each configuration object tag object contains:
tag—one of the defined tag types, stored as string.
value—a string
description—a string to describe the tag
configuration_id—a 32-bit value: 5 bits for tag types, 27 bits for tag values
Each value entered by the user creates a unique ID that is set in the tag_id field. The system can have up to 64 million tag values. On average, each tag can have up to 2k values, but there are no restrictions per tag.
Tags and labels can be attached to any object, for example, project, VN, VM, VMI, and policy, and these objects have a tag reference list to support multiple tags.
RBAC controls the users allowed to modify or remove attached tags. Some tags (typically facts) are attached by the system by default or by means of introspection.
Tag APIs
Tag APIs are used to give RBAC per tag in any object (VMI, VM, Project ….).
HTTP POST to /set_tag_<tag_type>/<obj_uuid>
set_tag_<tag_type> (object_type, object_uuid, tag_value)
Configuration also supports the following APIs:
tag query
tags (policy)
tags (application tag)
object query
tags (object)
tags (type, value)
Label is special tag type, used to assign labels for objects. All of the tag constructs are valid, except that tag type is ‘label'. One difference from other tags is that an object can have any number of labels. All other tag types are restricted to one tag per object.
The following APIs are available for labels.
HTTP POST to /add_tag_label/<obj_uuid>
HTTP POST to /delete_tag_label/<obj_uuid>
add_tag_label (object_type, object_uuid, tag_value)
delete_tag_label (object_type, object_uuid, tag_value)
Local and Global Tags
Tags can be defined globally or locally under a project; tag objects are children of either config-root or a project. An object can be tagged with a tag in its project or with a globally-scoped tag.
When given a tag query with a SQL where clause and select clause, analytics should give out objects. The query can also contain labels, and the labels can have different operators.
User might want to know: a list of VMIs where ’site
== USA and deployment == Production'
list of VMIs where ’site == USA and deployment
== Production has ’
Given tag SQL where clause and select clause, analytics should give out flows.
Control Node
The control node passes the tags, along with route updates, to agents and other control nodes.
Agent gets attached tags along with configuration objects. Agent also gets route updates containing tags associated with IP route. This process is similar to getting security group IDs along with the route update.
Address-Group Configuration Object
There are multiple ways to add IP address to address-group.
Manually add IP prefixes to the address-group by means of configuration.
Label a work load with the address-group’s specified label. All ports that are labelled with the same label are considered to be part of that address-group.
Use introspect workloads, based on certain criteria, to add ip-address to address-group.
The address-group object refers to a label object, description, and list of IP prefixes. The label - object is created using the tag APIs.
Agent gets address-group and label objects referenced in policy configuration. Agent uses this address group for matching policy rules.
When given address group label, analytics gets all the objects associated with it. Given address group label, get all the flows associated with it.
Service-Group Configuration Object
The service-group contains a list of ports and protocols. The open stack service-group has a list of service objects; the service object contains attributes: id, name, service group id, protocol, source_port, destination_port, icmp_code, icmp_type, timeout, tenant id.
Agent gets service-group object as it is referred to in a policy rule. Agent uses this service group during policy evaluation.
Application-policy-set Configuration Object
The application-policy-set configuration object can refer to a tag of type application, network-policy objects, and firewall-policy objects. This object can be local (project) or globally scoped.
When an application tag is attached to an application-policy-set object, the policies referred by that object are automatically applied to the ports that have the same application tag.
Any firewall-policies referred by the application-policy-set objects are ordered using sequence numbers. If the same application tag is attached to multiple application-policy-sets, all those sets will apply, but order among those sets is undefined.
One application-policy-set (called default-policy-application-set) is special in that policies referred by it are applied to all interfaces by default, after applying policies referred to other application-policy-sets.
Upon seeing the application tag for any object, the associated policies are sent to agent. Agent will use this information to find out the list of policies to be applied and their sequence during flow evaluation. User can attach application tag to allowed objects (Project, VN, VM or VMI).
Policy-management Configuration Object
Policy-management is a global container object for all policy-related configuration.
Policy-management object contains
network-policies (NPs)
firewall-policies (FWPs)
global-policy objects
global-policy-apply objects
NPs - List of contrail networking policy objects
FWPs - List of new firewall policy objects
Application-policies - List of Application-policy objects
Global-policies - List of new firewall policy objects, that are defined for global access
Global-policy-apply - List of global policies in a sequence, and these policies applied during flow evaluation.
Network Policies (NP) references are available, as they are today.
Firewall-policy Configuration Object
is a new policy object
that contains a list of firewall-rule-objects and audited flag. Firewall-policy
can be project or global scoped depending on usage. Includes an audited
Boolean flag to indicate that the owner of the policy indicated that
the policy is audited. Default is False, and will have to explicitly
be set to True after review. Generates a log event for audited with
timestamp and user details.
Firewall-rule Configuration Object
Firewall-rule is a new rule object, which contains the following fields. The syntax is to give information about their layout inside the rule.
<sequence number> There is a string object sequence number on the link from firewall-policy to firewall-policy-rule objects. The sequence number decides the order in which the rules are applied.
