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Exporting the Device Discovery Details As a CSV File

A job is triggered when you discover one or multiple devices by using a device discovery profile—either manually using the Run Now option or through discovery scheduled when creating the device discovery profile. You can export the results of the device discovery job from the Job Management page as a CSV file. You can view the hostname, IP address, status, and description of the devices listed in the device discovery job in the CSV file.

To export the device discovery job details as a CSV file:

  1. On the Network Management Platform user interface, select Jobs > Job Management.
  2. Double-click the device discovery job whose details you want to export as a CSV file.
  3. Click Export as CSV.

    You are prompted to save the file.

  4. Click OK on the File Save dialog box to save the file to your local file system.
  5. After you save the file, to return to the Job Management page, click the [X] icon on the Exporting Discovery Job.