Shutdown at Thu Nov 19 09:40:59 2020
root@BackupRE Stopping User Manager for UID 0...
[ OK ] Stopped Management Ethernet Interface Manager Service.
[ OK ] Stopped Serial Getty on ttyS0.
[ OK ] Stopped User Manager for UID 0.
[ OK ] Stopped DHCPv4 Server Daemon.
[ OK ] Stopped Marvell Controller Service.
[ OK ] Stopped Session c38 of user root.
[ OK ] Stopped Session c23 of user root.
[ OK ] Stopped Session c22 of user root.
[ OK ] Stopped Vsftpd ftp daemon.
[ OK ] Removed slice User Slice of root.
Stopping Login Service...
[ OK ] Removed slice system-serial\x2dgetty.slice.
[ OK ] Removed slice system-getty.slice.
Stopping Permit User Sessions...
Stopping Helper service to orchestrate actions prior to shut down...
[ OK ] Stopped Login Service.
[ OK ] Stopped Imgd on all nodes.
[ OK ] Stopped Permit User Sessions.
[ OK ] Stopped Arp filtering arptables.
[ OK ] Stopped Helper service to orchestrate actions prior to shut down.
Stopping "Fabric Management Hub on RE"...
Stopping "Evo memory management service "...
Stopping "Simple Network Management Protocol Daemon on RE"...
Stopping "Monitors smartd activity and alerts smartd-agent"...
Stopping "rpc daemon for service discovery API's"...
Stopping "Evo Dns Relay"...
Stopping "Objping server"...
Stopping "Mastership Zookeeper interaction deamon"...
Stopping "Charonctl agent on RE"...
Stopping NA-MQTTD daemon on RE...
Stopping "Firewall Daemon on RE"...
Stopping "Netlink service daemon"...
Stopping "PCI Agent"...
Stopping "Distributor daemon"...
Stopping "diskmgmt on RE"...
Stopping "Destination Usage Class Index Manager service"...
Stopping "Platform Monitoring and Reporting Agent"...
Stopping "Composite Nexthop Index Manager service"...
Stopping "JUNOS SNTP(Simple Network...tocol) Daemon client version"...
Stopping "AggEther Daemon"...
Stopping "PPMD Daemon on RE"...
Stopping "Jstatsd Daemon on RE to fetch local statistics"...
Stopping "System Command Registration Daemon"...
Stopping "dhcp-managerd on RE"...
Stopping "Fault Proxy Agent"...
Stopping "Alarm Management Daemon on RE"...
Stopping "Objmon on RE"...
Stopping "The network agent daemon (for gRPC)"...
Stopping "BFDD Daemon on RE"...
Stopping "CFM daemon on RE"...
Stopping "ICMP daemon on RE"...
Stopping "JUNOS SNTP(Simple Network...tocol) Daemon server version"...
Stopping "EVO firewall Proxy Daemon for JunOS Applications on RE"...
Stopping "EVENTD daemon in relay mode"...
Stopping Management daemon (mgd) on PFE...
[ OK ] Stopped fuse-fixup.service.
[ OK ] Stopped "Charonctl agent on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "Jstatsd Daemon on RE to fetch local statistics".
[ OK ] Stopped NA-MQTTD daemon on RE.
[ OK ] Stopped "Mastership Zookeeper interaction deamon".
[ OK ] Stopped "Objmon on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "Platform Monitoring and Reporting Agent".
[ OK ] Stopped "Objping server".
[ OK ] Stopped "EVENTD daemon in relay mode".
[ OK ] Stopped "PCI Agent".
[ OK ] Stopped "rpc daemon for service discovery API's".
[ OK ] Stopped Management daemon (mgd) on PFE.
[ OK ] Stopped "System Command Registration Daemon".
[ OK ] Stopped MGD for PFE initialization of schema and database.
[ OK ] Stopped "ICMP daemon on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped Ethernet Bridge Filtering Tables.
[ OK ] Stopped "Simple Network Management Protocol Daemon on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "Netlink service daemon".
[ OK ] Stopped "Destination Usage Class Index Manager service".
[ OK ] Stopped "Fabric Management Hub on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "Fault Proxy Agent".
[ OK ] Stopped "Firewall Daemon on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "Composite Nexthop Index Manager service".
[ OK ] Stopped "JUNOS SNTP(Simple Network ...rotocol) Daemon server version".
[ OK ] Stopped "diskmgmt on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "Evo Dns Relay".
[ OK ] Stopped "Evo memory management service ".
[ OK ] Stopped "Monitors smartd activity and alerts smartd-agent".
Stopping Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon...
[ OK ] Stopped Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon.
[ OK ] Stopped "dhcp-managerd on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "AggEther Daemon".
[ OK ] Stopped "Alarm Management Daemon on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "EVO firewall Proxy Daemon for JunOS Applications on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "JUNOS SNTP(Simple Network ...rotocol) Daemon client version".
[ OK ] Stopped "BFDD Daemon on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "CFM daemon on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "PPMD Daemon on RE".
Stopping MGD sync-other-re on RE...
Stopping "Command Daemon"...
[ OK ] Stopped MGD sync-other-re on RE.
Stopping Xinetd Server to Launch System Services...
Stopping Constraint check daemon (mustd) on RE...
[ OK ] Stopped Xinetd Server to Launch System Services.
Stopping "FIB Service Daemon Proxy"...
[ OK ] Stopped "Command Daemon".
