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Configuring the ESX or ESXi Server Parameters on a Node in the Junos Space Fabric

If you want to take a snapshot of a Junos Space server running on a virtual machine within an Elastic Sky X (ESX) or Elastic sky X Integrated (ESXi) server, then it is necessary that you provide the ESX or ESXi server information.

To configure the ESX or ESXi server parameters:

  1. Select Administration > Fabric

    The Fabric page appears.

  2. Right-click the node that you want to configure and select ESX Configuration.

    The ESX Configuration (Node-IP) dialog box is displayed, where Node-IP is the IP address of the node.

  3. In the Server IP text box, enter the IP address of the ESX server.
    • Depending on whether the Junos Space fabric is configured with only IPv4 addresses or both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, Junos Space Platform allows you to enter an IPv4 address or either an IPv4 or IPv6 address respectively for the ESX server.

    • The IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that you use must be valid addresses. Refer to for the list of restricted IPv4 addresses and for the list of restricted IPv6 addresses.

  4. In the VM Name text box, enter the name of the node as configured on the ESX server.
  5. In the Username text box, enter the username to log in to the ESX server.
  6. In the Password field, enter the password to log in to the ESX server.
  7. In the Confirm password field, reenter the password to log in to the ESX server.
  8. Click Confirm to save the ESX server configuration.

    The ESX server parameters are saved. You can now proceed with the system snapshot. For more information, see Creating a System Snapshot.