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Predefined Roles Overview

Junos Space Network Management Platform provides predefined roles that you can assign to users to define administrative responsibilities and specify the management tasks that a user can perform within applications and workspaces.

To assign roles to other users in Junos Space Network Management Platform, a user must be a Super Administrator or User Administrator.

Each predefined role defines a set of tasks for a single workspace, except the Super Administrator role, which defines all tasks for all workspaces. By default, Junos Space Network Management Platform provides read privileges on all objects associated with the task groups defined in a predefined role.

Table 1 and Table 2 show the Junos Space Network Management Platform predefined roles (A through Q and R through Z respectively) and corresponding tasks available for installed Junos Space applications.


The predefined roles that appear in the Junos Space Network Management Platform release that you are using depend on the Junos Space applications that you have installed. For the latest predefined roles, see Network Management Platform > Role Based Access Control > Roles.

For information about predefined roles for a specific Junos Space application, refer to the documentation for that Junos Space application.

Table 1: Predefined Roles (A through Q) for the Junos Space Network Management Platform

Predefined Role

Task Group and Tasks

Application > Workspace

Audit Log Administrator

Audit Log

  • Archive/Purge Logs

  • Export Audit Logs

Network Management Platform > Audit Logs

CLI Configlets Manager

CLI Configlets

  • Configlets

    • Create CLI Configlet

    • Delete CLI Configlets

    • Compare CLI Configlet Versions

    • View CLI Configlet Details

    • Modify CLI Configlet

    • Clone CLI Configlet

    • Apply CLI Configlet

    • Export Selected CLI Configlets

    • Export All CLI Configlets

    • Import CLI Configlet

    • Assign CLI Template to Domain

Network Management Platform > CLI Configlets

CLI Configlets Manager


  • Device Management

    • Secure Console

    • Apply CLI Configlet

Network Management Platform > Devices

CLI Configlets Operator

CLI Configlets

  • Configlets

    • Apply CLI Configlet

Network Management Platform > CLI Configlets

CLI Configlets Operator


  • Device Management

  • Secure Console

  • Apply CLI Configlet

Network Management Platform > Devices

Configuration File Manager

Configuration Files

  • Config Files Management

    • Backup Configuration Files

    • Delete Configuration Files

    • Restore Configuration Files

    • Compare Configuration File Versions

    • Export Configuration File

    • Modify Configuration File

Network Management Platform > Configuration Files

Configuration Filter Manager

CLI Configlets

  • Configuration Filter

    • Create Configuration Filter

    • Modify Configuration Filter

    • Delete Configuration Filter

    • Assign Configuration Filter to Domain

Network Management Platform > CLI Configlets

Configuration Filter Manager


  • Device Management

    • Device Configuration

  • Secure Console

  • Create/Edit/Delete Filter

Network Management Platform > Devices

Configuration View Manager

CLI Configlets

  • Configuration View

    • Create Configuration View

    • Modify Configuration View

    • Delete Configuration View

    • View Configuration View Details

    • Export Configuration Views

    • Import Configuration Views

Network Management Platform > CLI Configlets

Configuration View Manager


  • Device Management

    • Device Configuration

      • View Active Configuration

  • Secure Console

Network Management Platform > Devices

Configuration View Operator

  • CLI Configlets

    • Configuration View

Network Management Platform > CLI Configlets

Configuration View Operator

  • Devices

    • Device Management

      • Device Configuration

        • View Active Configuration

    • Secure Console

Network Management Platform > Devices

Device Image Manager


  • Device Adapter

    • Add Adapter

    • Upgrade Adapter

