- play_arrow Get Started
- play_arrow Organization Management
- Organization and Sites Overview
- Add an Organization
- Delete an Organization
- Manage Organization Settings
- Authentication Methods Overview
- Manage Identity Providers
- Manage Roles
- Manage API Tokens
- Configure Webhooks to Receive Event Notifications in Third-Party Applications
- Integrate Your Juniper Support Resources to Your Organization
- play_arrow Site Management
- play_arrow User Management
- play_arrow Inventory Management
- play_arrow Audit Logs
- play_arrow Licensing
- play_arrow Marvis VNA for Data Center
- play_arrow Monitor and Troubleshoot Data Center Events
- play_arrow Service Awareness
- play_arrow Impact Analysis
- play_arrow Service Level Expectations
- play_arrow Alerts
- play_arrow Help & Support
Juniper Apstra Cloud Services User Guide
Use this guide to understand the features and the tasks that you can perform from the Juniper Apstra Cloud Services (ACS) application. This guide provides feature overviews and procedures that help you understand the features and perform the various tasks.
Juniper Apstra Cloud Services is a SaaS-based Day 2 observability platform for data centers that are managed using Juniper Apstra. The AI-powered Marvis Virtual Network Assistant for Data Center in Juniper Apstra Cloud Services enables you to monitor data center events and anomalies in real-time and resolve them proactively before they impact network traffic.