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Integration of OpenNMS with Junos Space Network Management Platform

Starting in Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 24.1R1, OpenNMS is not bundled with Junos Space Network Management Platform. You must install OpenNMS on a separate system.

After you integrate Junos Space Network Management Platform with OpenNMS:

  • When you add or delete any device from Junos Space Network Management Platform, the device list gets updated to the OpenNMS database.

  • You can set SNMP v3 OpenNMS IP trap target on devices managed by Space Network Management Platform.

  • The Junos Space Network Management Platform connection to the OpenNMS enables manual synchronization to avoid any discrepancy between Junos Space Network Management Platform and OpenNMS.

  • Integration of OpenNMS with Junos Space Network Management Platform is validated with OpenNMS Horizon (Version: 32.0.6).

Before You Begin
  1. You must install, configure and procure the OpenNMS license from the OpenNMS Portal as it is not bundled with the Junos Space Network Management Platform.

    For details related to installation and configuration of OpenNMS, see Installation and Configuration of OpenNMS.

  2. To ensure proper integration of OpenNMS with Junos Space Network Management Platform, perform the following procedure on the OpenNMS setup:

    1. To generate the SSL certificate in OpenNMS, see Securing Jetty With HTTPS. This is a sample command to generate the SSL certificate keytool -alias opennms-jetty -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 731 -keystore /opt/opennms/etc/opennms.keystore


      To identify the OpenNMS hostname and to get the correct CN entry, run the following sample command (with IP address of the VM where OpenNMS is installed):

      It is mandatory to provide OpenNMS hostname as the CN entry.

    2. The OpenNMS host for VM must allow the Junos Space Network Management Platform host IPs to access ports 8980, 8443, and 162 to enable communication between the OpenNMS and Junos Space Network Management Platform.

      The following is a sample command to open the ports:

    3. To make changes in the trapd-configuration.xml file, use port 162 for snmpv3 traps and add an entry for snmpv3 trap. For more details, see Managing SNMPv3 Trap Configuration. The following is a sample output:

To integrate OpenNMS with Junos Space Network Management Platform:

Starting in Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 24.1R1, Junos Space Network Management Platform is set to Disable network monitoring for all devices by default. You must enable Network Monitoring from the Application Settings or run sh /var/www/cgi-bin/ enable command on the JBoss VIP node.

  1. Log in to the CLI of the Junos Space node on which the VIP or the eth0:0 interface is configured.

    The Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed.

  2. Enter 7 at the Junos Space Network Management Platform settings menu prompt to run shell commands.

    The following is a sample output:

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  3. Enter the administrator password.

  4. Integrate OpenNMS server through Junos Space Network Management Platform by running sh /var/www/cgi-bin/ command on the JBoss VIP node.

    The following is a sample output on a cluster environment:

    • Provide the host and credential details for OpenNMS as per your setup.

      • The OpenNMS host NameServer returns the information in the nslookup command output.

      • The DNS of OpenNMS must be same as the CN entry in point 1.

      The following is a sample output:

    • To enable throttling of sync to OpenNMS:


      When throttling is enabled, sync between the Junos Space Network Management Platform and the OpenNMS happens every hour.

      It is recommended to have throttling enabled, but it is mandatory when Junos Space Network Management Platform manages more than 1000 devices.

      The following is a sample output:

  5. If you select Y for JBoss restart, services stops and restarts on all the nodes.

    After completion, you can log in to the Junos Space Network Management Platform GUI and use Network Monitoring.

    Junos Space Network Management Platform provides an option to redirect to OpenNMS application on the Network Monitoring window.

  6. If you select N, you must manually restart JBoss on all the nodes before using Network Monitoring.


Since, OpenNMS is decoupled from Junos Space Network Management Platform, if you want to monitor the Junos Space node(s) through OpenNMS, you must add the node(s) manually. For details, see Monitoring Nodes in the Fabric.

Update the OpenNMS password

Incase the OpenNMS password is modified, run sh /var/www/cgi-bin/ command on the JBoss VIP node to update the OpenNMS password .

The following is a sample output: