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Monitor Junos Licenses

Learn how to monitor Junos licenses.

Add License

Before adding a new license, complete the following tasks:

  • Purchase the required license.

  • Establish basic network connectivity with the router or switch. For instructions on establishing basic connectivity, see the Getting Started Guide or Quick Start Guide for your device.

  • Activate the license.

You can add license to the Junos device in following ways:

  • Configuration Mode: Use the set system license keys key license-key configuration mode command to add license.

  • Operational Mode: Use the request system license add operational mode command to add license.

  • RPC command: Add license using RPC commands.

Add License Through Configuration Mode

To add an individual license key using the Junos OS CLI:

  1. To install an individual license key using the Junos OS CLI:

    Issue the set system license keys key name statement.

    The name parameter includes the license ID and the license key. For example:

    To add multiple license keys in the Junos OS CLI, issue the set system license keys key name statement for each license key to install. For example:

  2. You must commit the configuration using the commit command.

  3. You have successfully installed the license. You can verify the installed licenses using the show system license command from operational mode.

Add License Through Operational Mode

To add a new license key to the device using an operational command:

  1. From the CLI operational mode, enter one of the following CLI commands:

    • To add a license key from a file or URL, enter the following command, specify the filename or the URL where the key is located:

    • To add a license key from the terminal, enter the following command:

      When prompted, enter the license key, separate the multiple license keys with a blank line.

      If the license keys you enter is invalid, an error appears in the CLI output when you press Ctrl+d to exit license entry mode.

  2. You have successfully installed the license. You can verify the installed licenses using the show system license command from operational mode.

Add License Through RPC Command

To add a new license key to the device using an RPC command:

  1. Issue the RPC command to add license key from a file or URL.

    Issue the RPC command to add license key from a key content.

  2. You have successfully installed the license. You can verify the installed licenses using the show system license command from operational mode.

Autoupdate Your License

Learn how to autoupdate license on your Junos devices.

Before you autoupdate license, complete the following tasks:

  • Purchase the required license.

  • Establish basic network connectivity with the router or switch. For instructions on establishing basic connectivity, see the Getting Started Guide or Quick Start Guide for your device.

  • Activate the license.

To autoupdate licenses using a configuration command:

  1. From the CLI configuration mode, enter the following CLI command:

    You can autoupdate the license using the proxy server available in the private network to be able to connect to the EMS server and download the license updates. The devices in the private network connect to the proxy server to download the license or license updates.

    The license-check process reads the URL from the configuration and validates it.

    • For hardware products, the URL query uses the device chassis serial number to fetch the required license key. The physical products support first time license fetching and license renewal.

    • For virtual software products, you need to do the first-time installation. Subsequent fetching and renewal of the license key from the EMS portal can be done based on Software Serial Number (SSN).

  2. You must commit the configuration using the commit command.

By default, the autoupdate command sets renew before-expiration days as 60 days and renew time interval as 24 hours. The last devices are allowed to contact the EMS server 60 days before the current license expiry and check for an automatic update every 24 hours.

Renew Your License

Learn how to renew the license on your Junos devices.

Before renewing licenses, complete the following tasks:

  • Purchase the required licenses.

  • Establish basic network connectivity with the router or switch. For instructions on establishing basic connectivity, see the Getting Started Guide or Quick Start Guide for your device.

To renew licenses using a configuration command:

  1. From the CLI configuration mode, enter the following CLI command:

  • You must commit the configuration using the commit command.
  • You have successfully renewed the license.

Delete License

Learn how to delete the installed license on your Junos devices.

Before you delete a new license, ensure that the features enabled by the license will not be needed.

You can use the request system license delete operational command, or the delete or deactivate configuration command to delete a license:

  • If you installed license through configuration mode, use the configurational mode command to delete the license.

  • If you installed license through operation mode, use the operational mode command to delete the license.

You can delete license from Junos device in following ways:

  • Configuration Mode: Use the delete system license keys configuration mode command to delete license.

  • Operational Mode: Use the request system license delete license-identifier-list identifier-list operational mode command to delete license.

  • RPC command: Delete license using RPC commands.

Using the Operational Command to Delete Licenses

You can delete the installed license through operational mode using the request system license delete command.

  1. Display the licenses available to be deleted.

  2. To delete a license key or keys from a device using the CLI operational mode, select one of the following methods:

    • Delete a single license by specifying the license ID. Using this option, you can delete only one license at a time.

    • Delete all license keys from the device.

    • Delete multiple license keys from the device. Specify the license identifier for each key and enclose the list of identifiers in brackets.

