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Restoring the Junos Space Network Management Platform Database

You can restore any archived Junos Space Network Management Platform database to restore your Junos Space system to a previous state. When you initiate a restore database operation, Junos Space Platform is shut down on all nodes in the fabric and the system goes into maintenance mode, during which time only one maintenance mode administrator can log in to the system at a time. After the restore database operation is completed, Junos Space Platform is restarted and users can access the Junos Space UI.

Because you can back up the Junos Space database locally (that is, in the Junos Space server) or remotely (in another system), both the database backup files are displayed in the Junos Space GUI. You can restore the Junos Space database from the local or remote database backup file.

To restore a Junos Space Platform database, you must have System Administrator privileges and be a Maintenance Mode administrator.

  • Before you restore a Junos Space Platform database, wait until all jobs that are currently running are completed.

  • If the Disaster Recovery (DR) is in start state, make sure you stop the DR and restart it after the database is restored.
  • Junos Space Platform supports only the standard U.S. English on the remote server and does not support any other local languages.

To view information about the available database backup files before you select a Junos Space Platform database to restore, see Viewing Database Backup Files.


The restore operation replaces the existing data with the contents of the backup file. Merging of data does not occur.

Restoring the Junos Space Platform Database from a Local Backup File

To restore the Junos Space Platform database to a previous state:

  1. Select Administration > Database Backup and Restore.

    The Database Backup and Restore page appears, displaying the previous database backups.

  2. Select the database backup file you want to restore.

    In a multinode setup, the selected backup file may exist on both the primary and secondary nodes. The Machine column on the Database Backup and Restore page reflects the IP addresses of these nodes where the backup file is stored. In such cases where the same backup file exists on more than one node, Junos Space selects a backup file from one of the nodes randomly for the restore operation.

  3. Select Restore from the Actions menu.

    The Restore confirmation dialog box appears and displays the following message:

    Warning: you are about to enter maintenance mode. Space will be shutdown to restore database. All data generated after the selected backup will be lost, and other users will not be able to access the system during the operation. Do you want to continue?


    This confirmation dialog box must display the name of the backup file that you selected for the restore operation. If not, wait for a few seconds until the backup filename appears before you proceed to the next step. Otherwise, the restore operation may fail.

  4. Click Continue in the Restore confirmation dialog box.

    Junos Space Platform prompts you to enter a username and password to enter maintenance mode.

  5. Enter the maintenance mode username and password.
  6. Click OK.

    Junos Space Platform is shut down and other users will be unable to access the system during the restore database operation.

    The Restore Database Status dialog box displays the status for the restore database operation.

  7. In the Restore Database Status dialog box, click Return to Maintenance Menu.

    The Maintenance Mode Options page appears.

  8. In the Maintenance Mode Actions dialog box, click Log Out and Exit Maintenance Mode. This action exits maintenance mode, starts up Junos Space Platform, and returns to normal operational mode.

    The process of exiting maintenance mode and restarting Junos Space Platform takes several minutes.


    During startup, the startup page first displays a message indicating that Junos Space Platform is starting up and then displays a progress bar indicating the percentage of startup completed, the estimated time left for the Junos Space Platform to start, and a list of tasks to complete (with an indication of the current task being carried out). When a task is successfully completed, a message is displayed; if a task fails, an error message is displayed indicating why the task failed.

Depending on the contents of the backup file (which containMySQL data), data is refreshed on the system.

Restoring the Junos Space Platform Database from a Remote Backup File

You need to restore the Junos Space Platform database from a remote file if the Junos Space system to which you are restoring it has been reimaged.

The restore operation restores the data based on the contents of the backup file. The backup file contains MySQL data.

  • The database restoration operation is performed while Junos Space Platform is in maintenance mode. During this time, all Junos Space Platform users, except the maintenance mode administrator, are locked out of the Junos Space system.

To restore a database, you must have System Administrator privileges and be a Maintenance Mode administrator.

To restore the database from a remote file:

  1. On the Junos Space Platform user interface, select Administration > Database Backup and Restore.

    The Database Backup and Restore page appears.

  2. Click the Restore From Remote File icon.

    The Restore From Remote File page appears.

  3. In the Username field, enter a username to access the remote server.
  4. In the Password field, enter the corresponding password.
  5. In the Confirm password field, reenter the password.
  6. In the Machine IP field, enter the IP address of the remote server on which the backup file is located.
    • Depending on whether the Junos Space fabric is configured with only IPv4 addresses or both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, Junos Space Platform allows you to enter an IPv4 address or either an IPv4 or IPv6 address respectively for the SCP server.

    • The IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that you use must be valid addresses. Refer to for the list of restricted IPv4 addresses and for the list of restricted IPv6 addresses.

  7. In the File Path field, enter enter the full path of the backup file stored on the remote server.
  8. (Optional) In the Comment field, enter a comment to capture any information about this database restore operation.
  9. Click Restore to start the restore database operation.

    The Restore Database confirmation dialog box appears.


    You must log in to Junos Space Maintenance mode. Junos Space Platform shuts down to restore the database. All data generated after the selected backup will be lost. Junos Space users will not be able to log in to Junos Space Platform during the restore database operation.

  10. Click Continue in the Restore Database dialog box.

    Junos Space Platform prompts you to enter a username and password to log in to the Maintenance mode.

  11. Enter the maintenance mode username and password.
  12. Click OK.

    Junos Space Platform is shut down and other users will be unable to access the system during the restore database operation.

    The Restore Database Status dialog box displays the status of the restore database operation.

  13. In the Restore Database Status dialog box, click Return to Maintenance Menu.

    The Maintenance Mode Options page appears.

  14. In the Maintenance Mode Options page, click Log Out and Exit Maintenance Mode. This action exits maintenance mode, starts up Junos Space Platform, and returns to normal operational mode.

    The process of exiting maintenance mode and restarting Junos Space Platform takes several minutes.


    During startup, the startup page first displays a message indicating that Junos Space Platform is starting up and then displays a progress bar indicating the percentage of startup completed, the estimated time left for the Junos Space Platform to start, and a list of tasks to complete (with an indication of the current task being carried out). When a task is successfully completed, a message is displayed; if a task fails, an error message is displayed indicating why the task failed.

Depending on the contents of the backup file (which contains MySQL data), data is refreshed on the system.