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Ethernet Switching User Guide
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{ "lLangCode": "en", "lName": "English", "lCountryCode": "us", "transcode": "en_US" }

Example: Configuring PVLANs with Secondary VLAN Trunk Ports and Promiscuous Access Ports on a QFX Series Switch

date_range 20-Dec-24

This example shows how to configure secondary VLAN trunk ports and promiscuous access ports as part of a private VLAN configuration. Secondary VLAN trunk ports carry secondary VLAN traffic.


This example uses Junos OS for switches that do not support the Enhanced Layer 2 Software (ELS) configuration style. For more about ELS, see Using the Enhanced Layer 2 Software CLI.

For a given private VLAN, a secondary VLAN trunk port can carry traffic for only one secondary VLAN. However, a secondary VLAN trunk port can carry traffic for multiple secondary VLANs as long as each secondary VLAN is a member of a different private (primary) VLAN. For example, a secondary VLAN trunk port can carry traffic for a community VLAN that is part of primary VLAN pvlan100 and also carry traffic for an isolated VLAN that is part of primary VLAN pvlan400.

To configure a trunk port to carry secondary VLAN traffic, use the isolated and interface statements, as shown in steps 12 and 13 of the example configuration for Switch 1.


When traffic egresses from a secondary VLAN trunk port, it normally carries the tag of the primary VLAN that the secondary port is a member of. If you want traffic that egresses from a secondary VLAN trunk port to retain its secondary VLAN tag, use the extend-secondary-vlan-id statement.

A promiscuous access port carries untagged traffic and can be a member of only one primary VLAN. Traffic that ingresses on a promiscuous access port is forwarded to the ports of the secondary VLANs that are members of the primary VLAN that the promiscuous access port is a member of. This traffic carries the appropriate secondary VLAN tags when it egresses from the secondary VLAN ports if the secondary VLAN port is a trunk port.

To configure an access port to be promiscuous, use the promiscuous statement, as shown in step 12 of the example configuration for Switch 2.

If traffic ingresses on a secondary VLAN port and egresses on a promiscuous access port, the traffic is untagged on egress. If tagged traffic ingresses on a promiscuous access port, the traffic is discarded.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • Two QFX devices

  • Junos OS Release 12.2 or later for the QFX Series

Overview and Topology

Figure 1 shows the topology used in this example. Switch 1 includes several primary and secondary private VLANs and also includes two secondary VLAN trunk ports configured to carry secondary VLANs that are members of primary VLANs pvlan100 and pvlan400.

Switch 2 includes the same private VLANs. The figure shows xe-0/0/0 on Switch 2 as configured with promiscuous access ports or promiscuous trunk ports. The example configuration included here configures this port as a promiscuous access port.

The figure also shows how traffic would flow after ingressing on the secondary VLAN trunk ports on Switch 1.

Figure 1: PVLAN Topology with Secondary VLAN Trunk Ports and Promiscuous Access PortPVLAN Topology with Secondary VLAN Trunk Ports and Promiscuous Access Port

Table 1 and Table 2 list the settings for the example topology on both switches.

Table 1: Components of the Topology for Configuring a Secondary VLAN Trunk on Switch 1
Component Description

pvlan100, ID 100

Primary VLAN

pvlan400, ID 400

Primary VLAN

comm300, ID 300

Community VLAN, member of pvlan100

comm600, ID 600

Community VLAN, member of pvlan400

isolation-vlan-id 200

VLAN ID for isolated VLAN, member of pvlan100

isolation–vlan-id 500

VLAN ID for isolated VLAN, member of pvlan400


Secondary VLAN trunk port for primary VLANs pvlan100 and pvlan400


PVLAN trunk port for primary VLANs pvlan100 and pvlan400


Isolated access port for pvlan100


Community access port for comm300


Isolated access port for pvlan400


Community trunk port for comm600

Table 2: Components of the Topology for Configuring a Secondary VLAN Trunk on Switch 2
Component Description

pvlan100, ID 100

Primary VLAN

pvlan400, ID 400

Primary VLAN

comm300, ID 300

Community VLAN, member of pvlan100

comm600, ID 600

Community VLAN, member of pvlan400

isolation-vlan-id 200

VLAN ID for isolated VLAN, member of pvlan100

isolation–vlan-id 500

VLAN ID for isolated VLAN, member of pvlan400


Promiscuous access port for primary VLANs pvlan100


PVLAN trunk port for primary VLANs pvlan100 and pvlan400


Secondary trunk port for isolated VLAN, member of pvlan100


Community access port for comm300


Isolated access port for pvlan400


Community access port for comm600

Configuring the PVLANs on Switch 1

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly create and configure the PVLANs on Switch 1, copy the following commands and paste them into a switch terminal window:

content_copy zoom_out_map
set interfaces xe-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
set interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
set interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members pvlan100
set interfacesxe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members pvlan400

set interfaces xe-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces xe-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces xe-0/0/5 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces xe-0/0/6 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
set vlans pvlan100 vlan-id 100
set vlans pvlan400 vlan-id 400
set vlans pvlan100 pvlan
set vlans pvlan400 pvlan
set vlans pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/1.0 pvlan-trunk 

set vlans pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/1.0 pvlan-trunk
set vlans comm300 vlan-id 300
set vlans comm300 primary-vlan pvlan100
set vlans comm300 interface xe-0/0/3.0
set vlans comm600 vlan-id 600
set vlans comm600 primary-vlan pvlan400
set vlans comm600 interface xe-0/0/6.0
set vlans pvlan100 pvlan isolation-vlan-id 200
set vlans pvlan400 pvlan isolation-vlan-id 500
set vlans pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/0.0 isolated
set vlans pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/0.0 isolated
set vlans comm600 interface xe-0/0/0.0 
set vlans pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/2.0 isolated
set vlans pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/5.0 isolated


Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure the private VLANs and secondary VLAN trunk ports:

  1. Configure the interfaces and port modes:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members pvlan100
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members pvlan400
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/5 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/6 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
  2. Create the primary VLANs:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 vlan-id 100
    user@switch# set pvlan400 vlan-id 400

    Primary VLANs must always be tagged VLANs, even if they exist on only one device.

  3. Configure the primary VLANs to be private:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
     [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 pvlan  
    user@switch# set pvlan400 pvlan 
  4. Configure the PVLAN trunk port to carry the private VLAN traffic between the switches:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/1.0 pvlan-trunk
    user@switch# set pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/1.0 pvlan-trunk
  5. Create secondary VLAN comm300 with VLAN ID 300:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm300 vlan-id 300
  6. Configure the primary VLAN for comm300:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm300 primary-vlan pvlan100
  7. Configure the interface for comm300:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm300 interface xe-0/0/3.0
  8. Create secondary VLAN comm600 with VLAN ID 600:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm600 vlan-id 600
  9. Configure the primary VLAN for comm600:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm600 primary-vlan pvlan400
  10. Configure the interface for comm600:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm600 interface xe-0/0/6.0
  11. Configure the interswitch isolated VLANs:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 pvlan isolation-vlan-id 200
    user@switch# set pvlan400 pvlan isolation-vlan-id 500

    When you configure a secondary VLAN trunk port to carry an isolated VLAN, you must also configure an isolation-vlan-id. This is true even if the isolated VLAN exists only on one switch.

  12. Enable trunk port xe-0/0/0 to carry secondary VLANs for the primary VLANs:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/0.0 isolated
    user@switch# set pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/0.0 isolated
  13. Configure trunk port xe-0/0/0 to carry comm600 (member of pvlan400):

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm600 interface xe-0/0/0.0 

    You do not need to explicitly configure xe-0/0/0 to carry the isolated VLAN traffic (tags 200 and 500) because all the isolated ports in pvlan100 and pvlan400–including xe-0/0/0.0–are automatically included in the isolated VLANs created when you configured isolation-vlan-id 200 and isolation-vlan-id 500.

  14. Configure xe-0/0/2 and xe-0/0/6 to be isolated:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/2.0 isolated
    user@switch# set pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/5.0 isolated


Check the results of the configuration on Switch 1:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch#  show 
interfaces {
    xe-0/0/0 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode trunk;
                vlan {
                    members pvlan100;
                    members pvlan400;
    xe-0/0/1 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode trunk;
                vlan {
                    members pvlan100;
                    members pvlan400;
    xe-0/0/2 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode access;
    xe-0/0/3 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode access;
    xe-0/0/5 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode access;
    xe-0/0/6 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode trunk;
vlans {
    comm300 {
        vlan-id 300;
            interface {
        primary-vlan pvlan100;
    comm600 {
        vlan-id 600;
            interface {
        primary-vlan pvlan400;
    pvlan100 {
        vlan-id 100;
        interface {
            xe-0/0/1.0 {
        isolation-id 200;
    pvlan400 {
        vlan-id 400;
        interface {
            xe-0/0/1.0 {
        isolation-id 500;

Configuring the PVLANs on Switch 2

The configuration for Switch 2 is almost identical to the configuration for Switch 1. The most significant difference is that xe-0/0/0 on Switch 2 is configured as a promiscuous trunk port or a promiscuous access port, as Figure 1 shows. In the following configuration, xe-0/0/0 is configured as a promiscuous access port for primary VLAN pvlan100.

If traffic ingresses on VLAN-enabled port and egresses on a promiscuous access port, the VLAN tags are dropped on egress and the traffic is untagged at that point. For example, traffic for comm600 ingresses on the secondary VLAN trunk port configured on xe-0/0/0.0 on Switch 1 and carries tag 600 as it is forwarded through the secondary VLAN. When it egresses from xe-0/0/0.0 on Switch 2, it will be untagged if you configure xe-0/0/0.0 as a promiscuous access port as shown in this example. If you instead configure xe-0/0/0.0 as a promiscuous trunk port (port-mode trunk), the traffic for comm600 carries its primary VLAN tag (400) when it egresses.