[< id >]
[name < name >]
Unique name selected by user
[description < description >]
{permit | deny}
[ protocol {< protocol-name > | any } destination-port { < port range > | any } [ source-port { < port range > | any} ] ] | service-group < name >
endpoint-1 { [ip < prefix > ] | [virtual-network < vnname >] | [address-group < group name >] | [tags T1 == V1 && T2 == V2 … && Tn == Vn && label == label name...] | any}
{ -> | <- | <-> }
Specifies connection direction. All the rules are connection oriented and this option gives the direction of the connection.
endpoint-2 { [ip < prefix > ] | [virtual-network < vnname >] | [address-group < group name >] | [tags T1 == V1 && T2 == V2 … && Tn == Vn && label == label name...] | any }
Tags at endpoints support an expression of tags. We support only ‘==‘ and ‘&&’ operators. User can specify labels also as part the expression. Configuration object contains list of tag names (or global:tag-name in case of global tags) for endpoints.
[ match_tags {T1 …. Tn} | none} ]
List of tag types or none. User can specify either match with list of tags or none. Match with list of tags mean, source and destination tag values should match for the rule to take effect.
[ log| mirror | alert | activate | drop | reject | sdrop ]
complex actions
{ enable | disable }
A boolean flag to indicate the rule is enabled or disabled. Facilitates selectively turn off the rules, without remove the rule from the policy. Default is True.
Compilation of Rules
Whenever the API server receives a request to create/update a firewall policy rule object, it analyzes the object data to make sure that all virtual-networks, address-group, tag objects exist. If any of them do not exist, the request will be rejected. In addition, it will actually create a reference to those objects mentioned in the two endpoints. This achieves two purposes. First, we don't allow users to name non-existent objects in the rule and second, the user is not allowed to delete those objects without first removing them from all rules that are referring to them.
Using the Contrail Web User Interface to Manage Security Policies
Adding Security Policies
To add a security policy, go to Configure > Security > Global Policies. Near the upper right, click the button Firewall Policy Wizard. The Firewall Policy Wizard appears, where you can create your new firewall policy by adding or selecting an application policy set. See Figure 1.
Figure 1: Firewall Policy WizardClick the large + on the Firewall Policy Wizard screen to view the Application Policy Sets window. The existing application policy sets are displayed. See Figure 2.
Figure 2: Application Policy SetsTo create a new firewall policy, click the application policy set in the list to which the new firewall policy will belong. The Edit Application Policy Sets window appears, displaying a field for the description of the selected policy set and listing firewall policies associated with the set. See Figure 3, where the HRPolicySet has been selected.
Figure 3: Edit Application Policy SetsTo view all firewall policies, click the Application Policy Sets link in the left side.
See Figure 4.
Figure 4: All Firewall PoliciesSelect any listed firewall policy to view or edit the rules associated with that policy. See Figure 5, where all the rules for the AdminPolicy are listed. Use the dropdown menus in each field to add or change policy rules, and use the +, - icons to the right of each rule to add or delete the rule.
Figure 5: Firewall Policy Rules
Managing Policy Tags
You can use the Contrail web user interface to create and manage the tags used to provide granularity to security policies. You can have global tags, applicable to the entire system, or project tags, defined for specific uses in specific projects.
To manage policy tags, go to Configure > Tags > Global Tags. The Tags window appears, listing all of the tags in use in the system, with the associated virtual networks, ports, and projects for each tag. Tags are defined first by type, such as application, deployment, site, tier, and so on. See Figure 6.
Figure 6: TagsYou can click through any listed tag to see the rules to which the tag is applied. See Figure 7, which shows the application tags that are applied to the current application sets. You can also reach this page from Configure > Security > Global Policies.
Figure 7: View Application Tags
Viewing Global Policies
From Configure > Security > Global Policies, in addition to viewing the policies includes in application policy sets, you can also view all firewall policies, all service groups policies, and all address groups policies.
To view and manage the global firewall policies, from Configure > Security > Global Policies, click the Firewall Policies tab to view the details for system firewall policies, see Figure 8
Figure 8: Firewall PoliciesTo view and manage the service groups policies, from Configure > Security > Global Policies, click the Service Groups tab to view the details for system policies for service groups, see Figure 9.
Figure 9: Service Groups
Visualizing Traffic Groups
Use Monitor > Security > Traffic Groups to explore visual representations of how policies are applied to traffic groups. See Figure 10, which is a visual representation of the source and destination traffic for the past one hour of a traffic group named Traffic Groups. The outer circle represents traffic tagged with application, deployment, or project. The inner circle represents traffic tagged with tier. The center of the circle shows the traffic origination and destination.

You can click in the right side of the screen to get details of the policy rules that have been matched by the selected traffic. See Figure 11.

You can click in the right side of the screen to get to the Settings window, where you can change the type of view and change which items appear in the visual representation. See Figure 12.

You can click on the name of a policy that has been matched to view the endpoint statistics, including source tags and remote tags, of the traffic currently represented in the visual. See Figure 13.

You can click deeper through any linked statistic to view more details about that statistic, see Figure 15 and Figure 15.

You can change the settings of what statistics are displayed in each traffic group at the Traffic Groups Settings screen see Figure 16.