[ OK ] Stopped "FIB Service Daemon Proxy".
[ OK ] Stopped Constraint check daemon (mustd) on RE.
[ OK ] Stopped "The network agent daemon (for gRPC)".
Stopping Management daemon (mgd) on RE...
[ OK ] Stopped "Distributor daemon".
[ OK ] Stopped Management daemon (mgd) on RE.
Stopping Evo Sysman Launch Service...
Stopping Helper service to hand over mastership when OFP stops...
[ OK ] Stopped Helper service to hand over mastership when OFP stops.
Stopping OFP on RE...
[ OK ] Stopped Evo Sysman Launch Service.
Stopping Evo SysEpochMan Service...
Stopping "core-mgr on RE"...
Stopping "Trace Writer"...
Stopping "Trace Relay"...
[ OK ] Stopped OFP on RE.
[ OK ] Stopped Evo SysEpochMan Service.
[ OK ] Stopped "core-mgr on RE".
[ OK ] Stopped "Trace Writer".
Stopping EVO coredump utility...
Stopping Zookeeper Server...
[ OK ] Stopped "Trace Relay".
[ OK ] Stopped EVO coredump utility.
[ OK ] Stopped Zookeeper Server.
[ OK ] Stopped target Network.
Stopping vrf0 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping vib Network-device Configuration...
Stopping jtdv51 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping vrf51 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping vfb Network-device Configuration...
Stopping eth2 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping jtdv50 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping eth3 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping tap0 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping mgmt_junos Network-device Configuration...
Stopping sit0 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping eth1 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping vmb0 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping iri Network-device Configuration...
Stopping vrf50 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping jtdrop Network-device Configuration...
Stopping eth0 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping tunl0 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping jtd0 Network-device Configuration...
Stopping ingvrf Network-device Configuration...
Stopping jtdv0 Network-device Configuration...
[ OK ] Stopped target Remote File Systems.
[ OK ] Stopped Setup VRF on RE.
Stopping Helper service to execute network layer is shut down...
[ OK ] Stopped vrf0 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped vib Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped jtdv51 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped vrf51 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped vfb Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped jtdv50 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped eth3 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped tap0 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped mgmt_junos Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped sit0 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped vmb0 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped iri Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped vrf50 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped jtdrop Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped tunl0 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped jtd0 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped ingvrf Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped jtdv0 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped eth0 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped eth2 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Stopped Helper service to execute a...fore network layer is shut down.
Stopping System Internal Communication Infrastructre...
[ OK ] Stopped System Internal Communication Infrastructre.
Stopping D-Bus System Message Bus...
Stopping Junos RE mastership daemon...
[ OK ] Stopped D-Bus System Message Bus.
[ OK ] Stopped Junos RE mastership daemon.
[ OK ] Stopped MGD initialization of schema and database.
[ OK ] Stopped eth1 Network-device Configuration.
[ OK ] Removed slice system-network.slice.
[ OK ] Stopped target Basic System.
[ OK ] Stopped target Sockets.
[ OK ] Closed RPCbind Server Activation Socket.
[ OK ] Closed D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.
[ OK ] Closed Finger Socket for Per-Connection Servers.
[ OK ] Stopped target Paths.
[ OK ] Stopped Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch.
[ OK ] Stopped Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch.
[ OK ] Stopped Monitor /var/run/chassis/mastership for changes.
[ OK ] Stopped target Slices.
[ OK ] Removed slice User and Session Slice.
[ OK ] Stopped target [34933.218166] systemd-shutdown[10895]: Failed to remount '/var' read-only: Device or resource busy
System Initialization.
[ OK ] Stopped Apply Kernel[34933.372848] systemd-shutdown[1]: Failed to wait for process: Protocol error
[ OK ] Stopped Load Kernel Modules.
[ OK ] Stopped Setup Virtual Console.
Stopping Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown...
[ OK ] Stopped Update is Completed.
[ OK ] Stopped Rebuild Hardware Database.
[ OK ] Stopped Rebuild Dynamic Linker Cache.
[ OK ] Stopped Rebuild Journal Catalog.
[ OK ] Stopped Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown.
[ OK ] Stopped Create Volatile Files and Directories.
[ OK ] Stopped target Local File Systems.
Unmounting /data/config...
Unmounting /u...
Unmounting /sys/kernel/debug/tracing...
Unmounting /boot...
Unmounting Temporary Directory...
Unmounting /config...
Unmounting /var/pfe...
Unmounting /data/var/home/root/.ssh...
Unmounting /var/etc...
Unmounting /uswitch/data/var/external...
Unmounting /uswitch/tmp...
Unmounting /uswitch/dev...
Unmounting /etc...
Unmounting /run/user/0...
Unmounting /soft/uswitch...
Unmounting /var/db...
Unmounting /usr/conf...
Unmounting /uswitch/proc...
Unmounting /uswitch/soft...
Unmounting /usr/evo/share...
Unmounting /data/var/external...
[ OK ] Unmounted /data/config.
[ OK ] Unmounted /u.
[ OK ] Unmounted /sys/kernel/debug/tracing.
[ OK ] Unmounted /boot.
[ OK ] Unmounted /config.
[ OK ] Unmounted /var/pfe.
[ OK ] Unmounted /d[34935.235545] reboot: Power down
[ OK ] Unmounted /var/etc.▒