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Monitor Licenses in JAL Portal

Learn how to monitor licenses in Juniper Agile Licensing (JAL) Portal. Understand how you can monitor the status of licenses that are installed.

Monitor licenses easily using the JAL Portal. Refer this table to understand the monitoring tasks that JAL Portal supports:

Monitor Task


View license status

Use the sort or filter functions in My Entitlements section to locate the Entitlements. You can view the status of each Entitlement.

  • Expiration column indicates when the Entitlement will expire. Note: Entitlements that have already expired do not appear in the JAL Portal.
  • Used and Avail. (for Available) columns display the number of licenses activated (used) and how many are still available to activate.

View activations

Use the sort or filter functions in My Activations section to view the activations.

Download list of activations and entitlements

Export button in the My Entitlements and My Activations sections allows you to download the full list of entitlements and activations from your account.

The following images show the My Entitlements and My Activations sections in the JAL Portal.

Watch the Juniper Agile Licensing (JAL) Portal: Finding License Entitlements and Activations video for more details.

Monitor Juniper Product-Specific Licenses

All Juniper products provide utilities to monitor the status of licenses that are installed. The details for each product are included in that product’s user documentation.