    • Delete Adapter

Network Management Platform > Devices

Device Image Manager

Images and Scripts

  • Images

    • Import Images

    • View Deployed Results

    • Modify Device Image

    • Delete Device Images

    • Stage Image on Device

    • MD5 Validation Result

    • Verify Image on Devices

    • Deploy Device Image

    • Undeploy JAM Package from Device

    • Remove Image from Staged Device

    • View Associated Devices

    • Assign Image to Domain

Network Management Platform > Images and Scripts

Device Images Read Only User

Images and Scripts

  • Images

    • View Deployed Results

    • View Associated Devices

Network Management Platform > Images and Scripts

Device Manager

CLI Configlets

  • View CLI Configlet Details

  • Apply CLI Configlet

Network Management Platform > CLI Configlets

Device Manager


  • Device Management

    • Device Configuration

      • View Active Configuration

        • Create/Edit/Delete Filter

      • Resolve Out-of-band Changes

      • View/Assign Shared Objects

      • View Configuration Change Log

      • View Template Deployment

      • Modify Unmanaged Device Configuration

    • Review/Deploy Configuration

      • Validate on Device

      • Approve

      • Reject

      • Deploy

    • Modify Configuration

    • Assign Device to Domain

    • Device Inventory

      • Export Physical Inventory

      • View Associated Scripts

      • View License Inventory

      • View Logical Interfaces

      • View Physical Interfaces

      • View Physical Inventory

      • View Script Executions

      • View/Acknowledge Inventory Changes

      • View Software Inventory

      • View Staged Images

        • Delete Staged Images

        • Verify Checksum

    • Device Operations

      • Create LSYS

      • Manage Device Partition

        • Create Partition

        • Modify Partition

        • Delete Partition

        • Assign Partition to Domain

      • Delete Devices

      • Looking Glass

        • Export Looking Glass Results

      • Put in RMA State

      • Reactivate from RMA

      • Resynchronize with Network

      • Execute Scripts

      • Reboot Devices

      • Apply CLI Configlet

      • Clone Device

      • Activate Modeled Device

      • View/Download Configlet

      • Modify Serial Number

    • Device Access

      • Launch Device WebUI

      • Modify Authentication

      • Modify Device Target IP

      • Acknowledge Device Fingerprint

      • SSH to Device

      • Resolve Key Conflict

    • Manage Customized Attributes

      • Add Label

      • Delete Label

    • Upload Keys to Devices

    • Modify Serial Number

  • Secure Console

  • Modify Device Configuration

  • Device Discovery

    • Discover Targets

    • Specify Probes

    • Specify Credentials

    • Specify Fingerprints

  • Model Devices

    • Create Modeled Instance

    • Add More Devices

    • View Modeled Instance

    • View Modeled Device Status

    • View Configlet

    • Download Configlet

    • Delete Modeled Instances

    • Connection Profiles

      • Create Connection Profile

      • Modify Connection Profile

      • View Connection Profile

      • Delete Connection Profiles

      • Clone Connection Profile

  • Unmanaged Devices

  • View Alarms

  • View Performance Graphs

  • Device Discovery Profiles

    • Create Device Discovery Profile

    • Modify Device Discovery Profile

    • Clone Device Discovery Profile

    • Delete Device Discovery Profiles

    • Run Now Device Discovery Profile

Network Management Platform > Devices

Device Script Manager

Images and Scripts

  • Scripts

    • Compare Script Versions

    • Import Script

    • View Execution Results

    • Modify Script

    • Modify And Stage Scripts on Device

    • Delete Scripts

    • Stage Scripts on Devices

    • View Associated Devices

    • Verify Scripts on Devices

    • Verification Results

    • Enable Scripts on Devices

    • Disable Scripts on Devices

    • Remove Scripts from Devices

    • Execute Script on Devices

    • Export Scripts

    • Modify Scripts Type

    • Assign Script to Domain

