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Example: IKE Dynamic SA Between an AS PIC and an ES PIC Configuration

Figure 1: AS PIC to ES PIC IKE Dynamic SA Topology DiagramAS PIC to ES PIC IKE Dynamic SA Topology Diagram

Figure 1 shows a hybrid configuration that allows you to create an IPSec tunnel between the AS PIC and the ES PIC. Router 2 contains an AS PIC at sp-1/2/0 and Router 3 has an ES PIC at es-0/3/0. To establish an IPSec tunnel using an IKE dynamic SA, the key is to learn the default IKE SA and IPSec SA settings built into the AS PIC and configure them explicitly on the ES PIC. Routers 1 and 4 again provide basic connectivity and are used to verify that the IPSec tunnel is operational.

On Router 1, provide basic OSPF connectivity to Router 2.

Router 1

On Router 2, enable OSPF as the underlying routing protocol to connect to Routers 1 and 3. Configure a bidirectional IKE dynamic SA in a rule called rule-ike at the [edit ipsec-vpn rule] hierarchy level. Reference this rule in a service set called service-set-dynamic-BiEspsha3des at the [edit services service-set] hierarchy level.

Using default values in the AS PIC, you do not need to specify an IPSec proposal, IPSec policy, or IKE proposal. However, you do need to configure a preshared key in an IKE policy with the pre-shared-key statement at the [edit services ipsec-vpn ike policy policy-name] hierarchy level. (For more information about default IKE and IPSec policies and proposals on the AS PIC, see Configuring IKE Dynamic SAs.)

To direct traffic into the AS PIC and the IPSec tunnel, include match conditions in the rule-ike IPSec VPN rule to match inbound traffic from Router 1 that is destined for Router 4. Because the rule is already referenced by the service set, apply the service set to the so-0/0/1 interface. To count the amount of traffic that enters the IPsec tunnel, configure a firewall filter called ipsec-tunnel and apply it to the sp-1/2/0 interface.

Router 2

Router 2

On Router 3, enable OSPF as the underlying routing protocol to connect to Routers 2 and 4. Configure a bidirectional IKE dynamic SA called sa-dynamic at the [edit security ipsec security-association] hierarchy level. To allow the ES PIC to communicate with the IKE dynamic SA established on Router 2, you must explicitly configure the same policies and proposals on the ES PIC that are available by default on the AS PIC. (For more information about default IKE and IPSec policies and proposals on the AS PIC, see Configuring IKE Dynamic SAs.)

For your IKE policy and proposal, use preshared keys for the authentication method, SHA-1 for the authentication algorithm, 3DES-CBC for encryption, group 2 for the Diffie-Hellman group, main mode, 3600 seconds for the lifetime, and a preshared key of juniper for the initial IKE negotiation. For your IPSec policy and proposal, use ESP for the protocol, HMAC-SHA1-96 for authentication, 3DES-CBC for encryption, 28800 seconds for the lifetime, and group 2 for the PFS group.

To direct traffic into the ES PIC and the IPSec tunnel, create two firewall filters. The es-traffic filter matches inbound traffic from Router 4 destined for Router 1, whereas the es-return filter matches the return path from Router 1 to Router 4. Apply the es-traffic filter to the so-0/0/0 interface; then apply both the es-return filter and the sa-dynamic SA to the es-0/3/0 interface.

Router 3

Router 4

On Router 3, enable OSPF as the underlying routing protocol to connect to Routers 2 and 4. Configure a bidirectional IKE dynamic SA called sa-dynamic at the [edit security ipsec security-association] hierarchy level. To allow the ES PIC to communicate with the IKE dynamic SA established on Router 2, you must explicitly configure the same policies and proposals on the ES PIC that are available by default on the AS PIC. (For more information about default IKE and IPSec policies and proposals on the AS PIC, see Configuring IKE Dynamic SAs.)

