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Upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform Overview

To upgrade Junos Space Platform, you upload the Junos Space Platform image file to your existing fabric and perform the upgrade using the Junos Space Platform UI. When you perform an upgrade, all nodes in the Junos Space fabric are upgraded to the new software version.


If you are upgrading to Junos Space Platform Release 16.1R1, follow the procedure outlined in Upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1.


For information about the features and updates for a specific Junos Space Platform release, refer to the Junos Space Network Management Platform Release Notes for that release.

This topic has the following sections:

Before You Begin

Before you upgrade Junos Space Platform, ensure that you are aware of the following:

  • Some Junos Space applications may not support a direct upgrade of Junos Space Platform from Release 16.1R1, Release 16.1R2, or Release 16.1R3 to Release 17.2R1; upgrading to Junos Space Platform Release 17.1R1 may be required before upgrading to Release 17.2R1 for some upgrade scenarios. Therefore, review the release notes for all installed Junos Space applications prior to upgrading Junos Space Platform.

  • Upgrading Junos Space Platform clears existing user preferences (set using the User Settings global action icon in the Junos Space banner).

  • Back up all your Junos Space Platform data before you begin the upgrade process. See Backing Up the Junos Space Network Management Platform Database for details to back up data before starting the upgrade process.

  • Download the Junos Space Platform Upgrade image from the Junos Space Network Management Platform Download Software page.


    Do not modify the filename of the software image that you download from the Juniper Networks support site; if you modify the filename, the upgrade fails.

  • You must log in as the default Super Administrator or System Administrator to upgrade Junos Space Platform.

  • Before you upgrade Junos Space Platform, ensure that the time on all Junos Space nodes is synchronized. For information about synchronizing time on Junos Space nodes, see Synchronizing Time Across Junos Space Nodes.

Pre-Upgrade Checks

From Junos Space Platform Release 15.1R1 onward, the system checks for the following before you can upgrade the software:

  • Free disk space—If a node or a cluster fails to meet the minimum disk requirement, an error message is displayed. The minimum available disk space required is 10 GB in the / partition. The error message lists the IP address of the node that fails to meet the requirement. If you receive this error message, you cannot continue the upgrade.

If both the preceding checks fail, an error message is displayed that lists all the preceding information. The upgrade process is not initiated.

How an Upgrade Impacts Previously Installed Junos Space Applications

Junos Space Platform provides the running environment for all Junos Space applications. Hence, the operations of the applications are interrupted during the upgrade. Only the applications that are supported on the version of Junos Space Platform to which you are upgrading are enabled. Other applications running on versions of Junos Space Platform prior to the version to which you are upgrading and that are not supported on that version might be disabled. You must upgrade these disabled applications to the respective compatible version.


Do not add disabled Junos Space applications using the Add Application page (Administration > Applications > Add Application).


Refer to the Upgrade Instructions section in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Release Notes for a specific release to find out the versions of Junos Space Platform that are supported for upgrade.

Performing the Upgrade

Complete the steps outlined in Upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform to upgrade your current Junos Space Platform software to the latest software version.


If you are upgrading to Junos Space Platform Release 16.1R1, follow the procedure outlined in Upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1.

After Junos Space Platform is upgraded, validate that upgrade was successful by logging in to the Junos Space UI.


You can view the version of the installed Junos Space Platform software, click the Help icon on the Junos Space banner and in Help sidebar, click About.