Performing an Initial Configuration of a QFX10000
Before you begin connecting and configuring the switch, set the following parameter values on the console server or PC:
Baud Rate—9600
Flow Control—None
Stop Bits—1
DCD State—Disregard
You must perform the initial configuration of a QFX10000 modular switch through the console port using the command-line interface (CLI) or through Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). On QFX10002 fixed-chassis models, in addition to using the CLI, you may also use ZTP. In order to provision the QFX10002 using ZTP, you must have access to a Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) server and a File Transfer Protocol (anonymous FTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), or Trivial File Transfer Potocol (TFTP) server on which the software image and configuration files are stored. For more information about using ZTP for provisioning the device, see Zero Touch Provisioning Overview.
The following procedure sets up the QFX10000 using the command-line interface (CLI).
To connect and configure the switch from the console: