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Undeploy a Configuration Template from a Device

date_range 30-Sep-21

As a tenant administrator, you can undeploy a configuration template when you no longer need the configuration deployed on the device.

Undeploying a configuration template removes the configuration pushed to the device when the configuration template was deployed.

To remove only the references to the configuration template without removing the configuration pushed to the device, you must dissociate the configuration template. See Dissociate a Configuration Template from a Device for details.


You can undeploy configuration templates only from devices with Management Status Provisioned. In addition, the configuration templates must have been previously deployed (Deployment Status Deployed) on the device.

To undeploy a configuration template:

  1. Select Resources > Devices.

    The Devices page appears.

  2. Click the Device-name link for the device.

    The Device-Name page appears.

  3. From the Configuration Template tab, select the configuration template that you want to undeploy and click Undeploy.
    • If you select a configuration template that was added in CSO Release 5.3.0, an alert message appears, asking you to confirm the undeploy operation. Proceed to Step 4.

    • If you select a configuration template that was added in a release before CSO Release 5.3.0, an alert message appears asking you to confirm whether you want to edit the template to automatically upgrade the template to CSO Release 5.3.0. You must go through the Edit workflow to upgrade the version.

      1. On the Edit Configuration Template page that appears, proceed to the Summary tab and click OK.

        The template is automatically upgraded to CSO Release 5.3.0 and the Configuration Templates page appears.

      2. Select the template again and click Undeploy.

        An alert message appears, asking you to confirm the undeploy operation.

  4. Click Yes.

    A message indicating that the undeploy configuration template job was triggered is displayed.

    You can click the link in the message to view the progress of the job or view the progress on the Jobs page:

    • If the job completes successfully, a confirmation message appears, indicating that the configuration template was undeployed from the device.

    • If the job fails, an error message appears. You can repeat the procedure to undeploy the configuration template.