  3. You have successfully deleted the license. Verify the license was deleted by entering the show system license command.

Using a Configuration Command to Delete Licenses

You can delete the installed license through configuration mode using the delete system license keys command.

  1. Delete the license or licenses you want.

    • To delete a single license, for example:

    • To delete all licenses, for example:

  2. You must commit the configuration using the commit command.

  3. You have successfully deleted the license. Verify the license was deleted by entering the show system license command.

Delete License Through RPC Command

  1. Issue the RPC command to delete all license keys.

    Issue the RPC command to delete specific license key.

  2. You have successfully deleted the license. You can verify the licenses using the show system license command from operational mode.

View License

Learn how to view the installed license on your Junos devices.

You can view the installed licenses on the device using the show system license command from operational mode.

Verify the expected licenses are installed and active on the device.

The output shows a list of the Feature name, Licensed Feature used, Licenses Feature installed, Licensed Feature needed, and Expiry fields.



Hierarchy Level


License configuration for this router



You can autoupdate the license using the proxy server available in the private network to be able to connect to the EMS server and download the license updates. The devices in the private network connect to the proxy server to download the license or license updates.

By default, the autoupdate command sets renew before-expiration day as 60 days and renew time interval as 24 hours. The last devices are allowed to contact the EMS server 60 days before the current license expiry and check for an automatic update every 24 hours.


You can install the license using license key.

log-frequency You can configure frequency of alarms and non-compliance license log messages. By default, the alarms raised and logs are generated at 06:00 AM.
renewbefore-expiration You can renew the license before the license expires.

You can set the trace options for licenses.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

trace—To view this statement in the configuration.

trace-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

show system license



Display detailed output of the license.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system license command.

Table 1: Show System License Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Advance Bandwidth Usage

Displays bandwidth usage of the advanced features


Indicates the license expiry date

Feature ID

Displays the feature ID

Feature Name

Displays the feature name


Lists the installed license feature with details

Flex capable linecards

Displays bandwidth usage of flex capable line cards

Flex only linecards

Displays bandwidth usage of the flex only line cards

License identifier

Indicates the license ID

License key

Displays the license key information

License version

Indicates the version of the license

Licensed Feature available

Indicates the available licenses for the feature

Licensed Feature installed

Indicates the installed feature license

Licensed Feature needed

Indicates the additional license required for the feature

Licensed Feature used

Indicates the used licensed feature

Linecard Type

Displays the line cards on the device

Premium Bandwidth Usage

Displays bandwidth usage of the premium features


No feature license is installed, and no default license is included

For MX Series devices: No license is installed including no bandwidth license installed


Permanent or perpetual license is installed

Date (2023-02-25 05:30:00)

Timed or subscription license is installed


Timed license has expired

Sample Output

show system license bandwidth flex-only

show system license bandwidth

show system license bandwidth fpc 0

show system license bandwidth fpc port-details 0

show system license brief

show system license detail

show system license feature-list

The show system license feature-list command displays all the feature names and feature IDs supported for your product and Junos release.

show system license fpc

show system license installed

show system license key-content

show system license keys

show system license usage

show system license (License not installed and no default license)

show system license (License not installed and there is a default license)

show system license (Installed a perpetual license )

show system license (Installed a subscription-based license)

show system license (License expired)

show system license (License not installed and no bandwidth license)

show system license (Installed subscription-based advanced tier license installed with Layer 3 static feature)

show system license (License from point 2 has expired)

The non-commercial license such as emergency, lab, and test licenses are automatically removed from the device on license expiry.

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

The options feature-list and bandwidth are introduced in Junos OS Release 24.2R1.

System Log for License


After you add or delete a license, the system might take up to one minute to synchronize license between master and backup. You must allow one minute interval before performing any actions such as switchover or reboot.

Junos OS generates alarms for capacity (scale) features such as bandwidth to indicate the license requirement if the feature usage on a device exceeds the added license. The alarm detail shows the current feature usage information.

You can see the list of alarms at System Log Explorer.

For example, see the below scenarios where alarms are generated for license requirement:

  • Scenario 1

    If a device is configured with a 100G bandwidth license and current usage is 200G bandwidth, the Junos OS generates an alarm as the bandwidth usage exceeded the added license.

    The alarm specifies that the current usage of 200G bandwidth requires a license.

  • Scenario 2

    If a device is configured with a 128K RIB license and uses 130K RIB, the Junos OS generates an alarm as the RIB feature scale exceeded the added licenses.

    The alarm specifies 130K RIB requires a license.