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Monitor the vSRX Virtual Firewall VM in KVM

date_range 27-May-23

You can monitor the overall state of the vSRX Virtual Firewall VM with virt-manager or virsh.

To monitor the vSRX Virtual Firewall VM with virt-manager:

  1. From the virt-manager GUI, select the vSRX Virtual Firewall VM you want to monitor.
  2. Select View>Graph and select the statistics you want to monitor. Options include CPU, memory, disk I/O, and network interface statistics.

    The window updates with thumbnail graphs for the statistics you selected.

  3. Optionally, double-click on the thumbnail graph to expand the view.

To monitor the vSRX Virtual Firewall VM with virsh, use the commands listed in Table 1.

Table 1: virsh Monitor Commands



virsh cpu-stats vm-name

Lists the CPU statistics for the VM.

virsh domifstat vm-name interface-name

Displays the vNIC statistics for the VM.

virsh dommemstat vm-name

Displays memory statistics for the VM.

virsh vcpuinfo vm-name

Displays vCPU details for the VM.

virsh nodecpustats

Displays CPU statistics for the host OS.
