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Audit Logs Main Page Fields

Use this page to view and export audit logs. You can also purge or archive and purge audit logs. You can filter and sort the audit logs displayed, and view details of each audit log entry. Table 1 describes the fields on this page.

Table 1: Audit Logs Main Page Fields




ID of the audit log entry.


Username of the initiator of the task.

User IP

IP address of the client from which the user initiated the task.


Domain from which the user initiated the task.


Name of the application from which the user initiated the task:

  • Displays Network Management Platform for tasks initiated for Junos Space Network Management Platform features.

  • Displays Security Director for tasks was initiated for Security Director features.


Name of the task that triggered the audit log. For example, Create User, Modify User, Import Roles, Login, and so on.


Timestamp for the audit log file, which is stored in UTC time in the database but mapped to the local time zone of the client computer.


Result of the task that triggered the audit log:

  • Success—Job is completed successfully.

  • Failure—Job failed and is terminated.

  • Job Scheduled—Job is scheduled but has not yet started.

  • Recurring Job Scheduled—Job scheduled with recurrence.


Description of the audit log.

Job ID

ID of the job-based task. Click the job-id link to view information about the job in the Job Management page.