- play_arrow Fast Track: Initial Installation
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Site Planning, Preparation, and Specifications
- play_arrow Initial Installation and Configuration
- PTX10016 Installation Overview
- Unpack the PTX10016 Router
- Mount the PTX10016 by Using the JNP10004-RMK-4POST Rack Mount Kit
- Mount the PTX10016 by Using the EX-MOD-RMK-4POST Rack Mount Kit
- Install and Maintain the Front Door and its Components on the PTX10016 Router
- Connect the PTX10016 Router to Power
- Connect the PTX10016 Router to External Devices
- Register Products—Mandatory to Validate SLAs
- Perform the Initial Configuration for the PTX10016 Router
- play_arrow Maintain Components
- Maintain the PTX10016 Routing and Control Boards
- Maintain the PTX10016 Cooling System Components
- Maintain the PTX10016 Power System Components
- Maintain the PTX10016 Switch Fabric Components
- Maintain the PTX10016 Line Cards
- Maintain the PTX10016 Transceivers and Fiber-Optic Cables
- Remove the PTX10016 Router from the Rack
- play_arrow Troubleshoot Hardware
- play_arrow Contact Customer Support and Return the Chassis or Components
Radiation from Open Port Apertures Warning
Because invisible radiation might be emitted from the aperture of the port when no fiber cable is connected, avoid exposure to radiation and do not stare into open apertures.
Waarschuwing Aangezien onzichtbare straling vanuit de opening van de poort kan komen als er geen fiberkabel aangesloten is, dient blootstelling aan straling en het kijken in open openingen vermeden te worden.
Varoitus Koska portin aukosta voi emittoitua näkymätöntä säteilyä, kun kuitukaapelia ei ole kytkettynä, vältä säteilylle altistumista äläkä katso avoimiin aukkoihin.
Avertissement Des radiations invisibles à l'il nu pouvant traverser l'ouverture du port lorsqu'aucun câble en fibre optique n'y est connecté, il est recommandé de ne pas regarder fixement l'intérieur de ces ouvertures.
Warnung Aus der Port-Öffnung können unsichtbare Strahlen emittieren, wenn kein Glasfaserkabel angeschlossen ist. Vermeiden Sie es, sich den Strahlungen auszusetzen, und starren Sie nicht in die Öffnungen!
Avvertenza Quando i cavi in fibra non sono inseriti, radiazioni invisibili possono essere emesse attraverso l'apertura della porta. Evitate di esporvi alle radiazioni e non guardate direttamente nelle aperture.
Advarsel Unngå utsettelse for stråling, og stirr ikke inn i åpninger som er åpne, fordi usynlig stråling kan emiteres fra portens åpning når det ikke er tilkoblet en fiberkabel.
Aviso Dada a possibilidade de emissão de radiação invisível através do orifício da via de acesso, quando esta não tiver nenhum cabo de fibra conectado, deverá evitar an EXposição à radiação e não deverá olhar fixamente para orifícios que se encontrarem a descoberto.
¡Atención! Debido a que la apertura del puerto puede emitir radiación invisible cuando no existe un cable de fibra conectado, evite mirar directamente a las aperturas para no exponerse a la radiación.
Varning! Osynlig strålning kan avges från en portöppning utan ansluten fiberkabel och du bör därför undvika att bli utsatt för strålning genom att inte stirra in i oskyddade öppningar.