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Schedules Main Page Fields

Use the Schedules page to create, view, and delete schedules. A schedule allows you to restrict access to a resource, or remove a restriction to a resource, for a specified period of time. You can filter and sort this information to get a better understanding of what you want to configure. Table 1 describes the fields on this page.

Table 1: Schedules Main Page Fields




Name of the schedule; maximum length is 63 characters.


Description for the schedule; maximum length is 900 characters.

Rule Count

Number of rules associated with the policy.

Date Ranges

Shows whether the schedule is active always or on specific start and end dates. Dates appear in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Time Ranges

Shows whether the schedule is active daily, are any days excluded, or it is only active for specific times of the day. Times appear in HH:MM:SS format.