  • Script Bundles

    • Create Script Bundle

    • Embedded Script

    • Modify Script Bundle

    • Delete Script Bundles

    • Stage Script Bundle on Devices

    • View Associated Devices

    • Enable Script Bundle on Devices

    • Disable Script Bundle on Devices

    • Execute Script Bundle on Devices

Network Management Platform > Images and Scripts

Device Script Operator


  • Device Management

  • Secure Console

Network Management Platform > Devices

Device Script Operator

Images and Scripts

  • Scripts

    • Compare Script Versions

    • Execute Script on Devices

Network Management Platform > Images and Scripts

Device Script Read Only User

Images and Scripts

  • Scripts

    • Compare Script Versions

    • View Execution Results

    • View Associated Devices

    • Export Scripts

  • Script Bundles

Network Management Platform > Images and Scripts

Domain Administrator


  • Device Management

  • Secure Console

Network Management Platform > Devices

Domain Administrator

Role Based Access Control

  • Domains

    • Create Domain

    • Modify Domain

    • Delete Domain

    • Export Domain

    • Assign Devices to Domain

    • Assign Domain to Users

  • User Accounts

Network Management Platform > Role Based Access Control

Job Administrator


  • Job Management

    • Cancel My Job

      • Cancel Any Job

    • Reassign Jobs

    • Archive/Purge Jobs

    • Reschedule Job

    • View Recurrence

Network Management Platform > Jobs

Job User


  • Job Management

    • Cancel My Job

    • Reschedule Job

    • View Recurrence

Network Management Platform > Jobs

Operation Manager


  • Device Adapter

    • Add Adapter

    • Upgrade Adapter

    • Delete Adapter

Network Management Platform > Devices

Operation Manager

Images and Scripts

  • Images

    • Import Images

    • View Deployed Results

    • Modify Device Image

    • Delete Device Images

    • Stage Image on Device

    • MD5 Validation Result

    • Verify Image on Devices

    • Deploy Device Image

    • Remove Image from Staged Device

    • View Associated Devices

    • Assign Image to Domain

  • Scripts

    • Compare Script Versions

    • Import Script

    • View Execution Results

    • Modify Script

    • Modify And Stage Scripts on Device

    • Delete Scripts

    • Stage Scripts on Devices

    • View Associated Devices

    • Verify Scripts on Devices

    • Verification Results

    • Enable Scripts on Devices

    • Disable Scripts on Devices

    • Remove Scripts from Devices

    • Execute Script on Devices

    • Export Scripts

    • Modify Scripts Type

    • Assign Script to Domain

  • Script Bundles

    • Create Script Bundle

    • Embedded Script

    • Modify Script Bundle

    • View Associated Devices

    • Enable Script Bundle on Devices

    • Disable Script Bundle on Devices

    • Delete Script Bundles

    • Stage Script Bundle on Devices

    • Execute Script Bundle on Devices

    • Assign Script Bundle to Domain

  • Operations

    • Create Operation

    • Clone Operation

    • Modify Operation

    • Delete Operations

    • Import Operations

    • Export Operations

    • Run Operation

    • View Operation Results

    • Assign Operation to Domain

Network Management Platform > Images and Scripts

Table 2: Predefined Roles (R through Z) for the Junos Space Network Management Platform

Predefined Role

Task Group and Tasks

Application > Workspace

Report Administrator


  • Generated Reports

    • Delete Generated Report

    • View Generated Report

Network Management Platform > Reports

Report Definition Administrator


  • Report Definitions

    • Create Report Definition

    • Modify Report Definition

    • Delete Report Definition

    • Clone Report Definition

    • View Report Definition

    • Generate Report

    • Assign Report Definition to Domain

Network Management Platform > Reports

Super Administrator

Manages all Junos Space Network Management Platform task groups and tasks. See Network Management Platform > Users > Roles > Super Administrator > View Detail for a list of tasks that are currently supported.

