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Disable a Network Service

You can disable a network service associated with a site from the Site-Name page in Customer Portal.


Ensure that:

  • The Service Provider (SP) or Operating company (OpCo) administrator user allocates at least one network service to you from the Administration Portal.

  • You instantiate at least one network service on the Site-Name page in Customer Portal.

To disable a network service:

  1. Click Resources > Site Management.

    The Site Management Page appears.

  2. Click the Site-Name link for which you want to instantiate a network service.

    The Site-Name page appears.

  3. Select the Services tab.

    The Services topology graphic appears.

  4. On the topology graphic, select the service which is currently instantiated.
  5. Click Disable Service.

    A confirmation message appears stating that the network service is successfully disabled and you are returned to the Services page.

    The network service is disabled on the topology graphic.