For your IKE policy and proposal, use preshared keys for the authentication method, SHA-1 for the authentication algorithm, 3DES-CBC for encryption, group 2 for the Diffie-Hellman group, main mode, 3600 seconds for the lifetime, and a preshared key of juniper for the initial IKE negotiation. For your IPSec policy and proposal, use ESP for the protocol, HMAC-SHA1-96 for authentication, 3DES-CBC for encryption, 28800 seconds for the lifetime, and group 2 for the PFS group.

To direct traffic into the ES PIC and the IPSec tunnel, create two firewall filters. The es-traffic filter matches inbound traffic from Router 4 destined for Router 1, whereas the es-return filter matches the return path from Router 1 to Router 4. Apply the es-traffic filter to the so-0/0/0 interface; then apply both the es-return filter and the sa-dynamic SA to the es-0/3/0 interface.

Router 3

Router 4

Verifying Your Work

To verify proper operation of an IKE-based dynamic SA on the AS PIC, use the following commands:

  • ping

  • show services ipsec-vpn ike security-associations (detail)

  • show services ipsec-vpn ipsec security-associations (detail)

  • traceroute

To verify proper operation of an IKE-based dynamic SA on the ES PIC, use the following commands:

  • ping

  • show ike security-associations (detail)

  • show ipsec security-associations (detail)

  • traceroute

The following sections show the output of these commands used with the configuration example:

Router 1

On Router 1, issue a ping command to the so-0/0/0 interface of Router 4 to send traffic across the IPSec tunnel.

You can also issue the traceroute command to verify that traffic to travels over the IPsec tunnel between Router 2 and Router 3. Notice that the traced path does not reference—the physical interface on Router 3. Instead, traffic arriving at Router 2 is immediately filtered into the IPSec tunnel and the path is listed as unknown with the *** notation. This indicates that the IPSec tunnel is operating correctly.

Router 2

One way to verify that matched traffic is being diverted to the bidirectional IPSec tunnel is to view the firewall filter counter. Before any traffic flows, the ipsec-tunnel firewall filter counter looks like this:

After you issue the ping command from Router 1 (four packets) to, the ipsec-tunnel firewall filter counter looks like this:

After you issue the ping command from both Router 1 to (four packets) and from Router 4 to (six packets), the ipsec-tunnel firewall filter counter looks like this:

To verify that the IKE SA negotiation is successful, issue the show services ipsec-vpn ike security-associations detail command. Notice that the SA contains the default IKE settings inherent in the AS PIC, such as SHA-1 for the authentication algorithm and 3DES-CBC for the encryption algorithm.

To verify that the IPsec security association is active, issue the show services ipsec-vpn ipsec security-associations detail command. Notice that the SA contains the default settings inherent in the AS PIC, such as ESP for the protocol and HMAC-SHA1-96 for the authentication algorithm.

Router 3

View the firewall filter counter to continue verifying that matched traffic is being diverted to the bidirectional IPsec tunnel. After you issue the ping command from Router 1 (four packets), the es-traffic firewall filter counter looks like this:

After you issue the ping command from both Router 1 (four packets) and Router 4 (six packets), the es-traffic firewall filter counter looks like this:

To verify the success of the IKE security association on the ES PIC, issue the show ike security-associations detail command. Notice that the IKE SA on Router 3 contains the same settings you specified on Router 2.

To verify that the IPsec security association is active, issue the show ipsec security-associations detail command. Notice that the IPsec SA on Router 3 contains the same settings you specified on Router 2.

Router 4

On Router 4, issue a ping command to the so-0/0/0 interface on Router 1 to send traffic across the IPsec tunnel.

Again, the traceroute command verifies that traffic to travels over the IPsec tunnel between Router 3 and Router 2. Notice that the second hop does not reference—the physical interface on Router 2. Instead, the second hop is listed as unknown with the *** notation. This indicates that the IPsec tunnel is operating correctly.