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly create and configure the PVLANs on Switch 2, copy the following commands and paste them into a switch terminal window:

content_copy zoom_out_map
set interfaces xe-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
set interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members pvlan100
set interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members pvlan400

set interfaces xe-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
set interfaces xe-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces xe-0/0/5 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces xe-0/0/6 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set vlans pvlan100 vlan-id 100
set vlans pvlan400 vlan-id 400
set vlans pvlan100 pvlan
set vlans pvlan400 pvlan
set vlans pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/1.0 pvlan-trunk

set vlans pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/1.0 pvlan-trunk
set vlans comm300 vlan-id 300
set vlans comm300 primary-vlan pvlan100
set vlans comm300 interface xe-0/0/3.0
set vlans comm600 vlan-id 600
set vlans comm600 primary-vlan pvlan400
set vlans comm600 interface xe-0/0/6.0
set vlans pvlan100 pvlan isolation-vlan-id 200
set vlans pvlan400 pvlan isolation-vlan-id 500
set vlans pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/0.0 promiscuous
set vlans pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/2.0 isolated
set vlans pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/5.0 isolated


Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure the private VLANs and secondary VLAN trunk ports:

  1. Configure the interfaces and port modes:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members pvlan100
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members pvlan400
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/5 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
    user@switch# set xe-0/0/6 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
  2. Create the primary VLANs:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 vlan-id 100
    user@switch# set pvlan400 vlan-id 400
  3. Configure the primary VLANs to be private:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
     [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 pvlan  
    user@switch# set pvlan400 pvlan 
  4. Configure the PVLAN trunk port to carry the private VLAN traffic between the switches:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/1.0 pvlan-trunk
    user@switch# set pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/1.0 pvlan-trunk
  5. Create secondary VLAN comm300 with VLAN ID 300:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm300 vlan-id 300
  6. Configure the primary VLAN for comm300:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm300 primary-vlan pvlan100
  7. Configure the interface for comm300:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm300 interface xe-0/0/3.0
  8. Create secondary VLAN comm600 with VLAN ID 600:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm600 vlan-id 600
  9. Configure the primary VLAN for comm600:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm600 primary-vlan pvlan400
  10. Configure the interface for comm600:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set comm600 interface xe-0/0/6.0
  11. Configuring the PVLANs on Switch 1

    Configure the interswitch isolated VLANs:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 pvlan isolation-vlan-id 200
    user@switch# set pvlan400 pvlan isolation-vlan-id 500
  12. Configure access port xe-0/0/0 to be promiscuous for pvlan100:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/0.0 promiscuous

    A promiscuous access port can be a member of only one primary VLAN.

  13. Configure xe-0/0/2 and xe-0/0/6 to be isolated:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit vlans]
    user@switch# set pvlan100 interface xe-0/0/2.0 isolated
    user@switch# set pvlan400 interface xe-0/0/5.0 isolated


Check the results of the configuration on Switch 2:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch#  show 
interfaces {
    xe-0/0/0 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode access;
                vlan {
                    members pvlan100;
        xe-0/0/1 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode trunk;
                vlan {
                    members pvlan100;
                    members pvlan400;
    xe-0/0/2 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode trunk;
    xe-0/0/3 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode access;
    xe-0/0/5 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode access;
    xe-0/0/6 {
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                port-mode access;
vlans {
    comm300 {
        vlan-id 300;
            interface {
        primary-vlan pvlan100;
    comm600 {
        vlan-id 600;
            interface {
        primary-vlan pvlan400;
    pvlan100 {
        vlan-id 100;
        interface {
            xe-0/0/1.0 {
        isolation-id 200;
    pvlan400 {
        vlan-id 400;
        interface {
            xe-0/0/1.0 {
        isolation-id 500;


To confirm that the configuration is working properly, perform these tasks:

Verifying That the Private VLAN and Secondary VLANs Were Created


Verify that the primary VLAN and secondary VLANs were properly created on Switch 1.


Use the show vlans command:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch>  show vlans private-vlan             

Name               Role        Tag      Interfaces
pvlan100           Primary     100  	   xe-0/0/0.0, xe-0/0/1.0, xe-0/0/2.0, xe-0/0/3.0
__iso_pvlan100__   Isolated    200      xe-0/0/2.0
comm300            Community   300      xe-0/0/3.0

pvlan400           Primary     400      xe-0/0/0.0, xe-0/0/1.0, xe-0/0/5.0, xe-0/0/6.0
__iso_pvlan400__   Isolated    500      xe-0/0/5.0
comm600            Community   600     xe-0/0/6.0


The output shows that the private VLANs were created and identifies the interfaces and secondary VLANs associated with them.

Verifying The Ethernet Switching Table Entries


Verify that the Ethernet switching table entries were created for primary VLAN pvlan100.


Show the Ethernet switching table entries for pvlan100.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show ethernet-switching table vlan pvlan100 private-vlan             
Ethernet-switching table: 0 unicast entries
  pvlan100             *                 Flood          - All-members
  pvlan100             00:10:94:00:00:02 Learn            xe-0/0/2.0
  __iso_pvlan100__     *                 Flood          - All-members
  __iso_pvlan100__     00:10:94:00:00:02 Replicated      - xe-0/0/2.0