All Junos Space Network Management Platform workspaces

System Administrator


  • Fabric

    • Extended Periods of High CPU

    • List of HPROF Files

    • Large Database Tables

    • Last JBoss Restarted Time

    • Device Management Sessions

    • Add Fabric Node

    • Delete Fabric Node

    • View Fabric Node Alarms

    • Device Load Balancing

    • Shutdown/Reboot Node(s)

    • Space Node Settings

    • SNMP Configuration

    • SNMP Manager

    • NAT Configuration

    • Check For File Integrity

    • Reset MySQL Replication

    • SNMP Start

    • SNMP Stop

    • SNMP Restart

    • System Snapshot

    • Generate Key

  • Database Backup and Restore

    • Database Backup

    • Delete Backup

    • Restore

    • Restore From Remote File

  • Space Troubleshooting

    • Log Configuration

  • Applications

    • Junos Space Store

    • Modify Application Settings

    • Refresh Search Index

    • Manage Services

    • Uninstall Application

    • Upgrade Application

    • Add Application

    • Upgrade Platform

  • Licenses

    • Import License

  • Tags

    • Create Public Tag

    • Modify Public Tag

    • Delete Public Tags

    • Delete Private Tags

    • Make Tag Public

    • Mark as Favorite

    • Unmark as Favorite

    • Export Tags

  • Filter Management

    • Save Filter

    • Modify Filter

    • Delete Filter

  • DMI Schemas

    • Set as Default Schema

    • View Missing Schemas

    • View/Delete Unused Schemas

      • Delete Unused Schemas

    • Update Schema

  • Authentication Servers

  • Platform Certificate

  • CA/CRL Certificates

  • SMTP Servers

  • Audit Log Forwarding

    • Create Audit Log Forwarding Criterion

    • Modify Audit Log Forwarding Criterion

    • Delete Audit Log Forwarding Criterion

    • Enable Audit Log Forwarding Criterion

  • Email Listeners

  • Proxy Server

  • Purging Policy

    • Modify Purging Policy

    • Edit Purging Policy

    • Set Policy Status

Network Management Platform > Administration

Tag Administrator

  • Tags

    • Modify Public Tag

    • Delete Public Tags

    • Delete Private Tags

    • Mark as Favorite

    • Unmark as Favorite

    • Export Tags

    • Make Tag Public

    • Create Public Tag

Network Management Platform > Administration > Tags

Template Design Manager

  • Device Templates

    • Definitions

      • Create Template Definition

      • Manage CSV Files

      • Modify Template Definition

      • Clone Template Definition

      • Publish Template Definition

      • Unpublish Template Definition

      • Delete Template Definition

      • Export Template Definition

      • Import Template Definition

      • Assign Definition to Domain

Network Management Platform > Device Templates > Definitions

Template Manager

  • Devices

    • Create Quick Template

  • Device Templates

    • Templates

      • Create Quick Template

      • Create Template from Definition

      • View Template Details

      • Modify Quick Template

      • Modify Template

      • Delete Template

      • Audit Template Configuration

      • Compare Template Against Device

      • Clone Template

      • Undeploy Template

      • View Template Association

      • Export Quick Template

      • Import Quick Template

      • Assign/Deploy Template

        • Assign Template

        • Deploy Template

      • Assign Template to Domain

      • Unassign from Device

    • Manage CSV Files

Network Management Platform > Devices

Network Management Platform > Device Templates > Templates

User Administrator

  • Role Based Access Control

    • User Accounts

      • Create User

      • Modify User

      • Delete Users

      • Disable Users

      • Enable Users

      • Unlock Users

      • Clear Local Passwords

    • User Groups

      • Create User Group

      • Modify User Group

      • Delete User Groups

      • Assign Group to Users

    • Roles

      • Create Role

      • Modify Role

      • Clone Role

      • Delete Roles

      • Export Roles

      • Import Roles

    • Remote Profiles

      • Create Remote Profile

      • Modify Remote Profile

      • Delete Remote Profiles

    • API Access Profiles

      • View API Access Profile Detail

      • Create API Access Profile

      • Modify API Access Profile

      • Delete API Access Profiles

    • User Sessions

      • Terminate User Session

Network Management Platform > Role Based Access Control

Xpath and Regex Manager

  • CLI Configlets

    • Xpath and Regex

      • Create Xpath / Regex

      • Modify Xpath / Regex

      • Delete Xpath / Regex

      • Assign XPath / Regex to Domain

Network Management Platform > CLI Configlets