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Workspaces User Guide
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Uninstalling a Junos Space Application

date_range 06-May-21

The Uninstall application action allows the administrator to remove a Junos Space application independently while the system is still running. Uninstalling an application cleans up all database data and any process the application used. You can uninstall a Junos Space application from the Applications inventory page.

To uninstall a Junos Space application:

  1. Select Administration > Applications.

    The Applications inventory page appears.

  2. Select the application you want to uninstall and select Uninstall Application from the Actions menu.

    The Uninstall Application dialog box appears.

  3. Select the application to confirm that you want to uninstall.
  4. Click Uninstall.

    The application uninstall process begins and the Junos Space application is removed from Junos Space Network Management Platform. The association between the uninstalled application and the server group from which it was uninstalled is lost. The server group itself is not removed by the uninstallation of an application. However, if you want to delete the server group along with the application, use the JBoss Management CLI (see Running Applications in Separate Server Instances).


It is important that you uninstall the applications in the right order: from the dependent applications to the primary application. The uninstallation might fail if there are any dependent applications.

For example, if you try to uninstall Network Activate without uninstalling dependent applications, such as Transport Activate or OAM Insight, the following error message is displayed and the uninstallation fails: .

Network Activate Uninstall failed! Details: Uninstalling Network Activate is not possible until the dependency apps are uninstalled first Transport Activate, OAM Insight, Sync Design & NWappsAPI

The display of such messages depends on the type and version of the application being uninstalled.
